It had been over a week since Esthela had sought sanctuary in the forest, and there had been nary a sign of life from her brothers. Fear began to take hold, each passing day amplifying her anxiety. Oddly enough, she encountered no perilous beasts near her cabin. In time, she found a semblance of security amidst the trees and even dared to bathe in the bewitching waterfall located just behind her dwelling.
During her ablutions, Esthela noted that the deer, steadfast companions since her arrival, would discreetly withdraw whenever she began to disrobe. It was as though they were guardians of her modesty, providing a silent vigil. The larger of the pair, in particular, seemed ever-present. This observation led Esthela to alter her routine; she opted to bathe clothed rather than bare. The continued presence of the elder stag during these moments lent her a comforting sense of protection and tranquillity.
On that particular day, Esthela resolved to approach the deer. She procured fresh branches from a plant favoured by the creatures and advanced towards them with cautious steps. The deer regarded her, their ears occasionally flickering in response to her movements. When Esthela came within a step of the smaller deer, it bolted, startled.
However, the larger deer stayed and, to her surprise, drew near, gently nibbling on the branch she proffered. Suddenly, the girl locked eyes with him and fled. Baffled, the deer could not fathom why the girl had taken fright and sought sanctuary within her cabin.
"What do you reckon happened, Oryun? I did nothing untoward; simply gazed upon her. Why did she take to her heels in such alarm?" Prince Erick inquired of his companion, bemused by the turn of events. "I even partook of her offering, despite finding it distasteful."
"Your human pet is indeed an enigma," Oryun replied.
"I'm inclined to concur. Engaging with other humans has proved far simpler. It eludes me why she was so perturbed. I was merely observing her because she began to sing a melody that was once dear to my grandmother. It kindled a sense of exhilaration within me," Prince Erick confessed.
"And your eyes turned red?" Oryun enquired.
"I believe so. You're aware my eyes assume a crimson hue of their own accord when I'm taken by excitement or ire," Prince Erick elucidated.
"You must master this, Erick. My father is correct; it is imperative for you to command the formidable powers at your behest. Perhaps that's what alarmed her. Have you ever espied any of the creatures they're accustomed to with red eyes? Certainly not! She likely mistook you for a fiend, as they are often portrayed," Oryun deduced.
"Do you reckon that was the cause?" Prince Erick mused.
"I am convinced of it. Now, we ought to ascertain whether the humans accompanying her have met their demise, so we may afford them a dignified interment," Oryun proposed.
"And my human?" Prince Erick queried.
"Engage the barrier! Besides, I highly doubt she'll dare to emerge after beholding your vermillion gaze. Ha, ha, ha... Your 'pet' is indeed quite the source of amusement," Oryun chortled with a hint of roguishness.
"Cease calling her a pet! Very well, let's engage the barrier and investigate their fate."
After emitting a sound that signalled their departure for a hunting expedition and scattered the wildlife, they ascended into the sky and conjured a protective barrier around the hut. This enchantment barred any outsider from entering and any dweller from leaving. They then took flight towards the mountain where Esthela's three brothers lay in a cave.
"Did you not claim they were close to death?" Prince Erick enquired as he stepped into the cave and noted the trio still shrouded in healing energy, a sign of their vitality. Oryun regarded them with astonishment and incredulity. Their bodies were mending gradually, even as they remained in profound torpor.
"Erick, do these humans not strike you as peculiar?" Oryun queried.
"In what way do you mean? Was it not you who said your salve was applied to them to expedite their recovery? It appears to be efficacious," Prince Erick retorted.
"Indeed, I did so, but I professed it was futile. Nor did I administer this restorative aura. Its provenance is a mystery to me. Moreover, it's green, a hue I've never before encountered. Observe for yourself. I am convinced it is not my balm that is healing them," Oryun elucidated.
"What are you implying? I discern no anomaly with them," Prince Erick responded, scrutinising the slumbering humans.
"Come, observe how swiftly their blood flows; it is as though he himself has enshrouded them, fostering their recuperation, particularly this robust one. Draw nearer! Behold, it is he who radiates that verdant energy from his brow. It appears he has lacerated his palm and anointed the others as well as himself with his lifeblood."
Prince Erick edged closer to Lotha, corroborating his companion's remarks. He spied the flint near Lotha's hand, tainted with blood. Lotha bore numerous gashes on his limbs, some freshly daubed with his own sanguine essence. Prince Erick was confounded by this tableau. What could it portend? What manner of man was Lotha to emit both healing and protective energies at once? The prince's inquisitiveness intensified as he endeavoured to fathom the mystery of this enigmatic being.
"Could he be one of those so-called potent enchanters?" Oryun posed, eyeing them with a mix of wonder and scepticism. "If so, why did they not shield themselves on that fateful day?"
"Do they bear the scent of your human? Are they kin to her?" Prince Erick queried, advancing towards them to discern their fragrances. Indeed, they shared the same scent as his human. They were undeniably her kin or, at the very least, shared a domicile. Armed with this knowledge, Prince Erick resolved to devote his energies to Lotha, who seemed the most formidable and compelling of the trio. He shrouded Lotha in a potent regenerative aura, a force typically reserved for the dragons. This power served the dual purpose of mending his wounds and potentially unveiling his arcane nature.
"What are you about, my prince? You'll render him deathless!" Oryun exclaimed, his voice tinged with alarm as he beheld Lotha bathed in resplendent light.
"No, I am merely ascertaining the essence of his being and whether my energy exerts any influence upon him. Observe how he assimilates it!" Prince Erick declared, marveling at Lotha's capacity to imbibe his energy. More than that, he sensed an inexplicable bond burgeoning between them, and Lotha's restoration proceeded at a remarkable pace. It was inconceivable!
They had never before come across a human with such capacity. Overcome with trepidation, Prince Erick gingerly repositioned Lotha and ceased to shroud him with the restorative energy, thereby cutting off their connection. Despite this, Lotha's healing persisted, now enveloped in a potent viridian glow that also encompassed his siblings.
"What do you make of this? It's not human. None can assimilate healing energy in such manner. It is an ability exclusive to dragons and certain otherworldly entities. Yet, I detect no dragon's essence within," Erick mused aloud. "Moreover, it formed a bond with me, drawing upon my life force. And observe its protective stance over its kin, even whilst vulnerable. It's quite remarkable."
"Do you reckon they might be dragons masquerading as humans, concealing their true essence from us?" Oryun conjectured. "If that's the case, then your human companion would also be of dragonkind, yet she exhibits no such traits. We would have surely taken note."
"No, the connection I share with all dragons of our realm, as their prince, is absent in them. It's conceivable that our bloodlines intersect, or perchance they are part of a different potent human lineage," Prince Erick contemplated. "Just witness their continual regeneration. And beyond that, see the aura he emits whilst safeguarding the younger ones. They are without question beings of supernatural origin, yet I am at a loss to pinpoint their exact nature. Unless they belong to those humans who have mastered the magic that my forefather alleges was purloined from our ancestors."
"Perhaps, though ought you not to recognise her? I suspect he is her elder brother, which would account for his vehement protection of them. Did I not impart to you their distinctiveness? So, what is our course of action? Shall we escort them to the hut with your human?" Oryun proffered.
"No, let us allow them the opportunity to convalesce here independently. We cannot be certain of their capacity for recovery, but we might return to assess them anon. Should they have recuperated, it would be advantageous for them to tend to my human in my absence. Upon our return to the palace, we shall delve into the existence of humans who can withstand our healing energies," Prince Erick resolved. "I shall engage with Grandfather directly on this issue, circumventing my father. We must not forget our proscription against human contact, and yet, here we are, having flouted that very edict since our arrival. If it emerges that they tolerate our healing energies, I will administer aid and convey them to my human."
"That is indeed so. Should my father become apprised of our dealings, his wrath would be inevitable. He forewarned me to eschew human interaction. Might these individuals represent the elusive dragons so frequently alluded to and earnestly sought?" Oryun mused.
"I don't believe so. As I've stated, I detect not a whisper of dragon's essence within them. It's something wholly different, something alien," Prince Erick replied.
Uttering an incantation, Prince Erick wove a protective sphere of energy around the slumbering figures. He then secured the cave's entrance, ensuring none would inadvertently discover them. His task completed, he returned to the hut where Esthela lay concealed, her fear of the demon palpable.
"We cannot risk transforming back into deer; the shock might terrify her," Prince Erick reflected.
"What do you propose we do?" Oryun enquired.
"We shall stay in our dragon forms by her side, yet we must take care that she does not catch sight of us," Erick suggested.
"She did not glimpse my crimson gaze. Perhaps if you can keep your hue constant and maintain a distance, she might regain her trust, recognising that we are not demonic beings."
"It's not without merit. Of all creatures, it is the deer I am fondest of. It affords me a certain comfort, for I need not conceal my horns," Prince Erick confided.
"Then let us proceed as I've advised. You'll see, in time she'll shed her fear of you," Oryun encouraged.
"How many hours remain until our evening festivities and the dance? I've no wish to incur Father's ire by failing to attend," Prince Erick queried.
"Let us reckon the time. Scarcely an hour has elapsed since our arrival. Recall, a month in human terms, yet merely seven days have unfurled," the second character elucidated.
"Don't fret; Father is bound to summon me. And I have no desire to forgo the spectacle of the dragon procession. Allow me a moment to convert this to human reckoning," he added.
"It was two of the clock post meridiem when we alighted, which affords us roughly six hours until the commencement of the dance. Thus, it's six months by human measure, but only seven days have transpired. We are afforded ample time," the prince declared, observing his companion's look of astonishment. "Why do you gaze upon me so? My aversion to arithmetic notwithstanding, I am not without skill in it. Let us see what my human makes of this."