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Chapter 5

I packed all my things ready to leave from this wrecked building before the sunset. You know the rumour, right? The monster will show up after 6 and eat people whoever crosses its path.

Sighing heavily, I locked my cabin and walked down the stairs to call Emiem who would be expected to flirting with that Rakesh.

What's she find in him? I didn't get the point. He is just a normal handsome man who has extra cocky attitude.


Huh? Where is the sound coming from? I rushed to the ground floor where all my colleagues were gathering in front of the two men, one is on the verge of losing his breath where another one has a solid grip around his throat.

"Who the heck did this?" His eyes were furious like a king cobra and the vein in his neck telling me that he was deadly serious.

In between the violent, my eyes landed on the beautiful 'Royal Enfield' shining with armour because of my artwork and I chuckled inwardly.

"I don't..know, Sir. Last time I saw the girl standing beside your bike and I even warned her to stay away from your bike... I think the girl must have done this.." He almost coughed.

I looked at the person who is in his last breath and realised he is one of the maintainers who I met in the parking area and the conversation they are having is all about me. The girl who painted his bullet by her lipstick is, me!!!

Oh! God!! Please don't give my name.

"And who the hell is that girl?" He asked, his voice raised even before enough to make everyone deaf. I think he has a bad history with girls.

"I don't know her name, maybe..." and his eyes wandered around my colleagues. He scanned one by one until his gaze set on me.

I gulped down and shook my head slowly, not to tell him but he pointed his fingers towards me and everyone including him looked at my direction and their mouth formed in a big "O" shape where I stood like a statue.

Dad!! I'm coming to you...

He let go off that poor man's throat and took dangerous steps towards me, his eyes blazed with anger. My mind screamed me to run and I ran without thinking, screaming for help.

I could hear his footsteps just behind an inch until I stopped abruptly by the wall that brought me goosebumps in my stomach. I have no place to hide.

The wall..the wall...who sets the wall here? My body felt cold and I shivered sensing his body very close to me. All the hair in my body stood up where my heart racing fastly ready to burst out.

I didn't turn around rather he made any movement. I stood there facing the wall what seemed to be an hour, besides my phone in my purse is vibrating each and every second.

Whoever is calling has no patient. I cursed them mentally.

Slowly but hesitantly I turned my head decided to ask him a sorry but he is no longer there. Where did he go? Thank god! I'm saved. I let out a long sigh that I'm holding for an hour.

I took out my phone from my purse when I felt another vibration and the culprit, the one who has no patient is my lovely friend, Emiem.

"Tell me, Emiemmm." I put my phone in the loudspeaker where my eyes wandering around the hallway as to find any trace of dangerous. Who knows he may jump in front of me and kill me right here.

"Reil, look at the time." She panted.

I looked down my phone and my eyes popped out of my sockets. I literally cried. It's past at 5.40 pm. I can't reach the cottage on time. That's it. I'm going to die.

"Don't waste time. Run from there!!" She yelled through the phone.

"Where should I go?" I yelled back partially running.

"Are you kidding me? Come here you -"

"Cut the crap. I'm coming." I put my phone in my jean pocket and started to run like P.T Usha. But...

I stopped in my track when I saw the smirking walking stick who is about to start his bullet and the drawings I have done in his was faded like it never happened.

He glanced his wristwatch and licked his already wet pink lips as he is going to eat me alive or tear me apart. And the victory in his dark black eyes was telling me that he has planned this intentionally.

Definitely, he has planned this. He is the reason why I wasted my precious time facing the wall all along. He wanted my dead. How cruel. Throwing him one disgusting glare I ran from the place.

In the corner of my heart, I have a feeling that I will make it there without any damage because the monster is not real, but my mind yelling me that someone is watching my every move.

For a second I wanted to stop in my track and look back but I have no guts for that. I wanted to live. I don't want to get killed by the monster if it is real.

And for god sake, I can see the cottage from here which is encouraging me to run even faster because I almost reached. "That's it. I reached... I reached... I reached..."

Even before my hand contact the metal gate, a sharp nail dug my flesh and I fell down with my face. Thankfully, the gate was not locked and I crawled inside.

Officially, I'm not in the land anymore and the monster has a rule like it eats people whoever is wandering around its land after 6. I was saved until the monster changes its rule.

My back would be bleeding right now. That was hell kinda true. I can feel it.

Gathering all my remaining energy, I turned around and looked at the huge image standing in front of me just outside of the gate.

Why it couldn't be a Lion or a Tiger or a Rhinoceros? My mind started to spin around. Oh God! All the time they were telling me a truth but I didn't trust each word of them.

It was a real monster, a huge brown clour monster whose tooth was sharp as a blazer rod. Its grey eyes were burning with anger but its mouth, it is smirking at me.


And it's next action made me emit the whole content I ate in the morning. It licked its forefinger like a kid who has a chocolate stain on his finger but here the monster has bloodstain, my blood!!!

Giving me one sinister smirk, it ran past the cottage where I'm losing my conscious time by time and I fell into the deep darkness.

Hope it would be a dream when I woke up from my sleep but my back is hurting like someone is cutting me into pieces giving me a cue as it's not a dream. It's fucking real!!!


"Reil, why don't you take rest?" Dacy asked, her perfect eyebrows furrowed with worries.

When they found me lying unconscious in front of the door, they got alerted and brought me inside my room. They have no idea about the encounter I had with the monster.

Emiem said I have a deep cut on my back just above my butt and asked me how it happened. I assured her that I have no idea about the said wound, maybe it happened when I tripped on the ground with my butt off where I lost my conscious.

She eyed me suspiciously like she saw me falling my face not my butt, but said no words.

"We have only six months and I don't want to waste a single hour," I said honestly, flashing a sad smile towards her.

At first, I thought It wouldn't be tough to prove them wrong but they were right, besides all the while I'm the one who predicts everything wrong and I'm ashamed of myself.

Now I had to play a double role in front of my colleagues but I don't know how long I'm going to hide the truth. "Soon, they will find by themselves, don't worry." My inner mind answered but I'm not happy with that.

I don't want them to figure out the truth this earlier. They will freak out once they know the monster is real, maybe some will die of a heart attack. No!! I will do before anything happen.

"Guys! I'm leaving!!" I yelled before starting my red colour Scooty, my baby. I have no strength to walk so I decided to use my Scooty, instead of walking 30 minutes.

"I'm coming!!" Emiem yelled but her bad, I passed the gate already. I waved at her before sped up my baby while she is throwing me her best glare.

I parked my baby far away from his bullet, occasionally hiding my baby from his dark eyes. Once I was satisfied, I used the lift to reach the first floor where my ugly as rotten egg cabin is waiting for me.

I walked out of the elevator once the icon turned red and spotted on his back while he is ordering someone about the work.


My nose flared and I felt the more pain behind my back. He is the reason for everything. I looked around and reached the sharp stone which would definitely have his blood. I walked like a kitten to my cabin and unlocked the door without creating any noise. I spare a glance at him and the stone in my hand.

Without thinking I angled the stone in his direction and threw at him as how much force I can use. I heard him shriek loudly like a baby before entering my cabin and smiled vicariously. He deserved this.

And the remaining day went blank as my colleagues started to collect the papers about heil while I was thinking my brain out as how to handle the situation.

I had my lunch in my cabin and I was overheard from the worker who was fixing the light in front of my cabin saying someone planned to murder the head of the manager. I was not satisfied, I want to hear more.

Then another worker fed the information I want, "He had bleeding on the back of his head and he didn't figure out who has done to him. Poor man. The stone is like a gun blazer."


Smiling vigorously, I went to the parking area to pick my baby but the smile in my face faded right away the moment my eyes landed on the place where I parked my baby in the morning.

He can't be serious...


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