"I've met this stupid jerk on the library's rooftop, George. He said he wanted to be a friend."
George flashed her a quick look through the rear-view mirror and chuckled. "Does making a friend bother you, señorita?"
"It does," she said in a small voice. "The hardest part of this mission is not eliminating the target. I—It’s probably leaving all the people I might connect with in my stay here. I don't want that to happen when I’m done with my mission."
She just received a small grunt from him but she knew that the old man completely understood what she meant.
"Then,” he replied. “You have to do what your father told you, señorita—eliminate the target A.S.A.P."
Hearing that, she turned to stare at the window and admired the canopy of trees they passed by the street, and not making any more comments of what George said. But then he’s right. She had to kill the target before she developed any strings of relationships with anyone in the school. Thinking of the possibilities, the face of the boy briefly crossed her cluttered mind. Everything about him was familiar. It just occurred to her that she had already seen him somewhere. She was sure that Yolo was not just a stranger. But where?
'Yolo. Who the fuck are you?’ Are you a friend or a foe?'
Tiffany was assisted by her father's bodyguards as they walked her towards the private chopper that her father sent for her. She was informed earlier that day about the special meeting with the Alphas in Ormon City.
“Did my father give you any specific instruction about this trip?” she asked the goon that her father sent for her.
“No, señorita. He just said you have to be there.” Tiffany immediately climbed onto the chopper and settled on her seat. From Libangon, the group will travel to a private place in Ormon City whereas her father will also be meeting with the city mayor. Ormon was located miles away from Libangon, but with Tiffany riding on her father's private chopper, it will just be a three-hour ride. She heard that her father and the city mayor will have a partnership in a certain business venture. But she's pretty sure such business will never come clean. It's already past six in the evening and the wind felt icy on her skin. Despite her thick coat, the cold still seeped through her inside, stirring the void that she had been feeling since she was a kid. Biting her lip, she decided to focus on the task at hand. She tucked her right hand inside her front pocket as a bodyguard put a headset on her. Several announcements were heard on the radio before they slowly took off through the night.
Three hours later, Tiffany was again escorted as she set foot on a wide lawn. According to the men with her in the chopper, the place was owned by the city mayor himself. Just several steps away stood a grand building that looked even more glamorous because of the yellow lights that were seen in the building's façade. And as soon as the wheezing noise from the chopper stopped, faint classical music was heard from the inside. Two women wearing black and white corporate attire approached them. "Señorita, please follow us,” they said. She silently followed the ladies and walked with steady steps as the two guards trailed behind them. They led them towards an elevator located at the building's parking lot. Then they entered a fancy hallway where portraits of naked women hung on the walls. Finally, they approached a private room afterward. The two guards were left standing outside the door and another girl assisted her inside. The two girls who escorted her earlier bowed their heads and casually took their exits. "Good evening, señorita," the lady smilingly greeted her. “I am Mylene, your hair and make-up stylist for tonight. The Don sent me to assist you.”
Her lips curled into a smile as she looked at her. "Am I going to wear that?" she bluntly asked the lady as she pointed a finger to a dress that was displayed behind them.
"Yes, señorita." Tiffany took a heavy breath and ran her fingers through the soft linen.
In front of her was a black evening gown which she presumed costs a fortune. "I didn't know this is a party."
"It's a masquerade ball, señorita. Your father is already waiting for you. You'll be his muse tonight.”
Without a word, she stripped her clothes and put on the black gown. Her father was always like that. Since he didn’t have a trophy wife, he often used his beautiful daughter as his muse in his social gatherings. It used to be so tiring for her, especially when she had to pretend that she liked being with those shallow rich people. And yet, tonight was different. This was going to be her first Alpha meeting, hence, no matter how short the notice was, she decided not to complain. And she needed to be more beautiful now. She did not want the Alphas to be too disappointed.
'I'm sure the party is some sort of a cover-up so that nobody will know about the meeting,’ she also convinced herself. The real agendum was the Alpha meeting. Just then, her phone rang. The assisting girl immediately gave her phone to her.
"Hola?" she asked without minding who the caller was. "Has visto el vestido, Tiffany?" (Have you seen the dress?)
Her tired spirit was immediately replaced with excitement when she heard her caller's voice. It was her most favorite person in the world. "Mamita Dionee," she squealed excitedly. "Absolutely! I am wearing it now."
"Oh, I hope you like it, dear. Your impulsive father once again demanded it to be finished immediately on such very short notice. Tenía muchas ganas de que fuera perfecto." Standing in front of the whole-body mirror, she noticed the intricate designs that her favorite fashion designer made for her black gown. The gown had exquisitely arranged paillettes that defined her figure perfectly, showing a grown-up side of her. It made her realize that she was no longer a child, but a lady with big responsibilities on her shoulder. "It's already as perfect as you wanted it to be. No te preocupes (Don't worry), Mamita Dionee. I love it. No doubt, eres el mejor estilista de moda de España.”
"Te quiero, cariño (I love you). Enjoy the party. And gracias (thank you) for saying that I am the best fashion designer in the whole of Spain. That's quite true," he replied with a haughty tone followed by his very annoying laugh. Tiffany smiled over the phone. "Indeed, Mamita, and I love you, too. I hope you can visit me in the Philippines soon." "Positivamente, definitivamente sí, sí, sí. You will never know."