This story contains NON CONSENT sexual scenes/disputable RAPE scenes/cheating/infidelity and CHILD endangerment.
Please don’t continue reading if any of the above is not your cup of tea.
This story might be TRIGGERING to many readers, so please proceed with caution.
As a writer my visualisation run wild and I let my characters develop on their own.
But as a human being I don’t stand by many of my character’s habits and way of thinking.
This is a fantasy story strictly for entertainment.
RAPE is not a manifestation of love. It is an inhuman act of obsession, perversion and abuse.
Please stop.
I thrashed, screamed, slapped and cried.
PLEASE. This is wrong. Let me go. Please.
Don’t do this. Let me go, you bastard.
I heard his pants on my ears, felt his tongue licking its way up my neck, his hands groping, palming, squeezing my thighs and ass.
He won’t stop. I know. He won’t stop until he was satisfied. Until he got his fill he would bite, suck, nibble and thrust.
The more I fought, the more animalistic he became. But fight I did. I couldn’t stand this. I felt him in inside me. Moving, seeking warmth, pleasure and something else I couldn’t put words on. It didn’t matter. He wouldn’t stop until I let myself go. I hated myself for that. HATED. HATED for becoming weak. That sickening feeling was rising on my lower part. I fought that too. I shouldn’t feel this.
Beautiful, you feel so good. Yes, baby. He was moaning.
And I fell apart. Right on his arms.
I felt myself flying. That high you get from being satisfied.
I was satisfied and I hated myself for that.
When you grow up, you have this idea of your own life. This is how your life would be when you grow up. This is how you would behave. Your morals, your right and wrong, how you would never be that person no matter the circumstance, always looped into your brain.
I had too.
I was your privileged, predictable guy.
I had a good childhood. I was born to rich parents who were old money and new money combined. They love each other and me.
When my dad died when I was in sixth grade, he had left everything to my mom. His inheritance from his own family, all his bank accounts, the house, everything. He had a heavy life insurance, with my mom being the sole benefactor. My old man even had my college trust fund set up. He left us emotionally drained but not financially.
My mom despite being crushed, pulled herself up, focused her everything on me. My mom was deeply faithful to my dad even after. Never thought or brought another man in her life. I was everything to her. And I soaked up her attention like the only child I was. I liked her that way. But I would have supported if she fell in love again. She was beautiful, kind and deserved the best the world could offer.
I was brilliant in studies. I never got anything less than a B+ even in college. My mom was proud of me. I was proud of her.
I came out to my mom as gay in ninth grade, my mom was happy that I figured myself out without so much struggle.
Got accepted to MIT, long before my classmates graduated from high school. Again something my teachers had predicted. I, after all, was a genius in the making.
So everything in my life was predictable.
Until him. He turned my life upside down.
He turned ME upside down.
He shook me in every literal, figurative and metaphorical way.
Since then my life never felt the same.