For the first leg of his punishment, Rolph was ordered by Demonic (The name he and Derrick called Grandfather behind him) to travel from Texas city to Marfa by road. And along the way, he was given a list of towns where he was to either pick up some goods or drop them.
The journey with a good car and no stop over will take almost 10 hours but Demonic asked him to arrive within 9 hours 30 minutes after take off.
He got to Marfa 6 hours late and was Whipped a hundred lashes.
Grandfather was a petty man.
Two days after his arrival, he set off for Rockport which was another 8 hours journey, still by car. And on arrival, they picked their spot and started waiting.
Even though Rolph had two weeks to rest and lounge while waiting, the pain on his back was something to worry about. He couldn't afford to get infected so Derrick kept nursing his wounds until they healed up.
The two friends were used to such punishment and for Rolph, he knew unless he successfully finished the task of unveiling their rival, things might get worse for him.
This was the reason why he was upset.
Since he clocked 18 and the Demonic gave him his slice of Texas and made Derrick his bodyguard. Derrick had stopped getting punished by Grandfather. According to the Demonic, Derrick was Rolph's boy and Rolph should give the punishment himself.
There was no way Rolph would punish Derrick because he saw the man as his elder brother and loved him accordingly. They both knew that Derrick was Rolph's test but Rolph was prepared to fail this test and bear the consequences even though Derrick wouldn't mind being punished.
The closest club his family had to Rockport was in San Antonio which was a 3 hrs drive from Rockport, so that was where they made their base.
The staff there had been waiting for them for weeks.
On arrival, Rolph was sound asleep. Derrick shook him awake and they entered a door at some deserted back alley.
Inside, they passed through a narrow corridor until they got to a door. Before Derrick could knock, the door opened and they entered a very busy kitchen filled with immigrants working their asses off.
An Irish man dressed like a top chef with a carving knife, approached them enthusiastically.
" You are finally here boss! Everything is ready as you have instructed. Follow me."
Derrick and Rolph followed the Irish into an elevator with a door sign that read "Female Toilet" and the elevator instantly started going downward the moment the doors closed.
They traveled down for 22 minutes before it came to a stop and the doors automatically opened again.
Stepping out, they entered a small cul de sac corridor of about 50 feet.
You can see the end from the door of the elevator.
There were four doors on one side of the corridor wall but on the other side, there was just one door that read "ROLPH"
As Rolph and Derrick stepped out of the elevator, the Irish pulled off his chef uniform revealing a tall burly man with taunt muscles In a black body hug and combat pants. There was a gun on him and a combat knife hanging on his waist.
The Irish brought out an earpiece from one of his pant's pockets and fixed it to his ears.
"Activated" he said into the wrist watch he was wearing and in response, his earpiece blinked a green light.
While the bodyguard was fixing his position at the door, Rolph had pressed his thumb onto a silver surface by the single door. The surface had stripes similar to fingerprints.
The moment his thumb touched the surface, a blue light came on and the sound of a scanner was heard.
After the scanning, the blue light changed to green and the door hissed open, revealing a sparsely decorated presidential suit.
The sitting area was large and bathed in warm lights making the butter color painted walls glow like sunset rays. This reminded Rolph of the boy at the beach. A sadness appeared on his face and he signed silently as he walked into the room.
Black, large cushion chairs occupied the main part of the room and just by a big frame of mirror on the wall, a purple, single leather lounge chair stood with a slim, pretty japanese boy of 19 dozing off on it, yet to know that he was no longer alone.
Behind the set of chairs was a large 6 by 7 feet bed on a white bed frame. The bed was neatly laid with a maroon bedsheet, pillows and a dark purple duvet.
There were two doors not far from the bed. One facing the bed and the other, beside the bed.
Still looking angry, Rolph walked to the first door and entered.
It was a walk-in closet and the room was almost as big as the sitting area.
There were inbuilt hangers and drawers that were closed and just by the last set of doors, there was a wall shelf with various types, shapes and colors of shoes and foot wears. Opposite this was a jacuzzi encased in a large, see-through glass box.
Rolph stopped in front of the Jacuzzi, removed his clothes and entered the glass, butt naked. He opened the shower and let water run over his body. Rolph closed his eyes.
The moment Rolph entered his closet, Derrick hurried over to the sleeping beauty and woke him up.
"Hey, stand up. You have to leave right now!"
The boy opened his eyes, confused by the sense of urgency in Derrick's voice.
"Hey. Derek! You are here at last." He looked around. "Where is Rolph? I have a show by 2pm and it's almost midnight. I need my beauty sleep, you know." The pretty face batted his eyes at Derrick.
"Rolph doesn't need you for the night again. Please leave now when you can."
"What do you mean?" Curiosity bathed his face.
"Rolph is in a bad mood and you know what that means right."
"No I don't."
"For your own sake, please leave Asahi," Derrick said worriedly.
Asahi was a model and prostitute belonging to one of Rolph's older friends back in Texas. He had borrowed the boy from his master after seeing him in action at an orgy some few weeks before he traveled to Marfa.
After watching the boy in action, he decided to have a hands-on experience with the boy and borrowed him from his master at a generous price.
The day they were supposed to spend the night together was the day the Demonic summoned Rolph. He canceled and asked the boy to come and wait for him in San Antonino not knowing that he would not step foot in San Antonio for more than 3 weeks.
After traveling to San Antonio only to be told that Rolph was still not available, Asahi had kept in touch with Derrick partly because his master favored Rolph and secondly, he wanted to confirm the rumors that Rolph was a dark stallion.
Therefore when Derrick had called him a few hours ago that he should come down to San Antonio to attend to Rolph, he had dropped everything and flew down.
To make it on time, Asahi had booked a private helicopter and had arrived only to be told that Derrick and Rolph were yet to arrive. But having been instructed by Derrick, the staff allowed him to wait in Rolph's presidential suit. The most shabby presidential suit he had ever seen.