Dear Diary: I just had kinky sex with this hot guy named J! I’ve never been drilled so hard by a lover before. God, I’m kind of sore, actually, like I just rode a stallion out of the burning woods. So now I’m sitting around in this funny kind of waiting room full of fluffy pink pillows, finishing my second glass of Master J’s imported Bordeaux. I’m wearing a black thong, black stockings and garter belt, a black corset with a see-through top exposing my tits, and high heels. There is another girl sitting on a couch nearby, also wearing transparent lingerie exposing her curvy tits and ass. She’s looking pretty relaxed. Looks like J thoroughly worked her over too.
I’m writing in this journal J gave me to kill the time. I’m getting a little bored here. Only wine? Shit! What kind of a lame party is this? I’m on my third glass and I don’t even have a slight buzz. I’ll probably take off soon. I got that paper due on Monday that I haven’t even started looming over my head like a dark rain cloud.
J’s in with skank number 3 right now, doing God knows what to the poor girl. What a piece of work this guy is! Earlier this evening, J chained me to the wall in his little fun room, blindfolded me and then really took charge, positioning me face down over a foam wedge of some kind. I guess he’s secretly into B and D. J made me come twice, once with his tongue on my clitoris, very romantic. He made me mew and purr like a kitten that had just lapped up her cream. The second time I came super hard as he entered me from behind, making me shake and shiver inside like I never did before. And I couldn’t even make the guy come! Usually it’s the other way around with men. This guy may be naughty, but he’s also very polite. Women first, gentlemen!
He did leak a few drops of semen out of his tip right before he was about to explode and I treated myself to a little taste. Hmmm. Salty-sweet. But one drop on the tip of my tongue left this Harem girl wanting more. Well, I’ve always liked a challenge. He said if I stick around, we can have another private session later. He already called me the crown jewel of his Harem. It’s funny. He takes this shit a little too seriously, don’t you think? Maybe he was some kind of Middle-Eastern Muslim sheik in his past life, who knows. He invited me to share his big bed and spend the night with him and the other concubines. No, I’m definitely taking off later. That’s where I draw the line. I think this scene is a little too weird, even for a freak like me! I mean, the guy’s a hot mess! He practically proposed to marry me the first second he saw my nipple rings. I don’t know who needs to see a psychiatrist more, him or me.
When I met up with J at Starbucks, I agreed to whatever he wanted to do immediately. Currently, I’m juggling several lovers that I met over the web, at school or partying with in bars. I’ve already gotten bored with most of them. I really should be trying to get rid of a few, rather than be on the hunt for a new one. But when I was surfing my favorite website a few days ago I stumbled upon J’s photo and personal ad, and I got curious. He had these rugged good looks and he wasn’t smiling in the picture, which I liked. I hate it when hunky guys smile on their profiles. I think their toothy grins make them look stupid, like they were just kicked in the head by a horse. I mean, they should drop the “I’m such a nice non-threatening guy, you can feel safe with me bullshit” when we all know what it is they want. If you’re in the market for a safe guy, I don’t think you’d be visiting that naughty website, right? J’s picture definitely did not look safe. The message he left sounded interesting enough to check him out, at least for the initial meeting. I liked the non-exclusivity part. I have enough clingy guys right now hanging onto me like wet clothes. I took one glance at him sitting there so straight and narrow in that sexy suit of his and I was sold. What did they say in that movie? “You had me at hello.”
I shuffled things around a bit to spend this Friday night with him, even if some of the guys in my life got pissed at my end of the week inaccessibility. Whatever. They’ll get over it. Hey boys! Go to the drugstore this Friday and buy some Johnson’s Baby Lotion. Cream or oil, they’ll both do the trick. It’ll be like you’re having a party in your palm and I get the night off to have some fun with this new guy, J.
Now, the first thing you should know about me is I don’t usually go for men who are way older than me. It usually makes me sick to my stomach when some old fart with out of control nose hairs poking out from beneath his gross nostrils tries to hit on me. What are they thinking? Do they think they have the slightest chance with me, showing off their stinking billfolds? “Can I buy you a drink?” NO! Get your stinky breath out of my face and go home to your wife and show her some attention, you perverted, blue pill popping, saggy-assed, shriveled-balled, gray-skinned, prematurely ejaculating, small-dicked ED bastard!
If I got a little carried away there, I’m sorry. It’s just that old guys really make me sick. But with J, I thought, why not give it a chance, at least once. He did look around ten years older than me in his picture, but maybe older men are like fine wine. They need to age a bit to acquire that sublime flavor and get rid of the bitter taste of youth. And I’m considered an expert at how bitter some guys actually taste. So even though he’s older than me, he looked all muscled and hot so I figured, why not try it once. Why not? What have I got to lose? My virginity? I don’t think so.
He seemed to be chomping at the bit to try out this Harem idea of his. Every guy’s fantasy, right? You know, to be honest, the idea made me a little wet between the thighs as he talked to me about it at Starbucks, picturing myself as his love slave. It takes some balls to try to make an elaborate sexual fantasy like that become real, so I respected the guy right away. Anyway, it had to be better than the way I spent last Friday night when I had to hold my date’s head over the toilet in the men’s bathroom as the guy puked his guts out after a few too many with me at the bar. Disgusting. And the guy kept calling all week, wanting a mercy-fuck Friday night! Now do you see why the decision was rather easy for me? Puking guy or love slave fantasy. I went with the Sheik.
He told me the other girls were coming at 9, but asked me if I wouldn’t mind coming a little earlier to get things started, say at 8. Sure. We agreed to meet at 8, this Friday, at his home. He gave me his business card with his address and phone number on it.
Ewww. Fancy! I guess I’ve officially entered the adult world now. Christ! I guess I’ve finally grown up! A business card. Yikes.
On Friday night I pulled up at 7:45, like an eager beaver, forgive the pun. I had just come down off smoking a rock, to celebrate the Rockville Harem’s Grand Opening. It’s about time we had a Harem in the suburbs of DC, don’t you think?
I parked in front of the guy’s castle and rang the bell, admiring the intricate design of beveled glass inlayed into the front door. When I’m high, I just see things clearer, you know what I mean? Through the glass I saw the refracted image of a figure approaching. The door swung open and some kind of strange butler dude met me. I expected him to say, “You rang?” like that tall guy Lurch from The Addams Family show I used to watch reruns of when I was a kid.
“Good evening, Miss,” he said.
The guy looked a little freaky, like he was about to cut up my brains and do an autopsy for the advancement of science. The tall ghoulish manservant ushered me through this ostentatious marble foyer. I asked him for his name.
“Alfred Billingsley, Miss.”
“You mean you’re Alfred, the old guy that organizes the Bat Cave?” I joked.
He didn’t reply to my little quip, only to say that Master Jeremy was just stepping out of the shower and he would meet me “presently”. This guy J must be rolling in dough. Alfred escorted me to a lovely bedroom. He handed me a 2 page contract to sign, all about not being able to sue J. The only rule appeared to be I had to wear whatever costume he chose. Alfred directed my attention to a prettily wrapped gift box sitting on the bed and showed me the “facilities”. He asked me if I wanted to “bathe” and make myself more comfortable. I signed the contract without really reading it and Alfred snatched it out of my hands with his long bony fingers. He left and returned a moment later, handing me a copy of the contract. Not knowing where else to put it, I folded it up in my back pocket. If I ever get around to washing the black distressed jeans I was wearing, I can almost guarantee the stupid papers will go straight through the wash. Between school, studying and partying, who’s got time to check your pockets before throwing your clothes into the laundry? OK, so I’m not domesticated, I never claimed to be. Alfred cleared his throat, told me he would let “The Master” know I’d arrived. Like a zombie, Billingsley turned stiffly and left the room.
I imagined one of his arms falling off at his shoulder and dragging itself by its fingers on the floor out the door behind him. Boy, was I tripping! Maybe I needed another hit to stabilize. I felt on the outside of my pocket for my pipe and realized I’d left it out in my car. Shit!
I undressed, leaving my jeans and sweater on a chair and went into the “facilities” to take a long hot shower. Sweet. He had some nice expensive soaps, shampoos and conditioners in there so I made use of them. I found a razor and shaving cream on a shelf and did a little touch up down there, just in case. I got out, dried off and wrapped a large fluffy white towel around my waist. I found a small bottle of fragrant oil in the bathroom cabinet and put a few drops on my private parts. Why not get myself in the mood for the guy? Plus I kept imagining I could still smell last Friday’s puke on my body. Even though I’m a junkie, I still care about personal hygiene. I made myself smell good enough to eat. I’d do myself the way I smelled at that moment.
I was seriously about to lie down on the bed and get down to business, when the door opened. Jeremy filled the doorway like a block of stone, all 200 plus pounds of him, in a sexy black silk robe, his thick hair still wet from his shower. He was, of course, staring at my tits. For the occasion I dangled two hooped rings from my pierced nipples, to go with my tongue and ear piercings. No big deal, but the sight of them seemed to make J’s London Bridge go up, up, up.
“You like, J?”
He came close to me, leaned forward and gave me the sweetest kiss on the cheek. I’m not bullshitting you. J’s quite a charming man, actually. Then he got this crazy look in his eyes.
“Do I like? Jesus Christ, yes! I like. No, I love it Sapphire! One look at your pretty breasts, I’m hearing wedding bells chime. Seriously, I’m about to get down on one knee and propose to you right now, so help me God!”
Needless to say, that kind of freaked me out from the get-go.
“Wedding bells? Are you high? What the fuck are you talking about? Get a hold of yourself, man. What the hell’s wrong with you?”
“I’m sorry, but those nipple rings are so damn pretty. I’ve never seen nipple rings like—”
“It’s just a little piercing, J. And I like being single. Isn’t that what you said on the contract I signed, no emotional commitments?
“You’re right, Sapphire. You’re absolutely right. I don’t know what came over me. I hope I haven’t ruined things between us, before we even get started.”
What I didn’t reveal to J was… I was secretly flattered by the crazy guy. No one ever responded so passionately like that by just looking at my breasts. And it made me feel wet and warm between my thighs, the way he kept gawking at my nipple rings. So I said, “Just calm down and get your shit together J. You can get down on one knee in front of me right now if you want, but I don’t want to hear any marriage proposals, OK?”
I let the towel around my waist fall to the floor and his eyes gazed down at my most intimate spot. I was surprised to see how wet I was, standing naked in front of this stranger. The lips of my sex were like a dew-covered morning flower, unfurled and glistening with moisture, without being touched or stroked, which was very unusual for me. I held out my hand to him and he took it and knelt before me, reverently resting his freshly shaved cheek on my wet slit. I could hear him breathing in deeply through his nose and taking in my musky raw scent, like the guy had never been with a woman before and was relishing every second. He was too much, this guy. He had it going for him, my Sheik. He nuzzled me with his nose while his hands ventured up the skin of my torso, his pointed index fingers going through my nipple rings, his palms cupping the underside of my tits. His tongue went to work on my shaved pussy lips and he found the nub of my clit and sucked hard on it until my thighs quivered and trembled. I usually feel silly when I make noise during sex, like I’m shooting some low-budget porno film, but I couldn’t help it with J.
“Mmmm…right there, J…yeah… Mmmm…”
By this time my vagina was so wide you could throw a Super Bowl party in there. Suddenly, the guy lifted me off the ground and laid me gently down upon the bed. Well, well. I like a guy who takes the initiative. He tilted my pelvis up, spread my thighs apart and licked me over and over in the cleavage between my cheeks like an animal. I could feel the moist tip of his tongue exploring me back there and my tight back side opened for him too. After all the crazy sex I’ve had, no guy ever penetrated me with his tongue there. I know it sounds gross, but it made me squirm with pleasure, it really did. This slave girl thing isn’t too bad, really. But it was time to earn my keep. I untied the sash, slipped his robe off his shoulders and saw the guy’s hot body for the first time. What a specimen! His body was in terrific shape.
Awesome! I’d never seen anything like it, and I’ve been with a lot of physically fit guys. It looked like he had these thin living snakes, engorged with blood, tautly stretched under the skin of his entire body, winding up his arms and slithering over his shoulders, surging through his calves and up his legs and thighs, all the way to the bulbous tip of his enormous thick-veined, completely shaved penis. One look and I slipped right into my little slave girl character. It was the most fun I’ve had with a guy in a long time, ever really. I looked him in his eyes and cupped his warm balls in the palms of my hands. We whispered the sexy talk quietly into each other’s ears.
“My name is Sapphire, but you may call me slave girl. I am yours to command, My Lord. Whatever is it you wish of me, I will do. Please allow me to fulfill your deepest desires. My greatest wish is to pleasure you. What will you have me do for you, Master J? What is your deepest desire?”
“Take me deep into your throat, slave girl Sapphire. Lick me with your wet tongue like your very life depended on it. If you do well, I promise to keep you for myself and not give you over to my servants who all wish to have their way with you.”
“If you wish me to submit to your servants, Master J, I will do as you command. I will pleasure them all at once, with you watching, if this is what you wish of me.”
“It is an enticing thought, watching while you pleasure several men at once, but not tonight. I’m not quite in such a generous mood to share you this evening, my pretty and obedient treasure, the crown jewel of my Harem.”
“I was so happy when you bought me at the slave auction today, My Lord.”
“As I am, Sapphire. I paid a hefty price for you, but you are worth every gold coin I spent on you.”
“Oh, Master J, you are too kind to me…”
So after the silly pillow talk, I knelt on the floor beside the bed and went down on the guy, nice. I know I’m good at it. Or at least, so I’ve been told. I licked him over the tender underside of his soft testicles and up his shaft, sucking for a long time on his rim and taking him down deeply into my throat. My eyes started to water and tears fell down my cheeks, he was so huge. I sucked on him for so long and so deep; most guys would’ve shot their load directly down my throat within the first few minutes. But not Master J. It was difficult for me to get him off, the beast.
Finally, he picked me up again, along with his robe and the gift box and carried me naked out of the room.
“Come, slave…”
J carried me into a dark room. I heard the package hit the ground. He dimmed the lights and kicked the door shut. Before I could see where he had taken me, J slipped a blindfold over my eyes and carried me over to what felt like a cushioned wedge on the floor, placing my body over it. I felt and heard him shackle my ankles and wrists with handcuffs.
He pulled my arms out tightly, lifting up my torso off the wedge and I heard the clicking sound of metal attaching to metal. I was still very excited and felt his long thick penis slip easily into my vagina from behind. He must’ve put some kind of slick lubricating oil in his palms and he rubbed them all over my breasts, squeezing my tits roughly, pulling on my nipple rings and stimulating my swollen aureoles and nipples with his slippery fingertips. He pumped into me with abandon, his shaft moving swiftly in and out of my womb, over and over like the pistons of an engine. As he slammed into me, I felt a release coming from deep within my core. For the first time in my life the muscles of my thighs shook uncontrollably. I moaned and screamed out like a schoolgirl losing her virginity on prom night. He made me come so hard, J. Oh my God. Am I going to have to get tied up from now on to have an orgasm like that? And when was this guy going to finish? He kept driving himself into me, without mercy, until a strange bell sounded. I heard the zombie’s voice coming out of the wall.
“Excuse me, Master Jeremy, but your other guests are beginning to arrive.”
“Damn it,” J said, pulling out of me.
I didn’t mind, really. I already got my jollies. He released the shackles from my ankles and unchained my wrists, which were a little chafed from the metal. I rubbed them, and the discomfort went away.
I felt something profound with J, an earthquake, an explosion inside. Most guys do their little squirt and I feel little to nothing afterwards. But this guy rocked my body, good. He took the blindfold off and helped me to my feet.
I noticed J was wearing a condom. He peeled it off and disposed of it, then took me in his arms. Our lips touched. It was a nice kiss, but it made me feel weird again. That always happens when someone kisses me tenderly. It’s funny. Just a minute ago he had grabbed my tits and screwed me deeper and more passionately than any man had ever done, but now he was Mr. Romantic, Mr. Sensitive.
J picked up the present and handed it to me.
“This is a gift I bought for you Sapphire. Open it.”
I opened the box and took out a sexy lingerie outfit and shoes. I slipped into the pair of thigh high sheer black stockings and attached them to a garter belt, then put on a black thong and a tight black corset with a peek-a-boo top and high heels. I gazed at myself in the mirror. Very sexy.
“You look lovely, Sapphire. Absolutely lovely. Do you like it?”
I nodded. Usually I am a fairly confident woman, always ready with a flippant post-coital quip, but for the first time in my life, I didn’t know quite what to say. J had just completely overpowered me, chained me to the wall and rode me hard. I submitted to it and… I liked it. I had fooled around with blindfolds and restraints before, but nothing anywhere near as intense as I had just experienced with Master J. Most of the guys I knew who were into BDSM turned out to be domineering assholes. I dumped them pretty quick, after realizing they wanted to tie me up, screw me and then have me make them a peanut butter and jelly sandwich afterwards like their Mamas used to, and serve it to them on my knees. Fuck that shit. Are your legs broken? Get your own pb and j, dickwad! Play-acting Cinderella is not all that sexy to me, sorry.
But J seemed to keep the Dom act in the bedroom where it belonged. We’ll just have to wait and see about him. I couldn’t pigeonhole this guy so easily. It made J even more mysterious to me. And dangerous. After the kiss, I realized I was feeling a little nervous around him. Something new and strange was happening within me that made my stomach do flips when I thought about him. I felt a little light-headed after the sex. Perhaps I just needed a drink or better yet, a hit off my pipe to clear my head and get my dopamine firing again.
“That was the best sex I ever had in my life, Sapphire…”
“I aim to please. But hey, you’re still hard. You didn’t come, did you?”
“I’m saving myself for later. It’s only a little after 9.”
“And you wore a condom…”
“I like it better without a condom.”
“So do I, but I used it for your protection. What if I came inside you and made you pregnant? You wouldn’t want little baby Sapphires running around, would you?”
“Oh yeah, if you put it that way, I guess you’re right…”
“I was hoping you could stay a little longer. There’s a bottle of red wine and some appetizers on a table in the main living room of my home if you’re hungry or thirsty. But if you need to go, I understand.”
J handed me another gift. This time it was a little black bag.
“Who are you, J? A naughty Santa?”
I didn’t make the guy come, but at least he cracked a smile.
“Open it, Sapphire.”
I rifled through the bag. A small leather whip, a riding crop, the blindfold and handcuffs, assorted massage oils and lubricating gels, four long silk scarves, a cute little vibrator, three weighted balls attached to a plastic cord, nipple clamps to go with my nipple rings, even a journal and a pen. Nice.
“Bring your lingerie and sex toys next Friday, if you can make it. I like to keep a diary, so I included a journal and pen in the bag where you can record your thoughts for posterity, if you’d like. Can you stay a little longer? If you want, you can spend the night here, Sapphire. I want you to know you’re always welcome, next Friday night or any time you’d like to drop by. I’d love to see you again, Sapphire. My cell phone is on the card I gave you. I put an extra card in the back pocket of your jeans, in case you lose the first one. Call or text me.”
“I don’t know, J. Maybe I’ll hang out a little longer, have a glass of wine. I got a big paper due on Monday I’ve been procrastinating on.”
“Oh, you’re a student. You didn’t mention that. What are you majoring in?”
“Oh, I go back and forth, I haven’t decided yet…”
Alfred came on the intercom again and we listened to his message.
“Jeremy, a few of the young ladies have some particular questions about the contract. Your presence is needed in the library please.”
“Sorry to cut this short,” J said, kissing the side of my cheek.
“Wait,” I said, before he turned away to get dressed.
I looked once more at his massive erection, which had just given me so much pleasure. I noticed a few drops of fluid, slipping out of the slit at the tip of his penis. I knelt before him and sucked out the drops, sneaking a little taste of my Sheik.
“Mmmm,” Master J moaned.
At least I made him growl a little. J looked like he was about to burst. I felt a little selfish not trying harder to give him the release he deserved after he showered me with so much attention. Lurch’s voice sounded once more over the intercom.
“Mr. Jeremy, two young ladies are waiting…”
J pulled away quickly, slipping on his robe along with silk boxers and a pair of workout pants he pulled out of a closet. He pressed a button near the dimmer switch on the wall and spoke into a small built in speaker.
“Coming, Billingsley”
I watched while J tried to corral his uncooperative member into submission. He tied the sash of his robe around him tightly, making himself look like a younger, prettier and way more muscular version of Hugh Heffner.
“That’s smart, J. If they see that monster uncoiled before they sign the contract, you’ll have them running home crying to their parents. You split me in half with that thing.”
From a small dresser J took out a glass bottle and slapped on some musky cologne, though he still smelled strongly like sex.
“Did I? I’m terribly sorry, Sapphire. Perhaps I was a trifle out of control in our session. Those nipple rings you wear make me feel a little crazy. I apologize if I was too rough with you. Are you feeling sore?”
“I’m fine, J. You were awesome in bed. I was just kidding. Lighten up.”
“But I saw you rubbing your wrists earlier. Tell me the truth now. I need to know. Were the handcuffs hurting your skin, Sapphire? Did I cuff you too tightly?”
“A little. But they feel fine now. Really, J. You worry too much. I have a rather high tolerance for pain, in case you haven’t noticed.”
I put my thumbs through my nipple rings and tugged them in his direction. I know he had to go, but I couldn’t stop flirting with him. He gazed at me with those cold hungry dead eyes of his, like a tiger in a cage. He spoke a little more severely to me just then, with a deeper cadence to his voice.
“If you chose to remain in my Harem, Sapphire, before we take our relationship to the next level, we need to have an open and honest discussion about building trust between us and establishing a pain threshold that I may not go beyond. This will include choosing a safe word for you. That is, of course, if you decide to come back next Friday.”
The way J looked at me with such a commanding seriousness sent a shiver up and down my spine, with goose bumps, more tummy flips, and a feeling of warmth and moisture between my slightly opened thighs. Man, this guy was not kidding around. “Take the relationship to the next level”, “pain threshold”, “safe word”… His words were making me feel dizzy, and excited. He was beginning to have this powerful effect upon me. Could J become my new drug of choice?
He escorted me out of the little forbidden room, but not before I took a quick peek at all the assorted jazz in there. I caught a glimpse of this huge X-shaped cross, a long table with cuff restraints and some kind of pulley system on the ceiling with ropes dangling from it. Before the door shut I saw the two metal O-rings attached side by side to the black brick wall above the wedge he had just screwed me upon, which I assumed was where my wrists were cuffed. Yeah, he was into B and D. I never thought I would be, but I guess I am too now, both the B and the D part. I liked the feeling of not being unable to move while he rammed himself into me, as hard as he wanted. Most guys are so wishy-washy and touchy-feely with me, but not Master J. I think I’ll stick around to find out what this next level is all about. I decided to come back to the Harem next Friday, right then and there. You know, I’m fine with it; it’s no big deal really, as long as we’re talking whips, chains and nipple clamps, and not engagement rings. You never know with that guy. And with a little blow thrown into the deal, I’ll be an extra good girl. I’ll have to talk to Santa about that.
J noticed me lick my lips as we walked down the hallway.
“Come. Let me pour you a nice glass of wine…”
As he escorted me down through his home, he held my hand. For some reason I felt uncomfortable with the casual physical contact, but I resisted the urge to pull my hand away. The silence made me uncomfortable.
“Hey J, if you don’t mind my asking… how old are you?”
“Oh God. I was hoping you wouldn’t—”
“I know you’re older than me, but I don’t care. Don’t worry about it, you look great to me, you’re in wonderful shape. Come on. I’m twenty three. How old are you, J? Tell me the truth…”
“I’m thirty four… Is that a problem? The age difference?”
“It depends on the quality of your wine.”
“Then I’m in luck. It’s a French Bordeaux. I buy it by the case. Let me pour you a glass.”
We passed by an open door where I saw two more sluts waiting in what looked like a massive library. He led me through a door and into an ornate living room he had decorated to look like a sheik’s parlor. It had everything except a hookah and pot-bellied rich Lords, tearing chicken off the bone with their yellow, chipped teeth. There were comfy couches, fluffy pillows and a banquet table filled with delectable treats. J poured out two glasses of red wine. He sloshed his around in the glass and sniffed it like a connoisseur, before taking a sip. I immediately took a swig of mine and it went down smooth.
“You like, Sapphire?”
“Nice, but do you have anything a little stronger, boss?”
“Do I have to spell it out for you?”
J gave me a confused look, so I whispered into his ear, in my most seductive voice, “I’m a coke whore, J…”
I nodded my head. J set his glass of wine down and gave me a concerned look.
“Be careful with that drug Sapphire. It’s highly addictive. It can speed up the heart rate, create difficulty breathing, causes seizures, strokes, it could even kill you Sapphire. I’d be upset if anything ever happened to you.”
The tender way he looked at me made me nervous. I took a swallow of wine.
“Thanks for the medical advice, but if you want my ass bent over that wedge next Friday, you’ve got to provide something more than these crumpets and cakes. Have you ever thrown an actual party, J?”
“No, not really.”
“I didn’t think so.”
I finished my glass, poured another and sat down on the couch, petulantly crossing my legs and staring back up at him. There was a long silence in the room. I was getting cranky and needed a hit. Our first fight…
“I get the feeling you won’t be staying for the night, Sapphire.”
“I don’t do sleepovers J, sorry.”
“May I call you during the week? I’m not sure I can wait until next Friday to see you again.”
“You don’t have my phone number.”
“Hey! How did you—”
“I didn’t think you’d give it to me, so I snuck in while you were in the shower and got the number out of your cell phone from the pocket of your jeans.”
“You sneaky bastard! That’s invasion of privacy!”
“I know. And you can’t sue me, you signed the contract, remember?”
“Smart boy.”
“I need to see you midweek. I won’t take no for an answer.”
“I’m busy with my classes.”
“You can study over here; say every Tuesday or Wednesday night. Whichever you prefer.”
“Oh I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time to catch up on my ‘studying’ here.”
“I promise I’ll leave you alone. You can work in the library. My home is your home now, Sapphire. What do you say?”
“We’ll see. Bring something stronger next time, J. It’s supposed to be a party.”
“We’ll see, Sapphire. Have a bite to eat. You’re too skinny.”
J took another sip of his glass of wine, kissed me on the cheek and left for his next appointment.
I felt bad about our little snit at the end. Sorry, J. But this girl needs her fix.
So, dear diary, that’s the news from the Rockville Harem. Once I’ve got something juicy to write about, I’ll add more later...