Stella's POV
Rich parks the car in front of some trailer. I smirk a little. It's so much better than the Sister's.
He sighs, "Yes, it's not a house," he says, making me chuckle.
I know that I have to talk to him soon, but I don't want yet. I like him and I'm so grateful for him taking me in, but I never open up to anyone. Not that I've ever had anyone to open up to.
We go out of the car and I see two motorcycles. I know that he rides one and so does his son. He has told me all about everything since I'm not telling him anything.
We go into the trailer and I see a boy and another boy sitting on the couch, eating burgers, and playing PlayStation. I smile at that sadly. I'd like to have friends.
I immediately get, which one is Rich's son. He has blond hair. Gosh he's hot.
The other guy is a redhead, has abs as I can see, since he's not wearing a shirt. He is the muscle one, but still not that hot.
Fuck, Stella. You're not falling for anyone, especially not your stepbrother and Rich's son.
"Guys," Rich says with a smirk.
They both look at us for a sec and then turn back to look at the game. They keep playing for a few seconds, but then look back at me and forget about the game.
I sigh, seeing how hot the Max guy is. They both just keep staring at me and I look down with a little smile, trying to ignore them.
Rich chuckles next to me quietly, "Careful Max, she's gonna live with you," he says.
I smirk and look up a little. Max is blushing a little, but still looking at me in amazement.
The redhead stands up and comes to me, making me to take one step back. He stops and furrows his eyebrows.
"Stella, this is Miles," Rich says.
I look at the boy, who looks so confused and like he's not sure if I'm dumb or something.
"Don't mind him, he's stupid and trying to hit on you probably," Max says.
I smirk at Miles. "I'm not. I have a girlfriend, remember?" he says to Max.
"Who's the lucky girl this week?" Rich smirks. I chuckle a little and Miles rolls his eyes.
"Your name is Stella, right?" he asks. I nod.
"I'm Miles," he says and stretches his hand out. I look at it and then back at him.
"You speak English, right?" he asks, making me laugh.
Max jumps over the handle of the couch and comes to us as well.
"Hey. I'm Max. You can call me whatever you want. And don't mind him, he's my best friend, but really stupid," he says. I smile a little.
"Also, I know that you don't like to talk, so no pressure," he says and hits Miles.
I smile. He is hot AND kind.
"Max you cleaned your room?" Rich asks.
Max opens his mouth, "Yeah…" he says.
I grin and Rich chuckles, "Fast," he says. Max sighs and pulls Miles with him.
"Why do I need to come with you?" I hear him asking.
"So you wouldn't hit on her," Max says.
"So that you could do it yourself?" Miles asks. I can hear Max punching him and both of them laughing afterwards.
"You wanna eat something?" Rich asks me.
I nod. He's been bringing me different food every day, but it's not enough and I'm still hungry.
He points on the pile of food on the table in the living room, that the boys we're eating. I look at him, unsure if I should eat that.
"I pay for all of it and they're eating too much anyways," he says and pushes me towards the living room gently.
I smile and sit down on the couch. I push my tennis shoes off and pull my legs on the couch, crossing them. I don't care that I'm wearing a dress, it covers everything anyways.
I take a cheeseburger from the table with a smile and unwrap it. I haven't eaten a burger for about 5 years now. But I know what it is, cause I read so many books. And when El came to visit me, he always took me to Bobby's. The sisters allowed that. He hasn't come for 5 years now, he is in the military. I'm not even sure if he is alive.
I take a big bite and sigh, feeling how good that is. Rich sighs, "You need clothes," he says, looking at my dress.
I look at it and shrug my shoulders, cause I don't really care what I'm wearing. He rolls his eyes at me and I chuckle quietly and keep eating.
He says he has to go to work and leaves. Soon, the boys come back and both look at me again, especially Maxy. I look at them as well. Miles is basically staring at my body, but Max is staring into my eyes, so I can't take my eyes off of his either. He has blueish green eyes. They're so beautiful.
I realize that I'm staring at him, so I turn my head away quickly and take another bite of my second burger.
I hear him chuckle softly and then they both come and sit down on both sides of me. It's uncomfortable, so I pull my knees under my chin again.
I think Max gets it, cause he moves a little further, but Miles comes closer to me and puts his arm on the back of the couch, almost touching my back.
I move towards Max a little, take Miles's arm and push it down from behind me.
Max chuckles at me, "I like you already," he says.
I smile a little and take another burger. Miles sighs, "Since you're obviously not into me, I need to get home," he says and gets up.
I smirk and put a few fries into my mouth. Max chuckles as Miles gets up.
"See ya," he says and leaves.
Max smirks and looks at me, "Can I hear your voice?" he asks. I swallow and take another bite.
He sighs, "Ignoring me, huh," he says, making me smirk, "Well at least you can hear me," he says. I smile and keep eating my burger. He takes another burger to himself as well.
"You wanna watch a movie or something?" he asks me.
I shrug my shoulders. He sighs and looks at me. I try to ignore him, hoping that he'll look away, but he won't. I feel his eyes on me as we're eating.
Soon, he turns his head away just as I reach for another burger. He does the same and our hands touch. I feel shivers going through my body.
I quickly pull my hand away and so does he. We start to chuckle a little. He takes the burger and puts it onto my lap.
"You eat, you're too skinny," he says.
I smirk and give it to him. He sighs, "No," he says and puts it back onto my lap.
I roll my eyes and unwrap it. I take a bite and then give it to him. He smiles and takes a bite himself.
He puts on some movie, what I've never seen, obviously. He keeps making stupid jokes about it, that are annoying but make me laugh, so I like them.
*Time pass, 1h*
Max's POV
Stella rests her head onto my shoulder. I smile a little and tilt my head to look at her. Her eyes are closed and she looks so peaceful, even under all the bruises.
"Stelle you tired?" I smirk.
Her eyes flutter open and she looks at me and starts blushing a little as she takes her head off of my shoulder. I smile a little.
"Come on," I chuckle and get up. She sighs tiredly and does the same.
I show her my, well, our room, "You take the bed, I'm sleeping on the mattress," I say.
She looks at me with furrowed eyebrows and sits on the mattress on the ground.
I roll my eyes, "You're much harder than I thought, Porter," I say, making her chuckle.
She lies down on the mattress and pulls the duvet over her.
"Wait, I'll give you some clothes," I say tiredly myself.
She sighs and sits back up. I take a pair of boxers (for shorts) and one of my T-shirts out of the closet and put them on the bed.
She sighs and gets up. She takes them while I lie down on the mattress. Stella looks at me and starts laughing.
I smirk, "Go change your clothes," I say.
She sits down on the bed and rests her chin on her knees again. I sigh.
"Fine. You can sleep in here," I say. She smiles and starts to get up.
"IF," I smile, "You say something," I say. She narrows her eyes.
"Come on Stelle, I'm desperate," I say and she giggles quietly. I'm in love with that.
"Come on, you're giggle is adorable, I bet your voice is too," I say, making her blush a little and look down.
I get up and sit on the bed next to her. She looks at me with a little smile and shakes her head a little.
I groan, making her chuckle again. I look at her, "Come on. Please?" I ask.
She grins and shakes her head. She gets up from the bed and takes the clothes, walking towards the bathroom.
I sigh and pull off all of my clothes except for my boxers. I pull on my pajama pants and sit on the mattress.
Stella comes back into the room, throws her clothes on the ground, making me chuckle, and climbs into the bed, under the duvet.
"You know I just cleaned this room up," I say, making her smile.
She turns onto her stomach, burying her face into the pillow. I smirk and get up. I turn the light off and lie back down.
I hear Stella sniffling in a few seconds and then getting up. She walks to the light and puts it back on. She lies back down into her bed and I can see that she's trying to ignore me. She turns her back to me, pulling the duvet back up.
I furrow my eyebrows, confused. Until I hear quiet sobs and sniffling.
I sigh, "Are you afraid of the dark?" I ask.
She ignores me and keeps crying probably. I sigh and get up. I sit on the edge of the bed.
"Hey," I say softly and put my hand on her hair, "Look at me," I say.
She turns around and I see all the tears in her eyes. For some reason, this girl really makes my emotion appear. She looks so broken when she's crying, that it makes my heart ache.
"You're afraid of the dark?" I ask worriedly, fondling her hair softly.
She sniffles and nods while squeezing her eyes together for a second.
"I'm leaving the light on, okay?" I ask.
She nods with tears. I sigh and wanna get up, but she grabs my hand and squeezes it.
I sit back down on the bed, "Look. We're not letting anything happen to you. It's not the place where you were before and no one wants to hurt you," I say, fondling her hair again. She nods with so many tears.
I can't help it. I press my lips against her forehead and she starts breathing better as I'm holding them there. Soon, I pull away. She wipes her tears away and looks at me with a sad face.
"I'm sleeping in here. Nothing's gonna happen," I say.
She nods slowly and raises her hand up. She puts her hand on my cheek and moves her thumb a little, caressing it.
'Thank you' she mouths.
I smile a little, enjoying her hand on my face, "No voice," I sigh. She grins a little and drops her hand.
I kiss her forehead for a sec, "Night," I say.
She smiles softly and I get up and lie down on the mattress. I look at her. She sighs and closes her eyes, looking peaceful as ever.
One day. One day and I'm in love.