The next day something similar happened and Oliver was beginning to worry he might never actually do any work. He was occasionally helping the maids or the men in the yard, but that was pretty much all he did. He was given the black uniform of the valet, but he found himself rarely wearing it while he was outside with the man-servants.
Something that got him the constant disapproving eyes of the butler.
That, Oliver, was really trying not to poke Thomas's eyes with his constant idleness and obvious not involvement in the way Callum's clothing or appearance were tended.
He just didn't see the Lord anywhere.
The maids were saying he was often gone for more than even one night, so Oliver could only guess where he went. After all, the old Lord had warned him about his master himself.
On the third day, Oliver got up, looked for the Lord, but he was informed that Callum had already gone out, so he headed for Tennyson's study.
It was still early morning, and he wasn't sure if the old Lord would already be in his library.
Oliver was half-way there when he saw one of the maids go out of the room. She locked the door behind her and Oliver looked out the big hallway window. He continued walking, while she was fumbling with the keys. The girl tripped and almost fell backward when she ran into him.
Oliver quickly caught her by the waist, saving her from falling down.
"Are you all right?" He asked while she was staring at him, wide-eyed.
"I... I didn't see you, I'm so sorry."
Oliver released his hold and smiled at her.
"No, don't worry. I hope you are all right."
"I... yes. Thank you."
The maid took a step away from him, her eyes cast downward the whole time.
"I'm Oliver, by the way. I'm Lord Callum's new valet."
The girl smoothed her skirts and clasped her hands in front of her and didn’t say anything.
"Although I can't say I really am," he joked and the girl said quietly
"I know who you are."
"Oh.. All right, then. “
He paused, expecting a probable answer, or introduction from her.
When that didn’t come, he said simply “ But you still didn't tell me your name. "
"It’s Della."
She looked up then and said "Please don't tell anyone. "
"I...about what?"
"That you saw me here. It's Jenny, really. I’m so sorry, she always does this and then…“ She was speaking very fast, so Oliver tried to calm her down.
“Try and calm down. What happened?”
“Jenny, she... she asked me to clean the study, so she could go to the market and..."
Della began speaking quickly again and Oliver placed his hand on her elbow lightly.
"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone."
"Really?" She asked, hopeful now.
"Yes, really. I don’t think it’s a big deal anyway."
"It's just that...his Lordship doesn't let anyone go in, unless it's her and only once a week at that. I don’t know what will happen if he finds out, please, it’s really important that he never finds out."
"You have my word, I told you- don't worry."
Oliver repeated and it looked like she finally relaxed, even slightly.
"Thank you so much, Mister Oliver. Thank you."
"Just Oliver is enough."
A slow smile began showing on her face and she said
"And I am just Della."
She blushed and it was like what she'd just said startled her. Della almost took another step back again and said "I must probably go, I am wasting your time too."
"Let me walk with you back, in that case. I was hoping I could speak to His Lordship, but considering he’s not in I’d better go too."
Oliver headed back the way he'd come from, Della by his side when he asked
"Do you know when His Lordship normally goes out?"
"Usually at that time every day."
"And he comes back..." he asked casually and she said.
"Late afternoon, unless he works in his study."
“I see. “
They reached the staircase and he turned to her.
"Thank you, in that case, I guess I’ll have to talk to him later."
"Yes," she nodded and headed down the stairs. "And, Oliver?"
"Thank you, once again."
He tipped his head "No, nothing to thank me for, Della. It was in fact nice meeting you, I should be the one thanking you."
She smiled shyly again and he watched her leave.
Oliver saw her stealing a glance at him as she was walking down.
He heard the voices behind the door of Callum's study and paused. From the little he’d seen so far, The Lord very rarely spent time in this room, so Oliver was slightly caught off guard the master was here.
What was even more unusual was it was at that time of the day.
He leaned closed and paused, as he didn't hear the expected male voices coming from the inside, but rather something else.
Someone in there was laughing and he was almost sure he knew the voice well. It was Jenny.
A thought crossed his mind, although she'd said none of the Lords ever indulged in anything with the maids.
Or she'd lied to him, which was also possible and she was in there with Callum. That probably explained why despite the remarks, Jenny talked quite fondly of the youngest master.
The door wasn't fully closed, so Oliver peeked in and saw her. It was indeed Jenny and she was leaning against the desk and ...she wasn’t entirely dressed and a man was standing in front of her.
He was with his back to the door, but he definitely didn't have the vicious red hair of the young Lord.
Jenny slowly began unbuttoning her uniform and asked
"Would you like me to keep the apron?"
"Aye, "
The servant said and lifted her leg.
He had to be one, judging by the way he was dressed and his manner of speech. She put her leg on his waist and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
He ran his hand up and it disappeared somewhere in the skirts. The man said something and the laugh that escaped Jenny quickly turned into a moan. A loud one.
Oliver pulled away from the door immediately, startled.
And saw Callum standing right opposite him.
A huge white was trotting after him.
The lord was dressed in the usual plain long black coat, matching the black tie around his neck.
The afternoon sun was peeking through the big hallway and the light was dancing in his hair. Oliver had seen him very few times since he’d arrived in the Fernsby’s but he knew one thing by now.
The Lord was handsome when getting home late at night, using back doors and passing by like a thief, or while walking in the garden, or when he was standing in the middle of the hallway on a Tuesday afternoon the way he was now.
Oliver had to get used to this and simply stop staring at him like a complete fool every time the man was somewhere around.
The Lord looked at him questioningly.
"Good afternoon.”
"Good Afternoon, Sir. "
They stood facing each other and Oliver put his hands on his hips. He straightened up and said another
"Yes, I think we already exchanged greetings. Now if you could please let me know what I can help you with?"
He lifted an eyebrow and Oliver put his hand on the doorframe. He leaned, trying to look casual.
"I was just..."
"I was wondering if you'd need me, Sir."
“No, I don’t. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get to my study.“
Callum walked towards him and Oliver stood in his way.
"What is going on?"
The Lord asked, now serious.
Oliver opened his mouth to say something when Jenny laughed from the inside of the room.
"It's not..." Oliver said and Callum pushed past him.
The Lord made to open the door but then halted, after taking a brief look inside.
He paused for only a second, then turned and said quietly.
"Well...let's hope Liam won’t, or God Forbid Tennyson, come looking for me."
The Lord put his hands in his pockets.
“Come, Cian, “
The dog followed his master as the Lord headed down the hallway.
Oliver didn’t know if he’d expected another reaction, or what would the normal one be in that case.
Then again, his Master rarely reacted accordingly.
Another possible reason for his reaction was most likely this was not the first time he’d seen something this happening in the manor.
And if it wasn’t, and Jenny and the man were still not dismissed, that meant Callum was indeed completely uninterested in any of those matters. He likely didn’t care about servants and what they did.
The Lord simply didn’t care and that was all about it.
Besides, Callum hadn’t even asked about Oliver and hadn’t troubled himself with getting acquainted with his new personal servant.
Oliver was starting to wonder more and more whether there was anything his master wasn’t not indifferent to.
At the end of the day, though, judging by what was happening and what Oliver had been doing for the past few days- his performance was far from the one expected from a valet.