"Thank you, thank you so much!" Rose, a ginger-haired girl in our year, screeched as her phone came on in Ben's hands. Ben shrugged, handing the android phone back to the excited girl.
I rolled my eyes as I tried to concentrate on my physics textbook. Aiyana who was reading a book on her phone wasn't paying much attention to the scene at the table. Rose finally left after Ben gave her some pointers, bringing back the air of silence on our table.
"You should start charging them," Aiyana muttered under her breath, not taking her eyes off her tablet as she scrolled upwards with a teal painted fingernail.
"I can't do that, and it's not like most of the problems they bring to me are that much of a big deal anyway," Ben muttered, running a hand through his short curly hair as his brown eyes eyed Aiyana's untouched piece of cake.
"Are you going to eat that?" he asked, making Aiyana sigh with an eye roll. She gestured with her free hand that he could have it, earning a toothy grin from Ben.
"I agree with Aiyana, you should start charging them," I said, highlighting a block of text with my green highlighter.
Ben was a tech genius. He could literally fix anything. I think he's the only person I know that can open up and mess with an iPhone. He was like a god in school, bringing crashed laptops back to life, giving gadgets a whole new look by tinkering with their parts, recovering lost data, and helping kids hack into the school's blocked wifi every once in a while.
Ben wasn't a book brainiac like Aiyana and me. He excelled in math in all forms of algebra, calculus, and statistics. He also did very well in Physics and Information Technology, but he usually needed my help to make a decent score in Chemistry, and sometimes Aiyana had to coach him throughout the term to make a pass in English and Economics.
"I don't know," Ben started, digging into Aiyana's cake, "that doesn't seem very nice."
I smiled at his reply. Ben had this odd sense of morality that was extremely peachy and detached from reality.
Aiyana let out a loud sigh, making me turn to face her. She was still concentrated on her phone, biting her lips every once in a while as her finger continued to scroll.
"What book?" I asked making Aiyana look up for the first time. Her brown eyes complimented her equally brown skin, her wavy hair was put up in a bun and the sides were gelled stylishly.
"Native son," she muttered, returning her attention to her phone.
"I will never comprehend how someone can read such a fat ass novel," Ben said, obviously remembering the purple hard copy Aiyana had carried about two days ago.
Aiyana ignored him, rolling her eyes. "I have history next period, what about you guys?"
"We have chemistry," I answered, running a hand through my brown hair before adjusting my white-rimmed glasses. Chemistry was definitely one of my favorite subjects. Miss Jones was the best teacher I've ever had for a subject.
The bell went soon after, making all three of us get up from the table without hesitation. That was a basic trait we all shared — we didn't like being late.
"See you guys later," Aiyana managed to say as she stuffed her tablet into her sling bag before walking off. Ben and I had to drop our trays before heading up to the third floor for chemistry.
I chuckled when Ben paused every once in a while as we walked up the stairs to complain about how he was 'dying' on our journey to class. For some reason, our school had thought it was a good idea to put all the science labs on the top floor.
We soon got to the top floor and Ben let out a loud 'Hallelujah!' before rushing into the chemistry lab. I walked in soon after finding Miss Jones alone with a student at her table. I raised a brow at the scene realizing that I'd never noticed the guy that was chatting away to Miss Jones with a smile before.
"Who's that?" Ben asked, reading my mind.
"I don't know," I muttered as I dropped my bag on the table up in front. Ben took the seat next to me, earning a threatening glare from me.