I looked outside of the window as the rain poured heavily. Droplets of water hit the glass loudly while the teacher lectured us about the laws of physics and what not. I'm seriously contemplating on whacking this dude upside the head. He's giving off stupid information. Things that I'm pretty sure even the idiots in this class already knew in the beginning of the year. We’ve learnt this topic in 9th grade. I’d understand if he was simply recapping what we had learned but he was taking way too much time for this to be a brief recap of what we had learnt a few years ago.
I sighed in frustration as I went through the notes I’ve jotted down this year and then look out the window. I wouldn't be learning anything new if I listened to this teacher ramble away anyway. I set my chin on my palm and continued to watch the light shower outside. How am I going to go home now?
I use the bus since my mother thought it was a good idea to ignore my wishes for a car. The problem is even though I won’t be drenched while I'm on the bus, I will certainly be soaked during the small walk from the bus stop to my house and bringing an umbrella doesn’t work either, it's useless. Trust me, I’ve tried. It ends up in a pit full of shit. Just dandy, don't you think?
I sighed heavily, thinking of the trouble I'll have to go through soon just to get home. I shuddered as I thought about the seeping coldness from my soaked clothes. As you might be able to tell, I’ve walked home in the rain a lot. Why doesn’t Mom just buy me a car? I've been asking for one for ages now; still no good. The bell rang and students rushed out of the class with the teacher shouting reminders at us from behind that, of course, went into deaf ears.
I walked down the hall, going with the steady current of students rushing out of the building, eager to get off out of school. I took a step down the small set of stairs that led to the open ground but stopped as I watched the downpour of rain get heavier by the second. The rumble of thunder in the distance and the echo of the rain hitting the roof above my head made me hesitate. I watched as puddles formed on the uneven pavement in front of my feet and grumbled under my breath as I reached up to tie my hair into a high ponytail. I blew the baby strands that fell over my eyes, preparing to push through the relentless heavy pour of rain.
A second before my shoes landed on the wet pavement, a voice stopped me and made me draw my foot back. "Need a ride?"
'That voice, I know that voice' I thought, trying to remember where I've heard it before; and then it hit me.
'Shit, I know that voice' I thought again, this time my mind sounded an alarm for me to scram before I get myself into some deep shit.
Instead, my body decided it was time to be a stubborn chic that's on her period and turned to face the source of said voice. I awkwardly looked at him before proceeding to avoid his gaze.
"Uh, erm. Err- uh," was my intelligent answer to his offer and I felt my cheeks burn. 'Dammit Luce, can't you at least give him a straight answer?' my subconscious chided me and I looked up to face his amused stare.
"What I meant to say was, yes. If it isn't too much trouble," I answered absentmindedly. After realizing what I just said, my eyes visibly widened and I turned to hit my head on a dry spot on the wall next to me.
Dammit. What did I get myself into now.
"Don't worry, Princess, I won't try anything on you, if that's what you're worried about. Despite what people might say, you could actually say I'm a decent guy, or at least that's what the girls say." He said, giving me a wink and a smirk. I wonder how many girls have fallen for that look. I sure felt tempted to abandon all rational thoughts and just let him have his way with whatever.
Wait, that didn't come out right. Ugh, this is so dumb. What got my jaw hitting the floor though, was neither his bluntness nor my own shockingly stupid thoughts. It was rather what he did next.
He stripped. Okay, he didn't actually strip butt-naked but he did take off his jacket, revealing a see through white V neck that gave me a peek of what's under. I immediately gave out a surprised squeak and covered my eyes, feeling like I was intruding on something. I heard a deep chuckle come from him and hands covering my own, peeling them off my face.
"I know you're a nerd but I didn't think you're that big of a nerd." When someone else says that to my face, I would probably feel a spark of annoyance but when he says it, I just have this feeling that makes me want to.. wait, what are the words? Err- Right. Punch the shit out of him.
"Right. And I know you're a bad boy but I didn't think you're that big of a dick," I snapped at him but looking at his smirk and hearing him chuckle, I realized my choice of words and flushed scarlet.
"Whoa, feisty. Me like-y," he mused under his breath with that smirk of his that didn’t seem like it was going to disappear anytime soon. I cursed myself inside. I just had to open my big mouth. "I didn't mean it like that!"
"Okay. Whatever you say, your highness." He joked and stepped forward, gripping me by the waist gently but firmly.
"Whoa, down boy. What do you think you're doing?" I demanded and he sighed lightly with a hint of amusement.
"Look Princess, I'm flattered that you think of me that way but honestly, I'm not into one night stands with a nerd. You guys tend to get clingy," His tone was sympathetic but it was laced with humor and his hand was still around my waist, holding me to him.
I punched him on the chest and glowered at him, "Forget the ride, I'm taking the bus."
He smirked, "Can't. You're too late, it's long gone by now and you won't reach the bus stop on time to catch the next one anyways." He looked so smug I just wanted to slap him.
"Ugh. Then I'll walk!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air in frustration, ready to march home in the rain. My pride was ready to support me in doing anything but ride in a confined vehicle with this self-centered, arrogant, pompous, egotistical, presumptuous prat!
"Am I really that big of a pain in your ass that you have grown to resent me with just one conversation?" He said with feigned hurt, a hand hovering above his chest. I had to suppress the smile that's threatening to come as I glanced away, towards the parking lot. I took my time to rid myself of the amused expression that’s trying to surface before finally calmly looking at Ryder who was standing there, jacket in hand, posing perfectly effortlessly, with a quirked eyebrow. I looked him up and down with a bored expression, concealing my wonder. Is that real biceps I see? Jeez, the dude must work out often.
"Yes, yes you are." I confirmed with mocked finality in my voice. We were silent for a while before we both cracked up together.
"Well, come on now. We don't have all day, let's get to the car," he told me, jerking his head at the direction of his car as he held the jacket above his head and made room for me. I reluctantly obliged and together, we made our way to his car under the angry rain. Even with the rain consistently hitting his jacket and drenching half of his shirt, he still opened my door for me, getting himself even wetter. I quickly moved inside so that he'll be able to rush to his side of the car.
He pulled the door shut and threw his wet jacket to the backseat. I watched as he ran his hands through his hair making it stick up everywhere and he shook his head, making droplets of water fly everywhere. I squeaked as some got on me and earned myself a devilish grin from satan.
Without a second's hesitation, he moved closer and trapped me in his arms, leaning his head towards my face and started shaking it again. I let out a giggle, trying to push him away from me and get him to stop.
"Stop!" I squealed at the ticklish feeling.
He chuckled, "It's only fair to get you at least a little bit wet since you're completely dry while I'm soaked." He joked.
I let my lips form a smile, "Thanks for that, by the way."
He shook his head, a small smile plastered on his face, "Don't mention it, Princess. I did tell you I was a decent guy to begin with."
I groaned with a hint of amusement, "And the cocky clotpole is back."
That made him laugh, "Clotpole? And where did you get that one from?"
I shrugged, "I'm a geek."
He laughed again, shaking his head lightly. "You're definitely something, Princess."
I frowned, realizing the nickname. "Yeah, about that. What's up with the nickname?" I questioned, making him shrug. "Never caught your name so I thought I better make something up."
I looked at him weirdly, "Well, aren't you a creative fella." I muttered sarcastically as I watched him drive the car past the school gates and into the streets of San Francisco. I told him my address and made sure to give him directions to ensure that we won’t get lost.
"So, aren't you going to tell me your name so that I'll stop calling you Princess?" He quirked an eyebrow, letting his eyes wander to my face for a second before focusing back to the road.
I snorted, "You wish." I wonder how many girls fell for that line.
He shrugged with a smirk, "I'll find out sooner or later."
I rolled my eyes at him, "How cliché. We must teach your brain to give out more creative comments!" I told him seriously and he chuckled, the deep sound filling the car.
"What? Like force me to read books?" He joked but I looked at him in mock seriousness while nodding. "Yes. Just like that. In fact, it has just become my life goal."
Now it was his turn to look at me like I was crazy.
"You can't be serious," with the look on his face, I couldn't help but let the act go and burst into laughter
while pointing at his face.
"That was gold!" I told him between howls of laughter and he made a face, "Ha-ha, very funny, Princess." I smiled at him, "Shut up, I'm hilarious!" And proceeded to burst into another round of laughter from the Supernatural reference only I knew I made.
After a while, we finally reached my house and he stopped the car in front of the gates. I looked at the house and sighed, "Home sweet home, I guess." I mumbled under my breath and he frowned at the empty looking house.
"You live alone? Where are your parents?" I smiled at his concern. It's been a while since anyone was concerned for me aside from Tia.
"My parents are workaholics and I have a brother who's in college, so I mostly spend my weekends with that minion girl from lunch.” I explained.
He nodded and looked at me, "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
I nodded in confirmation. "Yeah. Thanks for the ride," I said to him, gathering my things and fishing out my keys before opening the door and quickly closing it. I made a run to a sheltered spot, dashing past the gates to my house and to a dry spot. I looked back to his car and waved, watching him zoom away before entering the house and rushing to my bathroom to take a warm shower.