I get up and walk to school, and like the rest of the mornings, I do it in silence. Mothers hide their kids behind them or walk the other way; I sigh knowing if I wasn't born the way I was I would still have a loving mother, friends, and no one would be ignoring me.
I enter the school and head to my locker, no one cares to go near my locker they are always still too scared they will become gay, like that would happen you can't just turn gay.
"Did you hear its Abbys birthday tomorrow?" I hear one of the girls' whose locker is next to mine question.
"Yeah I did, she is inviting everyone from five different schools to come to her party" she smiles back, making me roll my eyes, no one needs that many people at a party.
I grab all my things and head towards my class when I pass a group of Abby's friends talking.
"Wonder who her mate is?" one of the boys' questions.
"I don't know, but her wolf won't tell her; she will only tell her that they are close and that she is in for a surprise. That's why we moved here; her wolf wanted to get to know him first but won't tell her who it is only that she hasn't talked to them yet" the other replies back.
"Maybe its a girl" the first one replies, making them all laugh.
"Wouldn't the Alpha love that" they laugh again and walk off.
I love to eavesdrop, especially since no one even realizes I am listening. But I wonder who this Alpha is that they are talking about. Maybe they are like the priest of there church, though I never saw Abby as the religious type. Taking the thought out of my brain, I focus on my math work.
60 30 780=870
I quickly fill out the sheet before relaxing back in my seat to watch the rest of the class finish their work. I watch Abby frown her eyebrows at one of the questions making me want to laugh, she is so cute when she is confused, but these are simple questions, even I knew the answers off by heart just by looking at the problem.
I stand at lunch and watch Abby cheer though the window like normal but something seemed off, she seemed lost in thought instead of paying attention to what she is doing. I observe as she is thrown through the air and lands perfectly in Landon's arms.
I rush over to my table and think about all the gossip everyone has been talking about today. I know when everyone says that everyone is invited to the party that meant everyone but me; which all in all I guess is okay I am not the partying type, but something in me doesn't feel right. Something feels very wrong about the situation like I am missing the crucial part of a puzzle.
I hear the bell ring and immediately get up and leave the school, I know there are still a few hours left of school, but no one will miss me, hell no one even calls my name in class attendance.
I head straight to the park that is halfway between the school and my house and sits lazily on the swing set. I look down at my attire and smile at my black dress that has white poke a dots on it. My hair is pulled to the side, and my black combat boots are riding high on my ankles, people used to always throw compliments at me telling me how beautiful I am, but I never listened more so because I didn't want to let it get to my head.
I kick my feet up as I swing around on the swing set before realizing I better go home and get some sleep for school tomorrow. It got dark out a few hours ago, and while no one will ever know I didn't go home I think it would be best to head home and sleep since I am pulling a game marathon tomorrow night with my online gamer friend Emma.