Darius’ p.o.v.
The moment the invitation came in, I knew it would mean trouble between my Mother and my twin Brother.
And yes, I say my Mother for a reason. Daxton might be my twin Brother, but she always treated him less than me and for the first ten years of our lives we even believed that we were separated by a whole year.
It wasn’t until our former Alpha overheard a conversation between me and Daxton, that we were told that we were twins.
It explained quite a lot of things to the both of us and Daxton has pulled away from our Mother ever since, there even was a time he refused to acknowledge that she was his Mother.
We still don’t understand why she favors me over Daxton and we both doubt that we will ever find out.
I listen to the words my Mother speaks, but I don’t respond and I don’t have to. Daxton can take care of himself, but I am starting to get agitated by Mother’s relentless quest to get Daxton to take a chosen Mate and preferably Daniella.
None of us likes Daniella, it goes back to our childhood and she hasn’t given us a reason yet to change our minds.
Daniella is the Granddaughter of a former Elder and she was always after Preston. No matter what anyone told her, she kept going after him and we thought she might trick him into a chosen Mate-bond.
Daxton, Rayden and I would always be with Preston and we have seen Daniella try a few desperate things to get into Preston’s bed, but thank the Goddess that she never succeeded. It would have been this Pack’s downfall and one of us would have been charged with murder.
Mother stares at me when I suggest that I take Daniella as a chosen Mate, I know she doesn’t think Daniella is good enough to be a Beta’s Mate and she will object to my suggestion.
“Darius, that is ridiculous. Daniella is not cut out to be a Beta’s Mate, she would never be able to support you the way you need your Mate to support you.” Mother replies and I see a devilish look in Rayden’s eyes.
“Then she isn’t suited to be Daxton’s Mate either, after all they are twins and that makes Daxton also a Beta.” Rayden states and normally I would say that no one can argue with that, but I know how my Mother feels about Daxton and Beta in the same sentence.
“Darius is Silver Eclipse’s Beta, Daxton holds no title. Daniella can be his chosen Mate, but not that of my little boy.” My Mother growls and I know Rayden is going to spill the beans.
“What do you mean with Daxton holds no title? I thought that twins always shared everything, their Mate and their rank.” Ruth, Rayden’s Mate, asks.
“Nice safe, Rayden.” I hear Preston say over our mind-link.
I would like to hear how my Mother is going to get herself out of this pickle, either she acknowledges that Daxton is also a Beta or she has to tell a lie.
Daniella has had a disgusted look on her face since Ruth mentioned that twins share a Mate, seems like she hadn’t taken that in to consideration.
“You are right, Ruth. A twin usually shares a Mate and a rank, but Daxton made a mess of his life at the age of twenty. It is a shameful period and I don’t like to get reminded of it. I told Preston that Daxton’s status had been damage and that only Darius had a right to the Beta of Silver Eclipse Pack.” My Mother answers Ruth.
Ruth looks at Daxton for a very long time and I know that he is getting uncomfortable by the way she is looking at him.
“I’m sorry for staring, Daxton. I am just trying to see the monster, because only a monster wouldn’t deserve his rank or a true Mate-bond. I will let you know when I have found that monster, even though I have a feeling that I am looking in the wrong direction.” Ruth says.
Daxton is trying to hide his laughter, but I am not even trying. Ruth knows what so say and when to say it, she always manages to lighten up a tense situation.
“Ruth, I don’t like what you are implying…..” My Mother starts to say, but Ruth just raises her hand to shut her up.
“I am not implying anything. It is just a result of the information that you gave me, the only thing I could come up with is that whatever Daxton did must have painted him as a monster and nothing less. I can’t see that monster in him and I doubt his Mate will.” Ruth replies and I see Daxton shaking with laughter.
Our Mother isn’t used to someone interrupting her or to tell her how they feel about her and Ruth doesn’t have a problem doing both.
“Daxton will never find his connection after all these years, it is time he accepts the fact that he will never have a true Mate-bond.” My Mother says and I have to grit my teeth to keep quiet.
“Okay, let’s see if I can get this straight. You believe that Daxton will never find his Mate, but that also means that Darius will never find his Mate. Because Daxton will never find his Mate, you want him to take a chosen Mate and that means that Darius needs to find a chosen Mate too.
They are twins and that means sharing a Mate, maybe Daniella is willing to take two Mates. Oh, hold on. Her face tells me enough, she is disgusted by the idea of having two Mates. Leaves me with one last question, why settle for the twin that has no right to a High-rank according to his Mother?” Ruth states, her eyes locked with those of my Mother.
Damn, that woman is good. She managed to ask a question that has eluted me all these years.
My Mother is looking a little pale and Daniella looks as if she is about to throw up, why does that deduction from Ruth unsettle them so much. Have I been missing something all these years?