Feyare Series #1/sil-din/secrets and cursefate, unchanging versepair of wings and a tailstart of a legacy, all hail The ...
On top of her right hand, there swirls her own ocean, forming a sphere of current that can slice anything it would hit. While on her left, a gale-force in the shape of arrows are dancing on her command.
"Daeri!" shout upon the unification of both her powers when she brought her both hands together at one direction, aiming to the lady in her front.
Her opponent's eyes didn't blink, not even after being hit by the ripple of water and air she created, making one bend a knee.
Fusion of two elements, a forbidden power’s existence.
Other students started to talk about her, as her aquamarine aura rose, embracing half of her body while the other is being enveloped by her jade one.
"I thought she's a Sylph?" one muttered.
"But she can control water too!" another exclaimed.
"Do you think they will behead her?" one asked.
"I am curious how she broke the curse set upon the water fairies." someone said.
"Half Sylph and half Undine....." she answered them in her mind.
Shrugging off the public's reaction, she knew this would happen once she has shown her true form to them, an inevitable moment in her life.
“You don’t belong here! In anywhere Naia!” the lady with burning hands madly uttered as bullets of fire started approaching her stand.
Yet she was able to fly closer her rival and stab the Salamander’s abdomen with her frozen dagger.
"I don't exist for your sake, fitting in is less of my concern.” with a cold tone she said as she raised her enemy’s red flag in the name of her victory.