Brianna's POV
The waiter went back to the table where we are. He was holding the order and immediately place it on the table. This time he wasn't look at my direction. Well, that's what I wanted. Until the waiter went back to the counter and I feel at ease now. But it's kind of awkward because I'm still wearing my shades on.
I look around if the waiter was around so that I can take off my shades. I look at the counter and saw him looking intently at my direction. I immediately averted my gaze. There's no way that he recognized me. Or did he saw me averting my gaze at him? Never mind!
"Who are you looking for?" Marco said.
"Oh, nothing," I replied. "By the way, do you want to dance?" I asked him smiling. I also took my shades off, because it makes my sight darker.
"Sure!" he gladly said. I immediately stand and drag him at the center. The music was alive and there were lots of people dancing on the tune.
We are in the middle of dancing when someone just accidentally pour a drink on Marco's suit. We stop dancing but not the people around us.
"Oh my gosh!" I kind of a bit panic about what happened.
"Are you not looking on your way?" Marco said with his forehead furrowed. I look at the one who cause it and was surprised to see the man I'm avoiding. My lips parted seeing the man looking at my direction but he wasn't surprised at all.
"I'm sorry, Sir." The waiter was apologizing to Marco but he was still looking at me. Marco was little pissed off so he just went back to the table. I follow him and left the waiter who was just standing there.
I approached Marco and invited him to the comfort room to wash his suit. He agreed and now we are on our way there. Few, minutes later Marco and I reach the comfort room. We went inside the women's room because there's no people there at this time.
Marco take off his suit together with his shirt. Good thing, he was wearing his sleeveless shirt. I look at him once and even I didn't see his body naked I was thinking that he has a complete pack of abs. He was so masculine and I can't help myself but fantasizing his built body. It was cold in here but I feel like I'm melting.
I am currently wiping Marco's suit when he lock the door. I felt a little nervous knowing that we are the only person here inside. The next thing he did was he got near me. I stop at what I'm doing and focus my sight on him. Marco was staring at me, and the way he looks at me sends a chill all over my body.
"You know what Brianna? I wanted to kiss you so bad." I swallowed my own saliva upon hearing those words. Kiss me? I also want to taste him but if I kiss him, I know there's more to follow.
"You're just drunk Marco," I said pretending that I'm not into him.
"Don't you want to do that too?" Marco said lustfully.
"I'm finished wiping your shirt, you can wear it now," I said, changing the topic. I handed his shirt but he just put it on the sink. I smile at him to hide my nervousness.
I immediately walk towards the door and twisted the doorknob but it was locked. I can't open it. I turned to Marco who's now having his devilish smile on his lips.
"I just wanted to kiss you, but seems like you're afraid of me." Marco was now walking towards me.
I thump the door harder so that someone might hear us. But all that efforts became useless as Marco was now holding my risk tightly. He cornered me on the wall where I was leaning. My heart pounded so hard that I can clearly hear it myself.
"Let me go, please," I said softly. But his expression seems like he didn't hear anything.
Marco lowered his face on mine until he was now claiming my lips. The taste of mint and alcohol is what I have tasted in his lips. His tongue was inside my mouth and I can't do anything but to accept it inside. I just close my eyes, until I heard a bang, a loud sound like opening a door forcefully. I opened my eyes and saw the waiter entered having his mad face looking towards our direction. When he got near us, he immediately grab Marco's arm and push him away giving him a hard punch on his face. My lips parted as what the waiter did. What if he got fired punching a customer? I'm not worried about myself but for him.
Marco was now lying on the floor having blood on his lips.
"Are you okay?" the waiter asked me examining the parts of my body.
"Thank you," I replied. "But is it okay for you? They might fire you in your work." Instead of seeing a sad face on him, he just gave me a smile.
"That's okay, I have a lot of works," he said complacently. "Let's go!" I'm a bit surprised when he held my hand. He walks me out until we get into the party.
I just sit on the vacant chair and didn't go back to where my friend Chari was. I'm avoiding the question she will ask if she won't see Marco with me. I just stare at the waiter who helped me. My conscience for him was here. I just saw him going at the back of the kitchen and when he went back he was not wearing the uniform of a waiter. He was in his t-shirt and blue jeans. When I saw him walking outside, I immediately follow him. Luckily, he was still there.
"Wait!" I called him. He turn around and looked at my direction. I know he was in hesitant to get near me so I am the one who walk towards him.
"Is there any problem?" His looks was not someone who is at lost. "Did that guy woke up already?" he added.
"No, it's not that." I handed him my calling card. "Here's my calling card, if you need a work just call me." He accept my calling card without any hesitation.
"I will just give you a piece of advice Ma'am. Next time, you should dance with your fiance and not the guy you just know by now." The guy left afterwards and I was being dumbfounded at what he said. Seriously? Who is he to gave advice to me? But, yeah, he has a point.
Right after he left, I didn't go back inside the bar. I just called Chari that I went back home because there was an emergency at home. I just ride a taxi and I went home safe.
I was in front of our gate when it automatically opened. I was a bit surprised because the group of bodyguards are walking towards my direction. What the hell is going on? I wasn't able to run or scape because I'm tipsy. The next thing happened is that there are two bodyguards who are now holding me both in my arms.
"What are you doing?" I said empathically. "Let go of me!" I said with authority. But they're like deaf that can't hear what I was saying. "I said let me go!" This time, I think they heard me because they release me but the next thing happened is that one of the bodyguards just lifted me and carry with his arms. I'm so annoyed but I can't do anything because I'm tipsy.
They just put me down when they reach the front door of our mansion. I stand straight and make myself look normal because my parents was standing right in front of the door and what's worst, Aldrich was with them. Is there any occasion going inside our mansion? I'm not informed!
"It's already late Brianna! Where have you been at this time?" my Dad said empathically. "We are looking for you every where but we can't find you!"
"You don't need to worry now because I am already here Dad," I reluctantly said.
I was about to step inside our mansion when I felt that there someone who grab my hand. I turned to where the person who have the courage to do that and saw Aldrich looking at me intently. What's with him? I'm a bit dizzy and I wanted to just rest.
"You're drunk, I will take you to your room." My concerned boyfriend was now on his mood and I don't like it. But yeah, I will let him to do what he wanted because I need someone who will hold me at this moment.
I'm just expecting that Aldrich would just held my hand to convey me in my room, but he carry me on his arms. I was able to see his face that close and that made me realized that he was also a kind of a jaw dropping man. I stare at his face for a moment, but when I realized that someone kissed me in the bar I averted my gaze at him. Why am I feeling this kind of conscience towards him? It's not like I cheated on him! That kiss was unintentional. I just closed my eyes until I feel my body was now lying on the soft mattress.
I noticed that Aldrich was about to go but I have an idea in my mind. I want to test him. I reach for his hand, luckily, I grab it. He stop at his track and turned around to where I was.
"Can you stay here with me tonight?" I said softly looking at him straight to his eyes. Aldrich just stare at me with his serious look. I don't know if he would agree with me because as far as I know he's the man who has a full respect to woman. We didn't kiss yet either. But who knows? People sometimes do change.
"Really? You want me to stay here?" Aldrich said wondering. Well, I know he's wondering because this is the first time I ask him.
"Yes, can you do that for me?"
"Of course not! We're not yet married. Wait until it happened and you'll not going to ask for that anymore." I fell silent at what Aldrich had said and let go of his hand afterwards. Did he just rejected me? By the way, I'm not that disappointed because he rejected me, but because of the fact that he doesn't change at all. How can I leave him and break his heart if he just continued showing good attitude towards me?
"Okay!" I said sulky. I lay on my side, acting that I got disappointed. Suddenly, I feel like there's someone who seated on the bed.
"Briana, you're not a teenager anymore. I respect you as a woman and I respect your parents."
"I got it, so please just leave now," I said reluctantly.
"Okay, I will just leave after you sleep."
I didn't response at him but instead I change position and just lay down on bed. I keep my eyes wide awake so he wouldn't leave my side immediately. It's not that I want him to be by my side so badly but just wanted him to teach some lesson. I look at the wall clock and saw that it was already 11:30 in the evening. There's this idea who entered my mind. Because I'm use to sleep late in the evening, I will make him stay here until twelve. I bet he will get annoyed.
"I'm drunk but I'm not sleepy," I said just for him to hear.
"Do you want something to drink?" I sighed, and he still concerned with me.
"Nope. Just sing me a song." I said in sarcastic tone.
"But I'm not good at singing."
"Then dance."
"Are you fooling around?"
That time, I lay again on my side so that I can't see his face. I don't know but I don't have any romantic feeling towards him. He's almost perfect in others' eyes but I can't see that. One thing is sure, that you can't teach your heart to love someone who you don't really love.
As time passed, my eyesight began to blurr. My eyelid became heavy and I started yawning. Few minutes later, I closed my eyes and my body and soul came to rest.