The next day Thandi got to school 15 minutes early and asked Sthe, the only new boy in 9a to switch desks with her. She was now sitting on desk number 5 next to Cindy and very happy. When Mandy got to her desk she discovered that she had a new desk mate. She thought Thandi would plead and coax her into becoming her friend but she moved instead and was chatting happily with her new desk mate paying no attention to her at all. Sthe was not a talker and he kept to himself. The bell rang again at 8 o’clock and the Physical science Teacher came and thought them. When questions were asked Thandi knew all the answers.
Mandy was confused. Was this not only the second day in grade 9? then why did Thandi know so much about this stuff? Mandy was not the top of the class in her previous school but she was among the brightest and she did not know these answers. If she was not sitting right behind Thandi she would swear that she was cheating but she could see that there was no book opened in front of her. This means, this girl actually knew a lot of Physical science.
The next Teacher that came in was Mr Q. Everyone stood up and greeted him in unison. He walked around again today inspecting everyone’s uniform and books. He stopped again next to Mandy.
She could not believe it. She did everything right today, at least that’s what she thought. She was wearing a full school uniform, nails were cut and paint removed, she stood with the class and greeted him. What did he want now? Mandy was shaking.
Number 7 come back to your desk, he commanded. You number 5 go to your desk, he said looking at Sthe. Thandi and Sthe stood up fast and went back to their original desks.
From now on, you all sit where you are unless I move you, understand?. He roared.
Yes Sir, the class responded in unison.
Thandi was disappointed, she was stuck with her rude desk mate unless Mr Q said so. Pretty was also disappointed, she thought she would be able to share a desk with Mandy soon but that was unlikely now.
Mr Q walked to the board, started doing long calculations and wrote an answer at the end. When he was done he turned and looked at them. Does anyone have anything to say? he asked. Pupils looked at each other and shook their heads. What was there to say?
Thandi was debating in her head on what she should do and finally lifted her hand.
Speak, said Mr Q
Thandi stood up and said”according to BODMAS rule, your technique is incorrect therefore your answer is wrong ”. She completed her sentence with her heart pounding, already regretting the decision to disagree with Mr Q.
The other pupils could not believe it, what was wrong with this girl? How can she disagree with Mr Q?
Come to the board and show us “your right technique”, he said indifferently.
Thandi walked to the board and started doing her calculations. Initially her hand was shaking but soon she felt confident. Her answer was right, she was sure of it.
Let the class decide which one is right, said Mr Q. If you think I’m right, come stand on my side. If you think number 7 is right, stand on her side.
Most stood up and walked to Mr Q’s side without even looking at Thandi’s work. Some had no idea what the answer should be but thought it was safer to be on Mr Q’s side. In the end Thandi was standing alone on her side.
Could she be wrong?, she started doubting herself. She looked at her work again, she did everything right but why was she standing alone?
Do you want to reconsider number 7? he asked her. This is your last chance, he added.
Thandi looked at her work again and shook her head. You have majority vote but I do not see any wrong on my calculations, she said with her head down.
Maths is marvellous isn’t? there’s no grey zone, it’s either right or wrong, he said smiling. I’ve been doing this wrong calculations every second day of school for the past 5 years and you are the second person to pick it up and the first to have guts to point it out. Nicely done, he applauded.
He turned to look at the pupils on his side who now had their heads down and said “ you are either stupid or spineless” I hope I can mend both by the time you leave this school.
Number 7 will teach you BODMAS and tomorrow I expect all of you to know this calculation, he said as he walked out.
BODMAS is an acronym for Bracket, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Thandi turned and explained her calculations to the class. She answered some questions and went to sit down.
Mandy was working on her calculations and seemed to be stuck. After hesitation Thandi began to help her. When she was done Mandy looked at her and said “ok , cut the chase and just tell me what you want?, money, job for your parents, Sbu or Menzi”?
Thandi was confused, why would I want money or job from you? you are a student!
Is it Sbu or Menzi then? asked Mandy.
Now Thandi was more confused, who are those and why would I want them and want them from you?
Mandy knew that Thandi was from a village in a rural area so she asked “you have no idea what JJL is, do you? “
Thandi shook her head now feeling stupid. Why was Mandy asking her these things and what did it have anything to do with her?
Why did you hold my hand yesterday and why are you helping me with my calculations today? Mandy was still suspicious. She learned early in life that people always had hidden agendas when helping her.
I felt sorry for you, I thought you wore your clothes because you didn’t know the rules or did not have the uniform. Its hard coming to a new school and it could have been any of us, Thandi said.
No uniform! are you for real? Mandy frowned, disgusted. I have 5 pairs of this cheep stuff( pointing at the uniform). Mandy could not believe that Thandi thought she did not have a uniform and missed the point completely. For your information, I wore designer clothes yesterday to make a statement.
Then you are just an idiot, I won’t waste my sympathy on you again! Thandi was furious.
Oh really, who do you think you are fooling? then why did you help with my calculations today? you can’t say it’s because we are both new because the rest of the class did not understand those calculations either, snapped Mandy not buying it. She had been fooled too many times.
You sitting next to me and I can see your wrong calculations. I just can’t stand wrong calculations! Thandi snapped back.
She started doing calculations at an early age and it soon became an addiction. She could not stop until she has solved a problem no matter how long it took her.
Next time say “ THANK YOU” when someone helps you. Is that too hard for you?
Mandy was speechless.
The next Teacher came in and the next. The two desk mates did not look or speak to each other the rest of the day.