She could hear naught but the gentle patter of her feet as she slipped through the shadows. She pushed a stubborn strand of hair from her face as she turned a corner and came to the top of the winding stairway. Slowly, she made her descent, her eyes straining against the heavy darkness. Her heart began a rhythmic pounding within her chest as she came to the bottom and paused, her eyes settling on a door slightly ajar and the floor below it illuminating a flickering light.
Ginelle approached the door and pushed it open. Immediately, her eyes settled on the stoked fire beneath a mantle in exact replica to the one in her room. She moved with hesitant steps towards the fire, somehow drawn to the large, spacious room.
"What are you doing here?" she stiffened at the great, harsh voice coming from the right side of the room and she whirled to study the solid silhouette staring back at her with those glacial eyes of steel.
Dorian leaned comfortably into the overstuffed chair, taking pleasure in the warmth and comfort it provided when a distinct noise brought him alert. His hand moved to the blade hidden beneath his tunic, his eyes narrowing in speculation. His fingers paused around the hilt as a small, distinguishable shadow made its way discreetly into the room.
The warm, radiant glow cast from the fire encased her in a shroud of deep, flickering gold. Shadows danced across the delicate features of the child's pensive face as she took small overt steps to stand before the hearth. The nightshirt swallowed her little frame and Dorian contemplated the child's age. Her bone structure was painfully fragile; her petite frame naught but a thin, feeble body beneath the cotton shift. Her pale tresses had been pulled back into a plait, several tedious strands escaping their restraint to frame her ethereal face.
A disturbing notion occurred to him. She was a pretty child.
His scowl deepened and he promptly banished the disquieting thought. "What are you doing here?" the words were released on a deep growl, indicating his sudden shift in mood.
The child pivoted, those large brown eyes widening in abrupt panic. As he leaned forward to better examine the sudden rush of blood that fled her face, she retreated a few paces, her limbs trembling as though he were going to pounce on her at any moment.
"I-I'm s-sorry." She fumbled with words as a profound fear paralyzed her.
"You shouldn't be here." He warned; his anger evident in the baritone of his voice. He stiffened as the sudden glint of tears surfaced in those wide, soft eyes and yet he could see her struggle to hold them back. Without another word, she turned and fled the room.
The next morning, Ginelle was seated at a beautifully long, trestle table laden with food. A brilliant chandelier hung above; heavily adorned with glass crystals glinting in the morning light emitting through the heavy drapes, but its beauty went unnoticed as her thoughts were disturbed with an assertive pair of cold, blue eyes. After her encounter with the dark laird last night, sleep had eluded her. She feared what the break of day would bring, fearful that the domineering lord would scold and berate her inquisitive actions the previous night, but he man was vacant from the breakfast table and as she spared a glance at Eloise at her side, she appeared unaware of what transpired.
The servants scurried in haste around the table, each carrying a tray exhibiting an assortment of food from boiled eggs to blocks of cheese. Her mouth watered as her eyes settled on fresh baked biscuits and a bowl of steaming oatmeal that a maid carried her way. As soon as the porridge was placed in front of her, she wasted no time in devouring the tasty meal.
A gentle laugh erupted at her hearty appetite and Ginelle paused with the spoon just inches from her mouth to peer at Eloise grinning with amusement flickering in the blue of her eyes. Eloise reached over and gently patted her hand gripping the utensil. "We will have to work on your etiquette."
Ginelle smiled sheepishly as she watched Eloise take a modest bite of the porridge and than slowly, Ginelle mirrored the gesture. Almost immediately, her stomach protested, growling nosily to force a deep blush into her cheeks.
Suddenly, the steward, Bogart appeared in the dining hall, his slender frame garbed in his usual black waist-coat and cotton trousers. "Milady?" he inquired, catching Eloise attention. "Lieutenant Stefan Cummings is here to see Master Dorian."
Eloise smiled as she gathered to her feet and Ginelle quickly did the same as a tall, slender man followed in behind the cynical Bogart. Lieutenant Cummings was a young and handsome man with an abundance of unruly, wheat hair. He produced a charming smile as his russet eyes met Eloise from across the room. "Lady Ashford, tis always a pleasure." He moved to accept her hand and gently caressed her knuckles with a kiss.
"Lieutenant, we are pass formality. Please, call me Eloise." Ginelle watched their exchange from beneath her lashes.
"As much pleasure as it would bring me, Lady Ashford, I must refrain for my gentleman reverence would not permit it." He replied with a dazzling smile.
His eyes than rested on Ginelle and immediately she dropped her head to avoid his stare as her fingers entwined nervously against the skirt of her dress. She felt someone step in beside her and the tension slightly eased from her body as Eloise said, "This is my ward, Miss Ginelle Pattinson."
Ginelle was quick to notice that Eloise had not mentioned her real last name and for that she was grateful. If someone were to learn of her whereabouts, she would never be safe for Pierino would not give up in finding her.
A look of interest brightened the man's eyes as he turned to fully address her but still spoke to Eloise. "I was not aware that you had taken in a protégé, milady. Is the young miss kin to the Ashford line? It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Pattinson."
Ginelle was relieved that the Lieutenant had not repeated the same custom of kissing her hand as he had done with Eloise.
Those observant, russet eyes averted back to Eloise. "Where might I find your troublesome brother?"
Eloise smiled, "He is in the study. May I inquire of your visit, Lieutenant?" she paused for a moment before adding, "I assume you bring unfortunate news?"
Reluctantly, he nodded. "Aye, milady." His voice lacked in exuberance.
Eloise quickly sought to conceal the disappointment, offering a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Very well, Lieutenant. I will not keep you from business."
Ginelle watched as the Lieutenant took her hand once more and softly kissed her knuckles. His hand lingered for a moment and than he straightened and left the room. Ginelle peered up at Eloise but her expression revealed naught of her displeasure.