The next morning, after a fitful night of sleep, Emily arrived at her Mother’s hospice. It was dark in the room and the shades were drawn. Her Mom was asleep in the shadows. She was surprised to see a large bouquet of flowers on a table next to her bed. Emily opened the note and read it.
Dear Emily,
Forgive me if I offended you or made you uncomfortable in any way yesterday. It was certainly not my intention. Quite the opposite, I just want to help you during this difficult time. To that end I have decided to pay for your mother’s medical expenses. It will be one less thing for you to worry about. I hope you decide to accept my job offer. Tell your mother I will keep her in my thoughts.
Derrick Miller
Emily had to admit it was a nice gesture and the flowers were beautiful, but since Mr. Miller was married, she decided that working as his assistant under the circumstances would be inappropriate. It was also wrong to allow him to pay for her mother’s medical expenses, she thought. Emily resolved to put an end to their affair immediately and tell him so in person. She looked down at her Mom’s pale skin and touched her forehead. Her mother opened her eyes briefly and closed them again.
“I’ll be back later. I love you, Mom.”
Her mother smiled slightly and nodded. Emily kissed her cold cheek and left the hospice. When Emily arrived at the office, Mr. Miller seemed to know she was coming and greeted her at the door. Emily noticed he looked slightly taller and his hair was combed differently, or perhaps she just felt groggy from lack of sleep.
“Hello, Emily,” Mr. Miller said. “Did your mother get the flowers?”
“Yes, they were lovely, Mr. Miller. Thank you,” Emily replied. “Do you have a moment? There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
“Of course. Come in. Would you like a drink?”
“No, thank you.”
After shutting and locking the door, Mr. Miller led Emily to the couch with his arm around her waist. The contact made her uncomfortable, but she remained silent. Emily sat down and Mr. Miller walked over to the bar to pour himself a drink.
“How was your mother today?” he asked.
“About the same,” Emily said.
“So, have you decided about the job?”
“I read your note, Mr. Miller, but… after yesterday… I really don’t think it would be appropriate to accept the position at DMI. And I certainly can’t accept your money. It was very kind of you, but you shouldn’t have paid my mother’s medical bills. Please call the hospice and tell them there was a mistake.”
Mr. Miller walked back to the couch with his drink and sat next to her.
“Paying for your mother’s medical care has nothing to do with whether you accept the job, Ms. Williams.”
“Why did you do it then?”
“I did it because I like you.”
“No one is that generous, Mr. Miller. Tell me the real reason.”
Mr. Miller took a drink and smiled.
“Once I say this out loud, you can accuse me of sexual harassment and sue the company.”
“I won’t sue your company, Mr. Miller. I just want to know the truth.”
“OK. I’ll tell you the truth…. I’ve fallen in love with you, Emily.”
Emily blushed and looked down.
I’ve heard this before, too. Many times.
“Mr. Miller…”
“And I want to have an affair with you…”
Emily stood up.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Miller, but I have to go.”
She walked to the door. Mr. Miller followed.
“Emily, don’t leave like this. I feel responsible for you now. I can’t let you go.”
Mr. Miller embraced Emily from behind and kissed her neck. His hand swept under her skirt, up the back of her leg and came to rest on the curve of her ass. As soon as he touched her, Emily’s inappropriate thoughts returned: kissing him, offering her breasts to be fondled, holding his erect penis in her hands, sucking on the head and rim and swallowing his semen. She felt the same overpowering sensation as before: a tingling on her skin, a pleasant wetness between her thighs, and the desire to kneel before him. No matter how hard she tried, Emily couldn’t get the sexual thoughts out of her mind.
“Please open the door, Mr. Miller. I should go.”
“I don’t want you to leave, Emily.”
“You seem like a nice man, Mr. Miller, but there’s a lot going on in my life right now and I feel a bit overwhelmed.”
“I know you feel that way. You’re a very complex, emotional woman, aren’t you? A miracle of science, really.”
Emily looked over her shoulder at him, confused again by his words.
“Miracle of science? What do you mean by that?”
He leaned in, pressing her body closer to him.
“Let me show you what I mean...”
Reaching around her thighs Mr. Miller slipped his hand under her panties. Two of his fingers slipped easily in and out of Emily’s sex, stroking her innermost flesh. Unable to resist, Emily turned her chin slightly and offered the CEO her lips. They kissed and looked into each other’s eyes.
“What we’re doing is wrong, Mr. Miller. You’re married.”
“I know, but I can’t live without you now, Emily. I need you. You need me too.”
He withdrew his fingers from her most intimate place and turned her body to face him. They kissed again.
“Touch me, Emily,” he whispered. “Perform your prime directive.”
Prime Directive.
Though confused by his choice of words, Emily knew what to do. Her hands immediately drifted down against her will and touched the CEO’s penis. Petting it with her thumb, Emily felt it stiffen and grow harder. Glancing down, she saw the outline of his erection under his clothes. Mr. Miller unlocked the door with his finger and gestured for her to follow. He led Emily quietly across the hall to a small office. No one saw them enter the room.
“Wait here for me, Emily. I’ll be back after my meeting and we can begin your training,” he said. “Don’t go running off, like yesterday Be a good girl while I’m gone.”
Mr. Miller gave her a kiss and left. Emily heard the bolt slide into the lock and saw the light on the casing blink red. She tried to turn the doorknob but it wouldn’t move. Sitting down on a couch, she tried but was unable to stop thinking sexual thoughts about Mr. Miller. Emily kept imagining the last image she saw of his penis, straining to be released from under the crotch of his trousers. She couldn’t put the desire out of her mind to remove his clothes, take his penis into her mouth and suck on it until he ejaculated. She craved the taste his semen and wanted the smooth milky texture of it to coat her tongue and throat. Emily didn’t understand why such indecent sexual thoughts kept flooding her mind and causing her to be in a continual state of arousal.
He’s married. I shouldn’t be having these thoughts. What is happening to me?
Emily began to think there was something wrong with her and wished she could make the inappropriate desires go away. Unable to stop herself, she slipped her hand under the hem of her skirt and touched the sensitive wet flesh under her panties. The more she touched herself, the more she enflamed her own desire. Emily rubbed herself in just the right spot over and over until she felt some relief. A moment later she heard the lock open and Emily quickly removed her hand from under her panties and skirt. She looked up and saw Mr. Miller standing in the doorway holding a small glass vial in his hand, watching her. He appeared to have a different suit on than before and stared down at her with a more severe expression in his eyes.
“What were you doing while I was gone, Emily? Did I just catch you touching yourself?”
Unable to respond, Emily looked down at her hand. There was proof of her indiscretion; a creamy white substance covered her fingers, the glistening wetness of her own secretion. Her heart pounded in her chest.
“Look at me, Emily.”
Emily slowly looked up at the CEO, humiliated.
“You gave yourself an orgasm just now, didn’t you? Please answer the question.”
Emily pulled down the hem of her skirt to cover her knees. A tear formed in the corner of her eye.
“Say what you did, Emily.”
“Please, sir. I’d rather not.”
“I know you’re ashamed but you have to do it, young lady. Repeat after me. I was touching myself in my office.”
Despite her shame, Emily folded her hands in her lap and recited the line.
“I was touching myself in my office.”
A tear slipped down Emily’s cheek and Mr. Miller handed her a tissue.
“Dry your tear, Emily. Thank you for your honesty. And please, don’t be embarrassed. It’s nothing to feel ashamed about. As you’ll soon learn, what you did is quite encouraged here. A woman such as you will have certain desires that need to be expressed.”
Emily couldn’t help but feel insulted by the comment.
A woman such as you? What did he mean by that?
“Now, unbutton and remove your blouse and bra, please.”
Emily’s eyes widened. She looked at her employer, shocked.
“Do I need to repeat myself, Ms. Williams? You’ve been given an instruction. Follow it.”
“Why do you think, Ms. Williams? I want a free and unobstructed view of your breasts. Take off your top.”
“I… don’t want to.”
“You don’t want to?”
Mr. Miller approached the couch and sat down next to Emily. He took a breath in and out and tried to remain patient.
“Emily. I know you have an inquisitive mind and can be quite willful, but when given a command, please don’t ask questions or hesitate fulfill the request.”
“But… I’m embarrassed.”
“I know you are. But being topless at work is one of the requirements for your new position as my assistant. There’s nothing to be ashamed about, Emily. Now, without further delay, take off your top and show me your breasts…”
Emily’s hands seemed to drift up her torso of their own accord. With trembling fingers, she undid the top three buttons on her blouse.
“All of them, Emily.”
After she unbuttoned her blouse, Mr. Miller opened her shirt to admire her breasts. Emily felt the heat of his sexual desire on her flesh.
“Now your bra, Emily. Take it off.”
Awkwardly, Emily unsnapped her bra and removed it, exposing her bare breasts to her employer.
“Place your arms at your sides, Ms. Williams.”
Emily did as she was told. Mr. Miller slipped his hands under her shirt and looked away as Mr. Miller began fondling her breasts.
“Please look at me while you’re being addressed, Emily.”
Emily turned back to her employer.
“There’s a question I need to ask you. I’m sorry if it embarrasses you. Please answer it honestly… What were you thinking about right before you started touching yourself?”
“I… shouldn’t say.”
“My thoughts were… indecent, sir.”
“Tell me anyway. And don’t be ashamed.”
Emily continued, but began to feel the words she spoke were not her own, but lines she had learned to say a long time ago.
“I was thinking about your…”
“My what? Was it my penis? I saw you staring at it before I left. Do you like looking at a man’s penis?”
Emily blushed and looked down. Mr. Miller lifted her chin with the tip of his fingers.
“You can say it, Emily. We’re all adults here. Call it what it is and don’t be ashamed. It’s all part of your training. What part of my body were you thinking about before you began masturbating?”
“Your… penis, sir.”
“Say it, then. Out loud. I was staring at your hard penis, sir.”
“I was staring at your hard penis, sir.”
“Very good. You like staring at a man’s penis, don’t you, Emily? Answer me.”
“I do, sir.”
“So tell me. What precisely were you fantasizing about?”
“Touching it and…”
“Kissing it…”
“Go on.”
To her dismay, the words came to her mouth.
“And swallowing your semen, Mr. Miller.”
“I see. Very good. Do you enjoy swallowing a man’s semen, Emily? Say it.”
If I answer, I’m lost. He’ll keep me here, forever. There’s no escape. I won’t answer. I…
“Emily, I’m waiting…”
“I… enjoy swallowing a man’s semen, sir.”
“Good. And fantasizing about swallowing my semen made you aroused?”
Emily nodded.
“To the point you had to relieve yourself?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good, Emily. Very good. Thank you for your honesty. You’ll make a fine personal assistant. One last thing. I need to give you something.”
Mr. Miller showed Emily a small glass vial with a clear liquid inside.
“What is it?”
“It’s called, The Serum. I’m prescribing you to take doses of this, several times a day. Some of the best scientists and researchers in the pharmaceutical industry developed this therapeutic solution right here in our lab. It’s specially designed for the safe and effective treatment of depression.”
“But I’m not depressed, sir.”
“Emily, I’ve seen how sad you’ve been lately, after everything you’ve been through with your mother. The Serum is known for giving a sense of well-being, even euphoria. Some people even notice an increase in their libido when they use it.”
“I’ve never taken drugs in my life.”
“I respect that. But it’s not a drug. It’s a completely organic formulation that’s helped many people feel much better. Would you like to try a dose?”
Emily looked with suspicion at the vial.
“You just squeeze 4 or 5 drops under your tongue and hold it there until it dissolves. Open your mouth, Emily.”
Even though she didn’t want to take the medicine, it was as if she was unable to say no. Mr. Miller took the dropper out of the bottle and Emily obediently opened her mouth, feeling the liquid drip onto her tongue. It had a bitter, metallic taste. Then Mr. Miller put the bottle back in his pocket and stood up.
“You should start feeling the effects of it soon. I have a few things to attend to. I’ll come back later to see how you’re doing. Keep your blouse unbuttoned while I’m gone. You’ve been a very good girl on your first day of training, Ms. Williams. We’re all quite proud of you here.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Please. Call me Mr. Miller.”
Emily nodded. Mr. Miller leaned over to give her a naughty kiss with his tongue and left. Emily was relieved to be alone, after the embarrassing incident. Her life had spun out of control. Emily quickly covered her exposed breasts with her blouse, in case another employee suddenly walked in on her.
What am I doing here? Why don’t I just leave? What’s happening to me?
Emily looked at the office door and saw the red blinking light on the casing.
I’m trapped.
Emily sat on the couch and waited for her employer to return. At first there was no effect from the serum. Time seemed to pass slowly. She stood up and walked around her new office. When she stopped to take a look out the window, the serum began to take effect. Her mind drifted and Emily began to recall long-forgotten memories about her Mother and her childhood. She remembered choir concerts, school events and projects for the science fairs and the pictures they took in front of it.
Where were those old photographs?
Her mind wandered. She remembered driving up to the mountains with her mother in the winter, sledding down a hill together, falling down in the snow and laughing. Then her mother would take her to the lodge and buy her a large mug of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. After Emily returned from her vacation, she would help her mother decorate the small house they lived in with colorful Christmas lights. She remembered the Christmas tradition of trimming the tree together. She could picture in her mind what every ornament looked like in vivid detail and how Mom would pick her up to put the star on the top of the tree. It made Emily smile. She hadn’t thought about those memories in years.
A knock on the door brought Emily back to reality. Suddenly, Mr. Miller was standing in the doorway. Perhaps from the effect of the drug, he looked different again to Emily, slightly younger and more handsome. She sat back down on the couch, feeling slightly dizzy. Mr. Miller shut the door, entered, and the bolt slid back into the lock. Though they were locked inside again and Emily knew something inappropriate was about to happen, she felt resigned and calm about it. The CEO approached her, holding a small black bag. He set the bag down on a table.
“There. Now I can give you my undivided attention. So, how are you feeling, Emily?”
“Fine, thank you.”
“You appear more relaxed.”
“I am, Mr. Miller.”
Mr. Miller began to walk around the office, stopping to look out the window.
“Do you like the new office I arranged for you?”
“I do. Thank you.”
“You can see all the way to the ocean from here,” he said, moving from the window to the couch. “That’s not fair.”
“What isn’t fair, Mr. Miller?”
Emily felt Mr. Miller’s hands touch her shoulders from behind, his fingertips on the nape of her neck.
“That you have a better view than me. I’m the founder of the company and you’re my assistant. Do you think that’s fair, Emily?”
“No, sir. It’s not.”
Emily sensed Mr. Miller looking down at her cleavage through her open blouse. The serum had made her more relaxed and she no longer minded being stared at or felt shame about her exposed body.
“Then, Ms. Williams, would you mind if I came into your office occasionally and… admired the view?”
As if on cue, Emily turned her head, looked over her shoulder and smiled.
“You can come into my office any time you’d like, Mr. Miller.”
The CEO sat down next to Emily, slipped his hands under her blouse and cupped her breasts in his palms. Perhaps it was the effect of the drug, but it aroused her to be touched even more than before. She felt it in a profound way, as if Mr. Miller was not just fondling her breasts but holding the ventricles of her beating heart between his two warm hands. Then something very strange started to happen. Emily could feel moisture on her breasts, as if her nipples had begun to leak fluid. The more Mr. Miller fondled her breasts, the more liquid seemed to leak out of her nipples and stain the material of her blouse. She could feel the space between her thighs becoming wet as well.
“Do you like having your breasts exposed at work, Emily?” Mr. Miller asked.
Rather than continuing to fight her feelings of shame and arousal, Emily had no choice but to give in. Embarrassed, she nodded yes.
“Do I have permission to take off your blouse, then?”
Emily nodded again, slowly, as if in a dream. Mr. Miller slipped Emily’s blouse over her shoulders. When he saw her bare breasts his lips parted, like a man obsessed. The tips of her breasts were wet and droplets of milk leaked out of her nipples, dripping over the large brown rings of her areolas.
“Your breasts are so beautiful, Emily.”
Self-conscious, Emily patted the tips of her breasts to dry them with the sleeve of her blouse.
“What is happening to me,” Emily asked.
“You’re lactating, Emily. You’re a woman. A live, feminine woman…” Mr. Miller replied, staring at her.
Grasping her breasts in his hands and squeezing, droplets of milk leaked out further and dripped down her torso. With the tip of his tongue Mr. Miller licked the droplets and then sucked firmly on Emily’s nipples, swallowing mouthfuls of her breast milk. After he drank his fill, he leaned back and stared at her bosom.
“I don’t mean to sound rude or course, but I must say… you have the prettiest tits I’ve ever seen, Emily. You don’t need to wear a bra; they’re so full and well-shaped. After today, I don’t want you to wear a bra to work anymore. I want everyone to be able to see and admire your pretty tits.”
Emily blushed.
“I can’t go to work without a bra, Mr. Miller.”
“In fact, we are going to attach two silver bells to those lovely nipples of yours, so wherever you go, your pretty tits will lead the way and announce your presence. Would you like that, Emily?”
His words embarrassed her. Emily wanted to cover her breasts from view but her arms felt heavy, so heavy she couldn’t move them. She looked down. Suddenly, Mr. Miller grasped her breasts in his hands once more and took her nipples and areolas into his mouth, sucking passionately upon them again, as if he wanted to swallow each breast, whole. After several minutes of alternating from one breast to the other, he came up panting for air. Emily’s breasts felt swollen, her nipples sensitive and dripping with milk.
“I like this,” Mr. Miller said.
“Like what?” Emily asked.
“Your willingness to submit, Pretty Tits…”