—New Group Message ✉ 'The Michigan Musketeers'—
@Steve: [Is it normal to feel like shit even though I only had one beer the night before? (ಥ﹏ಥ)]
@Nate: [Come on, buddy. Cheer up, there are much better girls out there. I'm sure one of them deserves your, now, miserable heart ❤]
@Steve: [That was beautiful, Nate (。-ಥ︿-ಥ。). I'll use it as a mantra from now on ( ̄ω ̄)]
[Um, I'm not very good at this whole consolation thing, so I'll just limit to say that, despite being an idiot, you're a good friend :)]✓✓
@Steve: [Wow, you weren't lying when you said it wasn't your thing (⇀_⇀)]
@Nate: [And you call me insensitive *sighs*]
@Steve: [You're a dear, Nate. If I was gay like Jas, I'd gladly let you get in my pants. Aren't I a great friend? (︶ω︶)]
[I'm bisexual, moron ¬-¬ ]✓✓
@Nate: [And why should I be the one getting in your pants? Why don't you get into mine?]
@Steve: [Hey, I'm the rejected one. What I'd appreciate most is a little love from you guys in a situation like this. PS: If you like the D, then you're gay]
@Nate: [When does 'giving love' implies getting into the other one's pants? (¬_¬ )]
[I like girls too, asshole. You've seen me hit on a lot of them, haven't you? (;¬_¬)]✓✓
@Steve: [Since Big Stephen, the king and lord of this group declared it so. PS: You're still gay.]
@Nate: [Well, I must warn that, unless you have a vagina between your legs, there will be nothing of me getting into your pants, O 'Big Stephen' ( ̄ヘ ̄)]
[Bisexual! (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ]✓✓
@Steve: [I didn't like you that way anyway, Nate (、°ω°、). Unlike Jas (if I were gay), I'd like short, skinny guys. Not tall like buildings and big, tank-like guys like you.]
@Nate: [Would you prefer a Twink then? ∑(O_O;)]
@Steve: [Exactly. But that would be in case I was like Jas (gay).]
[Steve, I'm three seconds away from hitting your face. Why the hell are we talking on the phone? We're in the same room.]✓✓
@Steve: [But it's more fun because you can make faces and send memes. Duh! ლ(ಥ_ಥ ლ) ]
@Nate: [You two are in the same bedroom, I am in the living room waiting for my brother.]
@Steve: [I want to notify you that I have my naked leg on top of Jasper Wright's hot body (it's spelled like that, right?) and I'm not getting the reactions I expected... Maybe he's not as gay as I thought.]
@Nate: [Ok... Eww.]
“Get off me, asshole.” I push him aside and he squirms in bed from laughing. “This is the first and last time I'm allowing you to sleep with me.”
“But what a cruel best friend you turned out to be.” Keeps laughing while I push the sheets away and get out of bed.
“Besides, I specifically told you not to take your clothes off.” I roll the eyes. “Really?” Gesturing at his exposed body as God brought him into the world. “Not even the underwear could be left on?”
“According to the Internet, it is healthy to sleep naked. The body is acclimatized, which allows the brain to work with tranquility.” Shrugs. “We can't doubt the wisdom of St. Google.”
“First and last time.” I warn him.
“You have no heart.” Makes a ridiculous pout.
“Yeah, yeah.” I wave and head for the bathroom. “By the way, you got my name right.” I close the door before he can answer.
It's not the first time we've stayed at Nate's house, so a couple of extra toothbrushes for Steve and I are always available. I brush my teeth, relieve myself, and take a quick shower before going out with a towel around my waist, dripping water through the locks of my hair.
I don't forget my shark tooth necklace, I always take it off before showering, but it ends up back around my neck once I'm done. Steve is still lying there in all his glory with no intention of getting up. So, I go over, grab a pillow and throw it harder than necessary on his head.
“Hey! What the hell?” Moans, removing the cushioned cover from his face. “What was that for?”
“So, you get your lazy ass up and go to the bathroom. Don't even think you'll be lying there all day, not doing shit.”
“Well, that's exactly what I was planning to do, thank you very much.” Says proudly.
I don't answer. Instead, I grab my phone, unlock the screen quietly, and without him expecting it, the flash is fired in his direction, recording in the small memory the image of his naked body on the bed. The angle and the speed of the flash prevent his face from appearing, but he doesn't have to know that.
“Delete it, now.” Mumbles and I smile maliciously.
“I'll do it after you get up, go do your business in the bathroom, and come down to the living room with us.” I shake the phone now blocked-in front of his face, he tries to take it away from me, but I dodge it before any success. “Your picture will look much prettier on the college information board than mine.”
“I hate you.” Narrows the eyes and sticks out the tongue.
“¡Ha! You love me. Now, do as I say or my threats will be fulfilled.”
“Fine.” Sighs deeply and stands up, dragging his feet to the bathroom.
“Good boy!” I shout so that he can hear me.
“Fuck you!”
I'm laughing as I begin to dress. Some of my clothes are in the closet from my comings and goings, this way I don't have to wear Nate's clothes. By the time I finish, Steve comes out of the bathroom, looking better than before, but I can still sense his sadness. I let him dress quietly while I wait sitting on the edge of the bed, pretending to pay attention to my phone.
“Maybe it was something I did?” Whispers at last. He's half-covered, holding a shirt with trembling hands. “Or something I said?”
“Stephen, what happened had nothing to do with you saying or doing anything wrong.” «It's just that Jessica is a bitch». For obvious reasons I don't tell him that, at least not now that he's feeling so bad. “She just has other... Interests in mind.”
“Like sticking her tongue down the throat of one of the biggest assholes in college in front of hundreds of people in one of the most popular clubs on a Friday night?” Says quickly, snorting at the end. “What an interest.”
“Matthew's an arrogant asshole, everyone knows that. But Jessica knew what she was doing, Steve.” Quietly and cautiously. “And I can assure you, if she tries to communicate with you, she'll blame all that shit on alcohol.”
“She didn't look drunk to me.” Mutters again, sliding the shirt on his torso.
“Exactly, and you'll be a big idiot if you believe any other absurd excuse she throws up.” I rise and place my hands on his shoulders. “Dude, it'll sound cliche and all you want, but she doesn't deserve you.”
“Are you sure you're not completely gay?” Lips shaking from laughter. “Because that sounded very gay to me.”
“Well, at least I'm glad you're still the same old dickhead.” We chuckle, and I pat him on the back a couple of times. “You'll be fine.”
“I know, but it still sucks.” Sighs.
“Hey, lovebirds!” Nate screams from the floor below. “Come on down, my brother's here!”
“We're coming!” I reply and put an arm around Steve. “Are you ready to socialize?”
“Yes, I'm very curious to see James' eyes because of the hetegromy you said.”
“Heterochromia.” I correct, denying amusingly.
“Yeah, you got me.”
We exit the bedroom and walk down the stairs. For some reason I don't recognize, my heart is pounding when I hear the muffled voices emanating from the kitchen. When we open the door, Nate is sitting on one of the long stools around the expensive granite isle, while James is slicing up some ingredients on a cutting board, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
“Hi, little James!” Steve greets with encouragement as we cross the threshold, the smell of freshly brewed coffee invades my lungs.
“Hey, Stephen.” James says shyly, without stopping moving the knife.
“Oh, come on.” Smiles. “You can call me Steve, all my friends call me that and you will be no exception, little one.”
“Okay.” Whispers. “But don't call me little.”
“Tiny?” Steve tries to persuade, but gets a frown in response. “Okay, how about Jimmy then?”
“Jimmy's fine.” A slight smile is drawn on his lips.
“No, only I'm supposed to call you that.” Nate crosses the arms over his chest.
“We must not be selfish; life is more beautiful when one share.” Steve takes an apple from the basket full of fruit on one of the counters and sits next to Nate.
“Morning, James.” I stop by his side and he seems even more nervous than before. “Or can I call you Jimmy too?” I lean my head and smile. «Am I really flirting with this boy? What's wrong with me? »
I mean, he's very attractive. He has the thickest, pinkest lips I've ever seen, with a nice button nose that's completely overshadowed by the huge glasses, not to mention those beautiful eyes. But he's not the kind of guy I'm usually attracted to. The men I've dated are always like me, big, tall, and strong. However, there's something about him... Something I still can't figure out that attracts me madly.
“Uh, yeah, you can call me whatever you want... Jimmy or James, my friends used to call me Chimmy when I was a kid. But if you like Jimmy more, no problem.” Stammers in a quick speech, biting his lower lip and appearing embarrassed, with a blush on the cheeks.
“Okay, I'll admit out loud that was weird.” Nate adds in a suspicious tone.
“Yeah, a bit.” Steve nods, taking another bite of the apple.
“He's just nervous, right?” I rush to intervene. “It's not easy being among three intimidating football players, especially if you don't know two of them well.”
I know how jealous Nate is of his brother, and for now, as long as I can' t be sure what's going on with me and James, it's in my best interest not to have him suspicious. I need to take every small opportunity to know him better, and if that means not being completely honest with one of my best friends, I'll take my chances.
“But I'll call you Jimmy, too.” I smile and turn, grab a cup and fill it with hot, steaming coffee.
“Okay.” Whispers and resumes chopping the ingredients. I sit with my full cup next to Steve, and the three of us watch him prepare breakfast.
“Hey, Jimmy.” Steve mumbles with a mouthful of apple. “Is it true you have heretromathy?”
“Huh?” With a frown, I laugh loudly.
“Don't talk with your mouth full.” Nate hits him in the back of the head and Steve complains. “It's disgusting.”
“Hey!” Steve rubs the area, but makes sure to swallow before talking again. “That punch was stronger than it needed to be, moron.”
“You can take it; you deal with worse punches in practice.” Nate shrugs.
“What's heretromathy?” James puts the ingredients in a pan over medium heat, then starts stirring them.
“Heterochromia.” I correct for the millionth time.
“Oh.” Laughs softly. “I get it.” Turns and wipes his hands with a napkin. “Yes, it's true.”
“Is that right?” Steve bends over the stool, resting the elbows on the isle. “Let me see those pretty eyes then, huh?”
“Stop flirting with my little brother.” Nate punches him again.
“Fuck, I'm not flirting!” Steve grunts and throws the apple heart at him. “I just want to see his eyes; I'm not going to drag him over to the dark side.” Looks at me sideways and smiles. “Someone told me they're beautiful.”
“What?” Nate approaches with a hostile glance. “Who?” I swallow thickly and stop breathing. «Shit, he did listen to me yesterday when we were in his car».
“Nobody, just kidding.” Steve rushes to clear up and I sigh of relief. Then gestures with a hand. “Now, let's check out those little eyes, Jimmy.” Speaking in a singing voice.
“Can't you see it like this?” There's a lovely blush on his cheeks.
“No, those awful things above your nose prevent it.” Referring to the big paste lenses with photochromic crystals.
“Um...” James sounds quite unsure, for a moment I thought he wouldn't do it. “All right.”
He begins to slowly remove the thick lenses from his face, I find myself holding breath again, this time for completely different reasons. I hear a gasp of astonishment from Steve, but I am so damned hypnotized by those two-toned eyes that I pay no attention to him.
The brown one looks darker because it's sheltered under the shadow of his bangs, but the blue one shines brightly, mostly from the sun's rays streaming through the big kitchen window. James moves the fingers nervously while allowing us to continue observing the beautiful peculiarity of his gaze.
“Holy shit, Jimmy.” Steve whispers after a few long seconds of appreciation. “They are truly pretty.” I roll the eyes and snort.
Pretty doesn't even come close to a third of the way.
“Thank you.” Quickly puts back the glasses and rotates again towards the pan.
“You've always had them like that?” Steve asks very smartly.
“Of course, you idiot.” Nate laughs. “It's from birth.”
“I'm not a fucking doctor. How many times do I have to repeat myself?”
“Do you think that one day he suddenly decided to paint his eye blue with nail polish?” Nate and I laugh hysterically while Steve crosses the arms.
“You're both assholes.” Grunts and laughter dies in our throats when incredibly smelling omelets are slipped in front of our hungry bodies.
“Enjoy.” James whispers, and on top of that, places sliced cheese bread. “I made this at home before coming.” Then fills three big glasses with orange juice.
We don't even respond, too busy attacking our plates and snarling like wild wolves if an unknown fork gets too close to a territory that doesn't belong to it. Fuck, Nate wasn't lying, the kid can cook.
Despite being a simple breakfast, all the ingredients have been blended to perfection. The bread is soft and delicious, the omelet is fluffy. We finish eating and drink the orange juice almost in sync. If we were in a contest, the result would definitely be a draw.
“Jeez, Jimmy.” Nate moans, patting his stomach. “That was great.”
“You're hired!” Steve screams, with the fork, touches James' right shoulder first, then the left one. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Sir James Magic Hands and Happy Stomachs.”
“What?” James laughs and I find it adorable how his eyes close almost completely. “Oh, dear. This is a great honor.”
“Yes, it is.” Steve nods with a big smile. “We're not easy to please when it comes to food, but you've achieved what many have only dreamed of, James, uh...” Pauses and approaches to whisper. “What's your last name?”
“Gibbs.” James whispers back to him.
“But you have dreamed what many have only achieved, James Gibbs!”
“It's the other way around, jackass.” We laugh our heads off.
While Nate and Steve are distracted, my gaze inevitably falls on James, only to discover that he's looking at me too. My pulse suddenly speeds up, the intensity of his eyes can be felt even though they're covered by the thick lens. The brown under the shadow of the bangs, the blue now obscured by the glass, they are still beautiful to me... just like him.