Aaron's POV
I came to the strip club the next day on a Saturday evening. It was good and entertaining while many tried to climb on me. Yet, I feel a familiar aura around me. It was familiar I can say, but who? The answers to my question lies in one if the spectators who pretends to be a paired couple with a boy who clearly looked gay.
How did they even allow a gay to come to a straight strip club? Was he by chance interested in best of both worlds?
But, my world stops when I recognise the beauty sitting on his lap, enjoying her drinks. She had a different facade than when she was with me that day, precisely last week. I couldn't help but bite my lips and approach them softly, without disturbing the view of other spectators around the elevated floor.
"Hey!" I raise my hand and get her attention. She was pleasantly shocked to see me as she hugs me tightly out of the blue. That was quite unexpected for me. She didn't come off as a type to hug a person she met the second time in her life. I shouldn't be carried away! I'm getting hard again!
"Hi!" She says against the loud erotic music.
"Who's he!?" I ask her, she says, "My boyfriend!"
Crack. I hear a crack in my heart.
Wait. What am I even thinking? I promised myself not to involve in love again. I can't go through that again.
Seeing the color drained from my face, she laughs and points to the man in a hot pink skirt and says, "He's my dumbass best friend! He's gay!"
"Can see that somehow!" I scan him up and down. He's dark skinned, almost tan and looked pretty much like a bottom. Wow, he is capable of questioning my sexuality somehow.
Suddenly, a jolt of courage surges through me as I grab her waist and pin her against my tall stature. Her shocked and flushed face makes me feel invincible. That is the reaction I expected.
The glitter held in our eyes was mutual, we wanted to fuck each other and our brains out. Without another word, she smiles and reaches out to my ear.
"We could use the bathroom cabins, they reek..." she whispers just because she wants to confuse me, "of sex."
But I heard that even through the loud music.
I give her a delightful smile, like I was a baby boy who's been said yes to buying his favorite toy. Grabbing her hand that was like a delicate rose petal, we rush ourselves into a cabin that was luckily free. The atmosphere around us was really encouraging as I hear couples banging each other on my left and right, even the one two left cabins away.
I couldn't help myself from bending down to capture her lips, but she turns her head away.
"It's out of the list." She says. "I understand." If there wasn't her lips available, a woman always has a second pair of lips juicily available.
Placing her on the closed toilet bowl, I was positive that this atmosphere was sex-encouraging and mixed with bathroom perfumes. Damn. They do keep this place clean as fuck.
The spaciousness allows me to go on my knees and begin exploring her other set of lips, the vertical lips. I bet she was surprised at the speed I realised she wasn't wearing any underwear below her mid length skirt. It looked as if she had planned such a thing with someone else. Maybe that twink she was with.
Beating around the bush was never my habit, so a long lick from her hole to the clit almost makes her choke me with her thick thighs.
"C-calm down, tiger." She says, making me snicker, "I bet no one ever tasted you before, sweetheart." I say and slither my hands on her chest. The way she encourages me to squeeze her chest and eat her out was telling me that she needed such sex.
Or me...
I shouldn't think too highly of myself, yet I can't help but think that way. She is enjoying this too much. It was as if we were... lovers. Mad, passionate lovers.
Spreading her legs further apart, I swallow her juices that she oozes on my face within a few countable minutes. Another record for both of us. Her shocked face gave it away.
"You're fucking good at this. How old are you again?" She asks as I try to take my condom out to give her another pleasurable night. While I was trying to rip the seal off, she holds my hand and shakes her head. Spreading her legs, holding them to her chest, she was looking at me and expecting an answer.
I get really close to her face, lining my tip to her entrance. She closes her eyes and I attach our foreheads together, entering her completely and softly.
"Aaron. Nice to meet you, I'm 19." I say and chuckle, making her chuckle along with me. She was surprised to hear my age, I can say.
"Jocastia. Nice to meet you too." What a unique name... that must be her middle name too.
And from then, our journey begins as fuck buddies.