Kale's standpoint
I walked into the big room with anger radiating from my wolf. My nostrils flared with impatient and determination to end the lives of the tribe causing my pack so much pain. The other alphas stood up the moment I walked in. Being the strongest amongst them wasn't the only reason why they showed me the utmost respect, but because so far, my pack has done a good job protecting most werecreatures around. Other joined in protecting ourselves from the barbarians, all wondering what wrong we committed to the moon goddess. Most werecreatures around fled to far away lands but that didn't stop them from getting killed, those barbarians were everywhere.
"Alpha Kale," Alpha Simon greeted. I nodded and kicked my chair away, leaning on the table and taking the chair's place.
"I called this emergency meeting concerning the creatures hunting down our kind,"
"The last meeting and the rest until now remains useless. No matter how many meetings we…you call, nothing ever helps to stop those creatures. We don't even know what they are, how they look like. So far, none who encounters them ever survives or see their faces."
"That has changed, the moon goddess have finally heard our prayers." I smirked.
"What?" Another alpha asked.
"About two months ago, my chief warrior's sister was taken by the barbarians…"
"Another lost!"
"If you'll let me finish," I huffed, "She was pregnant, due to deliver in two weeks before she was taken with her children. At first, we thought all hope was lost until she contacted her mate to come find her."
"That's impossible," Alpha Simon said, "once caught, we lose all communications with them."
"That is true, but she escaped with her children… Or rather was saved by one of them. The creatures aren't barbarians, at least not exactly. According to her description, their men are huge, tall and strong but look like normal men even though they don't smell like humans. They live in a village, ruled by a king and are all old fashion… Native Americans to be precise."
"Okay, we have the description of our enemies, human looking what?"
"Unclear, but the point is that I am now aware of their location," they gasped, "She was able to lead us back to the river she used in escaping and after weeks of proper studying and observing, I located the main entrance. My plan have been concluded. I need you all, enough wolves to raid that place and put an end to their kind once and for all."
"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go!"
"I am ready when you are, Alpha Kale!"
"It's about time!"
"When do you want our wolves to be prepared?!"
"They must all be wiped out!"
I smiled with satisfaction, every single one of them must die.
Makawee's standpoint (Kawee)
(Note that they are Native Americans so their names are a little bit complicated. Others don't matter but I hope Makawee is simple enough.)
"You must marry Bidzill! He is man enough for you! He won the contest for your hand!" Father roared for the umpteenth time. I rolled my eyes and maintained my adamant posture. Hands folded, hips cocked and face blank of all emotions. No one found out I released the wolves but father suspected me. He had no prove so in anger, he called out for a contest. Who ever caught a pregnant elephant and a young lone werewolf would have the honour of becoming my husband.
His own problem.
"Kosumi, we"ve talked about this, Kawee is still too young to be forced into marrying someone she doesn't love."
"And how is that accurate?" He spat. "Tell me, Mitena, did I love you when I married you?"
"No," mother murmured.
"Do I love you now?"
"Did you love me when you married me? Didn't my mother arrange you for me?"
"Yes, she did."
"So what is this rubbish about love?"
"The rubbish is that I don't want her to end up like me, marrying someone like you and living a difficult life." Mother's said with a sudden boldness, folding her arms and glaring at him.
"You only had one child for me because of your bad luck and you dare challenge my authority?!" He barked. "Tell me, wasn't I nice enough to let you live in the palace with your barrenness!"
"Your mistresses might have bore you sons, but I bore the strongest and most beautiful female ever recorded in our history. Don't stand there and pretend like you haven't drowned yourself in pride because of that. Tell me, who else is like her? Who else is as beautiful as my daughter? Do you think you are special because I let you marry me?! Don't you dare force my daughter into marrying one of your pitiful beast! She will never marry one of your kind! If she finds favour in any of the god's sight, they'll pick her to be a mistress or queen."
To say I was shocked at my mother's plans for me was an understatement.
"Excuse me!" I shrieked. "And do I have a say in this arrangement?!"
"I'm sorry, Kawee, but if you are ever to be safe, you need a god to protect you."
"I can pretty much protect myself and that rubbish you are planning won't work for me, not at all. I already told myself that I will never get married, never bow to any man. It's either you both accept that or I leave this island!" I stomped out of their presence, boiling with rage. I stomped to the grotto I always sit at every night. The grotto was at the far end of the island, one no one goes to except myself and mother. The grotto had green glowing water and images on the walls, images telling a story. I sat down at the edge of the pool and dipped my legs in. "Phew," I sighed as the water immediately cooled my anger. I leaned back on my hands, resting my weight on it.
"Makawee," I sighed at her voice, knew she would find me, "Kawee, my darling," she called softly. She knelt behind me and sank her nails into my hair, massaging my scalp, "you know I love you, right?"
"I know but that decision is unnecessary."
"You'll need it, for your sake…"
"You are alive, aren't you? You didn't die all these years so why should I? Mother, I know you are worried, but I assure you that I would be fine."
"No, you are not, you will not. Kawee, I'm trying to secure your future." She said anxiously.
"I love you, mama," I said, placing my hand on hers which was on my shoulder, "but you know that nothing you do would change my horrible fate, nothing at all." I said bitterly. She slipped her hand away from mine sadly and sighed heavily.
"Do me a favour, can you do me one favour?" I turned my body around a little, folding one leg and blinking at her.
"Anything for you, mother,"
"Don't step out of this grotto tonight, not even at dawn. Until the red roaster of Bly valley croaks the sixth time after the sun rises, don't step out of this grotto."
"Why?" I asked, furrowing my brows.
"Please, don't ask why, just do," I looked into her almond shaped eyes. I had her eyes; the beautiful pair of glassy hunter green eyes with carmine highlight and a thin dove grey shading around the irises. It was very beautiful, almost enchanting.
"Okay," I said lowly, "I'll stay put."
"Thank you," That night, she hugged me tight for half an hour before letting go. If I knew, I wouldn't have let her go, I would have held her back. I watched my mother leave that night, never knowing it was the last time I would ever speak to her again.