"I HAVE ENOUGH of your bullsh*ts, Lucifer! I don't want this. I never wanted this!"
"Your heart is evil deep inside, Lilith. So full of lust. You and I are destined to be together and rule the world."
"No!" And with this, she threw the apple necklace into the blue burning fire and a blue portal appears.
"You win this time, Lilith. But I know you will regret it. You will come back to me once you felt lonely again. You would beg for my help to save you. You will eventually need me."
"I will make sure I won't." And with that, she jumped into the portal and the portal closes behind her.
SHE TRIED EVERYTHING. From casting a reverse spell, to preventing her to make sins and controlling herself. But nothing had worked. She was still the same old her.
She continued to hide in the human world, still trying to fit in. But then the Lord discovered this and so she was banned from entering the human world and was sent back to Hell.
She pleaded for him not to let her go back there for she doesn't want to be back into Lucifer's reign. The Lord had a little mercy for the once-human and so he sent her to The Otherworld instead.
The Otherworld is the world where spirits, who can't go to Heaven but don’t want to go to Hell, stay. It has similarities with the human world, only there is no human. Only spirits.
She agreed for she doesn't have a choice. In her first days there, she was a little glad. But after a while, her spirit became eviler. Her sins are not only lust anymore.
She has completed the so-called seven deadly sins, which are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth, and she became completely evil. She became a full demon. She became like Lucifer, but in a female version.
And her desire to go back to the human world became incredibly high and that whoever human who went to The Otherworld, she will possess him/her and will go to the human world in that body to disguise and live there.
Though if she is unsuccessful to possess someone and that someone had successfully gone back to the human world, she can only haunt them in their dreams if they looked at her. But that was only how far she can do.
Fortunately, none had enough power to handle her spirit, and all of the unsuccessful human, who went in The Otherworld and didn't get back to the human world, died immediately.
But she is patient, and she will wait for that time when a person who can handle her very powerful spirit enters The Otherworld.