“Hi.” Trudy staggers at the sudden greeting from Trance whom she had just noticed had been leaning against a maple tree of the sidewalk on the way to Trudy’s home. Is it possible that he had been waiting for her? Today, she had witnessed Trance pushing Peter back to the lockers. It was terrifying to think that Trance can even do that. He seems like much of a different person now.
“Oh.. Um.. Hi, Trance!” Trudy said, noticing her own nervousness from the words she spoken to.
“You seem so innocent,” Trance commented about her. She doesn’t even know what that supposed to mean but she feels a scary aura coming out of Trance. Like something bad might happen. So she decided to keep on walking so that she could get away from him. Trance blocks her path.
“What do you want?!” Trudy asked in anger as she feels pressured by this uneasy feeling she has.
Trance only smiles at Trudy as if he is amused by that sudden anger. “I know what you did,” Trance suddenly said. This makes Trudy became even more uneasy. No way Trance would have known what she had done to Trance more than a year ago. “Your heart is tainted…” Trance said his last sentence like that of a whisper by an evil witch.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Trudy cried and pushes him away from her path. She can hear Trance is laughing evilly behind her.
~1 year and 10 months prior~
“I love you, Trance,” Trudy confessed. Trance looks troubled by her confession.
He crooks his eyebrow and frowns. “Um… Trudy, I’m sorry…” He said, looking ultimately sorry and guilty towards Trudy.
“No. It’s okay,” Trudy said, giggling a little in an effort to hide her embarrassment. “You must’ve had someone else then,” She continued, giggling nervously again.
“It’s not that,” Trance said, still refusing to look at Trudy. He just stares down to the pavement.
“Then, what?!” Trudy asked, getting a bit angrier at Trance’s rejection of her love confession.
“I’m not into girls… I’m sorry…” Trance admitted, raising his glasses a little, feeling embarrassed that he had to admit he’s gay to a friend.
Trudy had her eyes widen in surprise. She then smiles, pretending to be okay. “It’s okay. I won’t tell anyone,” Trudy promised to Trance. It’s a lie.
~1 year and 9 months prior~
“Hey Simone… You know Trance Wilson? Our class nerd?” Trudy stopped Simone, the head cheerleader of the school.
“Yeah, what’s with him?” Simone asked uncaringly, slapping Trudy’s hand away from her like she’s a disease.
“He’s gay,” Trudy said.
“What? Really?!” Simone seems excited now.
“Yes. He told me himself,” Trudy said and smiles, feeling satisfied. She knew that Simone will definitely spread the rumors around school. Trance deserves it for making her felt ashamed of being rejected by him.
A tall guy with dark uncaring hair and wild dark brown eyes appeared before Trudy as she tried to get away from Trance who is standing still behind her. “Who are you?” She asked.
“Me?” He asked her back in a deep charming voice. “I’m your worst nightmare,” he then said. Trudy feels frightened. She wanted to run away but her hand was taken by the guy. He grips her hand tight.
“Let me go! Help!!” Trudy screamed but then she realized that everything went black. The pavement, the trees, the houses… are all gone. There’s only darkness and she’s in the middle of it with Trance behind her and the guy griping her hand in front of her.
“How do you like feeling helpless, Trudy?” Trance asked.
“I’m sorry… Trance, I’m sorry…,” Trudy begged.
Trance only smiles evilly. “Too late,” he said.
Trudy then screams in horror as she is reliving the pain that Trance had went through. The tall guy made her experience it. And when he finally let go of her hand, she sits still on the pavement. The trees and the houses are also back into her view. The guy then whispers into her ears, “your mom’s pills in the closet. Take it. Swallow them all. Let it choke you to death.”
She nodded. She then stands up and walks home like a zombie. Her eyes unblinking… She opens the door to her house… She gets into her mother’s room… She opens the closet… She takes the bottle of pills…