In the Kingdom of Darkness where Prince Lemar was being jailed in his room for breaking the rule of seeing a mortal lady. That night when he was with Samira, his father, the King of Darkness found him having dinner with the lady's family. Even he was a powerful devil, he can't let himself get out of the black shield in his room. And even he got out of his room, he wasn't able to go to the mortal world without the King's permission. One week had passed and he was still there, worrying what happened with Samira this whole week.
Suddenly, Lemar's room was about to lose the black shield around. Lemar look around his room and wondered why the shield was disappearing. Eventually, his room's door opened and he saw the King entering.
"You are now free to go outside," the King said. He just let out a fake laugh. He's just thinking what kind of father he has. Well that's not even a question because his father is the King of Devil. All the devil's way and attitude was in his father.
"Then I should say thank you my father," he said looking at his father intently with a smile on his lips.
"Just behave yourself, today is an important day because your twin brother will introduce his fiance with us and you should be there later." He just listened to what his father said but he's not interested meeting the fiance of his twin. He already knew his twin's fiance was Elisa and that was settled. He was more interested to go in human world to see the lady he loves rather than having gatherings with his family.
After saying that, his father left him. He stand and walk outside his room. He badly wants to go to the mortal world immediately but he must let out his anger first. He decided to go at the Land of Chaos, a place where all bad spirits of devil exists. A place where they let out all of their anger and destroy something out of anger.
Lemar was walking when someone caught his attention. The lady he saw who wears black dress looks like Samira. But the impossibility of that fact registered in his mind. The fact that Samira didn't know their kingdom, how can she possibly go there. Lemar continues to walk and try to erase what he saw a while ago. He thinks that he might be hallucinating because he missed Samira so much and that's the reason why he was seeing her face in other lady. On his way to Land of Chaos, he heard rumors that his brother's fiance was already arrived in their Kingdom. He sighed knowing that Elisa was living in the same Kingdom where they live, so that news was kind of nonsense for him. At an instant, Lemar disappear. He used his power to get into the Land of Chaos immediately. He doesn't want to hear any rumors regarding his twin brother, another thing is he was annoyed that he can't marry the girl he wanted.
As soon as he entered the gate of Land of Chaos, the thick and black fog appears endlessly. The loud sound like a thunder was like a drum that was being beaten a hundred times. He was sure that there's also a devil there but he hadn't seen it because of the dark surroundings. Suddenly, he went shocked when a strike of thunder was almost hit him behind. He was sure it was a devil's power but what he knew was that power belongs to a devil with a high ranking family. He create a shield to protect himself from the unknown power. He immediately float on the air to see who had done such huge strike of lightning. He was surprised to see the person who was also there. He didn't expect Elisa to go in that place especially this time when his brother will introduce her again as his fiance. That thought makes him a bit curious and wanted to know what's the reason behind. He then went down the ground where Elisa was.
"What are you doing here?" Lemar asked. Elisa turned to him having a sharp eye. Her aura has a sign of mixed anger and sadness. "I thought Andrei will present you as his fiance to the King and Queen?" he asked out of disbelief.
"Didn't you know?" Elisa said emphatically. "I'm not his fiance but someone who came from mortal world!" Her eyes was like real eye of demon when they're angry. It was like a flame and red as a blood.
"What?" Lemar said in disbelief. He didn't know about that. And how the King and Queen approved that? "Mortal?" Lemar just said.
"Yes, and I'm sure you definitely know who the girl was!" Lemar turned to Elisa at an instant. Suddenly, the lady he saw lately registered in his mind. Elisa said he knew who the girl was and the only girl he knew in campus is none other than Samira. "I thought you like that girl, but how come your brother brought her here?" Elisa said in annoyance. "I should be the one with Andrei now, I am the one who loves him deeply!" Elisa added.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, Lemar disappear like a bubble. He went back to the mansion where he thinks the event will take place. He needs to get Samira before Andrei will introduce her to others. His brother is not destined with Samira because he is the one. He was the first one who kissed Samira and even owned her for a whole night. He wouldn't let his brother take what is he to claimed for. When he reached the front door of the mansion, he forcefully opened it. But he was surprised to see a lot of guests inside. It was not what he expected. And he guess, his arrival was late. The girl wearing a black dress, who he saw a while ago was Samira. He wasn't hallucinating now, because he was sure that the lady standing in front of the stage was Samira. He clenched his fists but calm himself. Using his power he transcend and appear in front of the stage where Andrei and Samira was. Samira was shocked to see him there. Also, Andrei didn't expect his appearance there, but now he's here and seems like to start a scene. Lemar hold Samira's hand that made Samira a bit anxious.
"This lady is mine!" Lemar said being determined. Samira, on the other hand seemed shock to what Lemar had said and acted. This is what she was waiting for but seeing the scene herself wasn't good at all. "I kissed her first before Andrei did!" Lemar said complacently.
After that, Lemar used his power to show with others the sign that he already owned Samira. A black circled-shape appear on Samira's forehead while it was shining. Almost the guests were shock and couldn't believe what they were seeing now. The King and Queen also seemed shocked as they immediately stand on their throne.
"What's the meaning of this?" the King said emphatically. Andrei immediately turned to the King's direction.
"Father, I don't have any idea about them. I don't know that Lemar had a relationship with the lady I loved!" Andrei explained. He lied about the fact that he had no idea about the two even if he knew that there's something going on between them.
"That's not important right now! The important now is you had known that this lady was mine and she will be my future wife!" After Lemar said those words, he and Samira vanished in front of all guests leaving them all shocked.
When Samira opened her eyes, she found themselves standing in front of the devil statue inside the university. Students who are passing by were looking at them as if they are trespasser. They were not wearing school uniform but black clothes so probably the students will think that way. The next thing happened was Lemar hold her hand and drag her at the back of the statue. They instantly disappear and found themselves again in a spacious room. The place where they are in right now is a theater room. The surrounding was dark and the ambience was quiet.
"So you have a relationship with my brother?" Lemar started. His eyes are full of emotion. He can't believed that Samira will do that. He just confessed to Samira's family that he will wait for her to graduate, and if that time comes he will finally have the chance to court her. But knowing that Samira was with Andrei the time he was jailed in his room really breaks his heart. Samira, on the other hand didn't know what to say. Just after finding out that devils really exists, she can't think of a words to say. "If I hadn't come on time, you probably had already gone to him, and I can't forgive myself if that happens!"
"I'm sorry. I didn't know that Andrei will introduced me as his fiance. He just said to me that we will attend a party in your Kingdom," Samira said. She need not to explain everything to Lemar but she was guilty.
"Really?" Lemar said. "But why you're with him?" A jealousy was obvious in Lemar's expression.
"It's because I wanted to see you, I was worried that there's something bad had happened to you because I didn't seen you here in school for almost one week," Samira explained. Her sight became blurry because of the tears covering her eyes. "Your Kingdom was scary but I tried my best to find you when I know that Andrei wanted me to be his wife." Tears from her eyes began to flow. "I saw you but you just left, I thought you forget about me." Lemar approach and hugged her tight.
"I missed you so much Samira." Lemar closed his eyes while caressing Samira's back. "I was being jailed in my room, and I can't get out of the shield because my power was being blocked by the King." Hearing those words, Samira finally let herself crying and let out her loneliness. Lemar didn't know what to do to make Samira stop crying so he just hugged her tight while slowly caressing her hair.
Back to the Kingdom of Darkness where everyone are gossiping and talking about the scene, the King was so upset to his two son. Knowing that his two son are in love with only one lady and that lady came from a mortal world really pisses him off.
The King was currently sitting on the long table where Andrei and the Queen was there having a talk about what happened earlier.
"I thought you're not going to upset me just what Lemar did, but the lady you'll going to present in our race is the lady Lemar was in loved with!" The King was looking towards Andrei with a sharped eye.
"Father, I don't know that Lemar was destined to that lady. All I thought I am the one. Also, I loved Samira and that doesn't change even if she came from mortal world!" Andrei said.
"You know that loving a mortal means that you are loving your enemies. That is against to the rules of our Kingdom!"
"I know father, but saying those words to me is now useless. You should said that to Lemar, the destined one."
The King didn't know what to do, he just close his eyes for a moment. Loving a mortal is indeed a sin among their race and that is also against to the rule of their Kingdom but what he will going to do if the prince was already destined to that mortal lady. The King sighed as if he was going to give the two a chance.
Going to the human world where the two was currently walking down the road to Samira's house. Lemar's car was not with him this time because he just went there unplanned. He decided to brought Samira back to their house because he notice that she was unwell. He walk her inside their house and was surprised to see Samira's mother sitting on the sofa.
"Samira? Lemar?" Samira's mother was shocked to see the both of them. "What are you doing here at this time?" Samira's mother asked wondering. "And why are you both wearing halloween dress when it's not halloween at all?"
Samira just come to her senses realizing that she and Lemar both wearing black clothes. For her mother, that was unusual seeing those at this time.
"Mom, Lemar and I attended a birthday party and the motif of dress was color black," Samira reasoned out.
"Is that so?" Samira's mother said.
"Samira was right auntie, it was my friend's party," Lemar said. Samira's mother was looking at Lemar like she was examining the young man. The woman just touches her own chin finding out something.
"By the way Lemar, you look like your brother," Samira's mother said. Lemar's eyes widened a bit to what he heard. A question registered in his mind, wondering how Samira's mother knew about his brother's look. "But don't worry, you're more handsome," Samira's mother said kidding aside.
"Auntie, how do you know my brother's look?" Lemar asked. He noticed that Samira just turned to him immediately.
"This past week, your brother always accompanied Samira back home," Samira's mother said. Upon hearing those words, Lemar didn't say a words and just nodded repeatedly.
"Don't overthink, Andrei just insist to accompanied me," Samira immediately said.
"And don't you worry Lemar, I like you a lot than your twin brother," Samira's mother said comforting him.
"I'm not worrying Auntie because I know from the very beginning Samira was mine," Lemar said complacently.
"Of course, Samira was all yours," Samira's mother said smiling as if her eyes turned to a dollars sign.
After some talks, Lemar said goodbye to the two. Luckily, Samira's mother didn't force him to chitchat with him. He went back to their Kingdom because he has something to say to the King, his father. He wants to talk to his father about the thing that's going between him and Samira. He wants to marry her on his 24th birthday.