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The Devil's Appetite

50.0K · Completed


Selena Morales thinks her life's on track when she finally dumps her cheating ex-boyfriend, Joshua. She believes she's f...

Romance18+MatureTrue LoveCEOBadboy

1. Drown Your Sorrows


"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Margo chuckled as I stared regretfully down at the remnants of my iced coffee. This was exactly what my day had been reduced to. Utter shit, and it was only getting worse. This morning, walking out to my car, I slipped and fell. Then, after slipping into my car, frozen from the muddy puddle, I came to the realization the heat in my car stopped working. Now my beverages were practically throwing themselves onto the ground.

"I wouldn't be talking, trucker mouth," I retorted, and petulantly rolled my eyes at her. I grabbed a handful of napkins from the dispenser, watching as the familiar waitress - Rebecca - glared at me, and threw them on the ground over the mess of deliciousness. Things couldn't possibly get any worse. Great, I've probably just fucking jinxed myself. "But I swear to you, today is not my day."

"Look," she began before taking a quick swig of her latte. "Maybe it's just stress? You've gotten yourself pretty worked up these past couple of days." She tucked a strand of her dirty blonde hair behind her ear, and peered at me with caring, blue eyes. I sighed. She was right. Finals were coming up and I was cramming everything trying to maintain a balance of school work, socializing, and work. It didn't help my boyfriend, Joshua, of six months was becoming more of a hassle than anything.

"I'm just trying to make it all work, it doesn't help when little things like this -" I gestured frantically at the ground. "Ruin my day. I swear to you Margo, I'm freaking the fuck out." I gushed, before slumping back in my seat defeated. I wasn't sure if what I needed was a good lay, a whole bottle of tequila, or to sleep for a month - but something had to give. She patted my hand reassuringly.

"There there. I know just what you need." She removed her hand from mine and reached for a bag, before rummaging through it quickly. She pulled out tickets, and a smile quickly spread onto my lips.

"What are these?" I asked excitedly. She bounced in her seat, a large grin on her face awaiting my reaction.


"Please tell me these are concert tickets to -"

"Twenty one pilots!" We shrieked simultaneously. I clutched them to my chest and released the breath I held. I shook my head in disbelief at her. "How did you manage these?"

"Came into a little extra cash. Wanted to do something nice for my girl." She shrugged, rolling her eyes like it was nothing, but deep down I knew it took a lot for her to score these. I had to hand it to her, she really knew how to wheel and deal things. It was a gift.

"When is it?"

"February 25th!" My face fell. This couldn't be happening to me. She frowned, and placed her hands on the table, leaning closer to me with caution in her gaze. "What? You look like your hearts been split in two."

"I'm supposed to be in Maine visiting Joshua's great grandmother. She's having her 90th birthday..." She waved her hand dismissively.

"So don't go. You've only been with the guy a couple of months..."

"Half a year," I corrected, knowing full well she knew how long we had been together. Joshua and Margaret didn't get along. It made getting together stressful, so eventually we stopped hanging out together. I mean, we're all 23-year-old adults, who can't stand to be in a room all together. You would think we were children.

"That's what I said. Just skip it. Tell him you have something important to do."

"I would never hear the end of it," I admitted, while grabbing another handful of napkins. My lips were in a firm line as Rebecca passed the table again, the sour look on her face was permanent. This particular coffee shop - The Spot- was our regular, but the waitress had never taken a liking to us. Probably on account of the fact she's almost fifty working in a coffee shop, when she should be getting ready for retirement. "Besides, if I can manage to avoid another fight, I'd like to keep it that way."

Margo groaned and snatched the tickets back from me, tucking them back into her bag.

"Fine," She snapped. "You buzz kill."

"I'm sorry!" I pleaded with her, a sincere expression on my face. I would've given anything to go to the concert but how insensitive would it be to decline seeing a woman who's most likely going to die soon? I might as well mug a homeless man while I'm at it, considering if I don't go visit Joshua's grandmother, I'll be the equivalent of a low-life scum.

"Whatever.... just, buy me a cookie and we will call it even." She insisted. My mouth fell agape.

"You Miss Margaret Lane, are a manipulative person," I jeered. She rolled her eyes and shook her head slowly, while batting her eyelashes innocently.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'll get your stupid cookie," I grumbled and pushed off from the table, only to slip on the soaked napkins and fall into the arms of a stranger. His arms were firm around my waist, and when I finally found my breath, I glanced up at him. Gorgeous was an understatement. Angelic was even an understatement, this man was godly attractive. With a chiseled jaw, light, mocha colored skin and a smile so dazzling I forgot what universe I was in, he chuckled. The sound was deep, and husky, so melodic I found myself with the urge to join him. His green eyes searched my face, as he stood me upright.

"Are you okay, Miss?" The slight accent in his voice made his words flow like silk from his lips. "Are you hurt?" He pressed again, waiting patiently for my answer. I shook my head, because all normal brain functioning had ceased to exist for me, as he removed his arms from around my waist. The dark, Armani suit he wore defined his muscles in all the right spots, I was practically drooling.

"Yes. Thank you for catching me." I replied, proud that my voice hadn't quivered like the horny teenager I seemed to transform into.

"The pleasure was all mine." He responded, and I got the faint notion he was implying more than just being a helpful citizen, and the warmth on my face made me shift my attention to Margo. Her eyes were wide as they traveled over the man's attire.

"I was just walking back to the counter," He added. Margo glanced at me and wagged her eyebrows suggestively. When I didn't respond, she quickly spoke up.

"She was going that way as well. She can accompany you."

I shot a knowing look, as the man smiled and nodded gently.

"After you." He gestured with a wave of his hand, and when he turned his attention to the counter in the front of the room, I leaned towards Margo to hiss a reprimand for her behavior. I was in a relationship. I needed to act like it. It didn't matter if a man hotter than the sun was thrown into my world. I had to boot his ass right back out. I followed in front of him down the tight rows in between tables and towards the counter.

"So, I never got your name."

"That's because I never told you." I smirked. He rubbed the back of his neck, and glanced down at the floor quickly.

"I guess you're right. I'm Nicolo." He offered his hand as we halted in front of the display of pastries. I accepted apprehensively and shook. His hand was warm in mine, and it took everything in me to ignore how my body shuddered when we touched.


"Very beautiful name, Selena," he complimented. I pushed past the awkward feeling I had from his unwarranted compliment and thanked him politely while trying to appear interested in the baked goods. Although, Margo's cookie was the farthest thing from my mind.

"What can I get you?" Michael - the usual cashier - asked. I smiled knowingly at him.

"Margo wants a chocolate chip cookie."

"Go figure." He chuckled and typed it in. "$1.56." I slipped my hands in my pocket, in search of my money, only to come up empty. You have got to be fucking kidding me. I guess I spoke too soon.

"I um- I'll have to run back to the table and grab some. I forgot it."

"I got it," Nicolo interjected, stepping up to the counter beside me.

"No, no, no." I shook my head and raised my hands up defensively. "You really don't have to do that, Sir. I can just go back there -"

"It's no trouble at all. I'm paying for it," he said sternly, and the assertiveness from his voice left me as compliant as a puppy in their masters control. He pulled out a five and set it down on the counter.

"Thank you so much," I said while grabbing the plate with the cookie on it. Nicolo bit his lip and shook his head.

"Don't worry about it. It was nice meeting you, Selena."

"You as well," I replied honestly. I spun on my heel to return to the table. Watching as Margo twisted around in her seat.

"He keeps glancing at you. What did you say to him?"

"Nothing... he just paid for your cookie because I lost the ten dollars I had on me. Now eat," I urged. She scoffed and pulled the plate closer.

"Your luck really is shit," She mumbled before taking her bite. I couldn't argue. It totally was. I watched as he disappeared out the front door, and smiled to myself.

Maybe it would change.


Joshua grew up in a civilized, middle class household with a completely normal and healthy family dynamic. He even attended church on a regular growing up, something I had known no such thing of in my single family household. So imagine my surprise when I opened the front door of our apartment, to find him buried balls deep in the neighbor who had moved in a week ago, on the couch.

She yelped, and flung herself off the top of him, as her hand shot to her breasts. Joshua's face was the color of a pigs ass, and all I wanted to do was smother him with one of the couch pillows. What the actual fuck was going on? The irony of how shitty my luck had been all day hadn't dawned on me until this moment. My hand flung to my mouth as fits of laughter began to erupt from my lips. I was delirious... clearly.

Joshua's brow quirked questioningly at me, before he finally gained the courage to speak.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. This is not what it looks like, okay. I - we," He gestured in between himself and her, coming up short on excuses. Honestly, the biggest emotion bubbling within the pit of my stomach was relief. I was finally free of him, of all of his bullshit and I couldn't be more fucking relieved.

"I should've fucking known you were a dirty piece of shit," I replied simply, slamming the door shut behind me. He grabbed a pillow and held it over his dick. "It's not that hard to hide, Josh. The pillow isn't necessary," I concluded and strolled past him.

"Selena, just hear me out okay." He arose from the couch and stumbled behind me as I made my way into our bedroom. I snapped my head in his direction.

"I would say thanks for at least refraining from fucking in our bed, but I'm sure you've already done that." I pried open the closet door that always stuck and grabbed the large, workout bag I never seemed to use for working out and ripped my clothes off the hangers.

"I screwed up, okay? Is that what you want me to say. I fucking screwed up, Selena. I'm sorry baby. It's just we've been fighting a lot and..."

"Don't you dare try to make this my damn fault." I spat at him. "You didn't screw up... you screwed the neighbor, you asshole."

After I stuffed them into the bag, I threw the strap over my shoulder and pushed past him.

"Good riddance."

"Please, wait." He reached for my arm, and I yanked it out of his reach.

"Don't you dare touch me."

"Just hear me out...."

"I heard you loud in clear when you moaned her name, while she was riding you on the couch we fucking bought together you prick!" My fists clenched down at my sides, and before I could stop myself I punched him. He staggered back against the wall, groaning while clutching his face.

"What the fuck?!"

"I hope your dick falls off," I rasped as the tears I anticipated began to form. I stumbled blindly out of the apartment, wiping angrily at the tears spilling from my lids. Sure we fought, but that didn't excuse him from getting his dick wet by the neighbor.

I descended the steps quickly and yanked my car door open to throw my bag in the passenger's seat and slide in. I pressed my forehead against the wheel and sobbed. I didn't care how messed up I appeared, I just lost control. It felt enlightening. Weight lifted off my shoulders after a minute went by and I composed myself enough to drive carefully to Margo's.

She welcomed me with open arms as she opened her door and took one look at my face.

"What did that scumbag do?"

"He- he fucking cheated on me," I replied as she brought me to her couch.

"Sit," She ordered and disappeared into the kitchen off the living room.

"This calls for the big guns," she called. Nothing could make me feel better. The image of them together was permanently ingrained in my brain and nothing would ever take it away. At least not forever.

She returned with a tub of ice-cream, and a bottle of vodka.

"I'll kill him. I'll fucking slash his tires and kill him."

"No, I - just, want to forget." My voice quivered, as another sob racked through my body.

"Drink." She pushed the bottle towards me, and I eagerly accepted. Ignoring the burn of the liquid as it glided down my throat.

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