« You can’t do then Devon.’’ She said looking dejected « Basically I can I am your Alpha « Devon said with a smug smile.
Celine mumbles something and looks at Steven with so much raw love that it makes the onlooker’s blood rush to their cheeks.
« Hey little mate, sorry I have to listen to my brute of a brother, but I promise I will do this perfectly » She says and kisses Steven’s forehead who blushed. She lowered him and made him stand. Stefan comes near Steven and they both stand beside Kevin.
Devon shook Kevin’s hand, looking hopeful for once, and let them retreat.
#Please do vote if you liked it. I am trying my best. And please mention in the comments about the mistakes. I will be grateful
Back at the Pack house Steven was stubborn and wanted to form the alliance on the day itself. A few of the elders protested. And Steven, he tried to hide the fact that he’d been bested, fought tooth and nail against the elders that even the elders had to concede the truth of what had happened. But Kevin was sure. He would not allow this charade of a war to continue. Not after yesterday. If not for Celine he would have lost his brother. Kevin hugged him tight not caring about the elders. « I am glad you are okay brother « Kevin whispered and Steven smiled hugging back.
But the next morning an envoy is sent stating the arrangement for peace talks by Devon Rickson. With a corney letter for Steven from Celine Rickson. Kevin and all the Pack members watch the youngest Flint giddy dunked in love. For that matter,they were duty bound to accept the alliance.
Seeing Steven like this. His mind wondered to his own mate. He had spent most of the days in between the battle worrying over the ache in his side, in pain and so relieved to be, so pleased when the pain didn’t just stop, that his mate had survived the war.
And then there was the White Demon. The Demon Wolf of the White Lotus Pack.
There were many rumors about him floating around wherever the wind carried. That he was a reincarnation of the evil, A wild beast tamed by the Alpha Siblings. White as snow with eyes like blood. A long White mane making it an unusual sight. The deadly glint in his eyes and the swiftness of his attacks said that he was a weapon forged by the Goddess and given a breath of life of its own.Intense and angry. Small but intimidating. The White Demon among the wolf clan. Kevin himself was terrified to look at him. And after yesterday’s encouter he simply loathed him.
Kevin had asked Steven about his encounter with the Demon. But he only answered in bits and pieces.
And much to his luck, he was thrown away and somehow found his mate without being killed by the Demon.
Kevin’s blood boiled .He feared for his little brother. And to think about peace with a Demon still lurking out there was impossible. Maybe he could convince his friend to get rid of him. That Monster attacked his brother. Third Son of their family. Son of the former Alpha. He could demand retribution before the Alliance. Yes Kevin was going to do that. He needed to remove that emotionless bastard Or if nothing works he should atleast be restrained in a cell. And used only during wars. As the weapon he is.
During one of their meetings with the White Lotus Pack. He asked Devon about the growing rumors about demonic wolf if he had sold his soul to the Devil. Devon started blabbering about how he wasn’t a demon, how everyone failed to see him as human, and saw his power before seeing his true self.
Kevin told Devon about how all his packmates almost pissed their pants at the mention of him, but where they were faced with paralyzing terror. They also wanted to stop fighting but staying with the Demon was a bit too hard for them.
Kevin thought of a plan. An opportunity to bind the Demon to his pack forever.
An opportunity to have a destructive power of unknown caliber ready to fight alongside them, should the need arise.