It's party time!!!!
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"I don't know why I even allowed you to follow me to this party. It is not for low life like you."
Tasha had made this statement over a thousand times since they started their journey to where Kim didn't even know.
Not that she has been taken to go enjoy herself. Kim knew that Tasha was going to the party to present her as usual. Tasha's everly, lying ungrateful poor maid. She wasn't even dressed for a party so she knew her mission was just to make Tasha proud.
This didn't in any way bother Kim. She was used to her painful life and didn't wish for more anymore. She knew asking for more would just give birth to more trouble.
"You know your ass isn't worthy of this classic party but mum persuaded me to take you along so that you will tend to my needs" she told her with a glare.
As if Kim needed this story. She already knew her mission. She didn't need a reminder.
" You then are not allowed to talk to anyone aside from me and you don't talk until I ask for something. You are not allowed to leave without my permission and you are not to eat anything. You must obey all I told you or else you will be in very big trouble" she warned as she drove without looking at her.
Kim didn't reply to her because she knew it wasn't necessary.
By the time they got to the party, Tasha's girl friends were out there on the red carpet shimmering in the light. Kim didn't even envy them because she knew it wasn't her life.
There was a time she thought the God in heaven was so cruel to give her such life but she has gone past it. All she could do was to blame her parents' for leaving her behind to suffer hatred. She hated her parents for dying and not letting her die with them.
She learned about her parents' death after the Gramm revealed to her that she wasn't one of them and told her that her parents died a miserable death.
At first she couldn't believe her ears but she had already learned to believe it due to the things she has been going through. Sometimes she just wished for death but it seems death has perfect hatred for her kind. She then has learnt to live a hard and silent life.
Tasha walked majestically to where her friends were being interviewed on the carpet, while she scurried to a corner to wait for them.
They were beaming as they saw Tasha approach. Tasha, being the most beautiful among them, seems to them as a princess, especially when she has a maid that follows her around. The friends also didn't hesitate to bark orders at Kim as rich kids. Some of them would even hit her.
Tasha had five friends and they were all from a rich home and they were equally as spoilt as her but none had a maid and this gave Tasha an edge above them.
Kim didn't even concentrate on what the ladies were doing. She was scanning the beauty of where she stood. She had no information about the event she just found herself in. She didn't even know who was hosting them. All she could gather was that the host was a prominent man and was having a large party to celebrate his wedding anniversary with his beloved wife.
This made Kim drift into thinking that one day a man will cherish her even if he was not a rich man but he would still care for her at least a bit.
After spending so much time out there, they finally went in and the party began and this was when Kim got to know that the party was held by the wealthiest family in the whole of the country. The Devikings
She heard so much about the family but remembered little and didn't even care. She could remember the name of the youngest son of the family and she could even recognize him.
She got to know because Tasha won't stop talking about the guy and how she wished he was her man. Tasha even has his pictures pasted on the walls of her room.
Seeing that the party was for the wealthiest Family, Kim's heart began to beat faster than usual. She began to scan the room but then her eyes met with Tasha's and she eyed her.
"Stop looking around!" She snapped.
Tasha would have made Kim sit on the floor if it was allowed. Her friends even complained that Kim shouldn't be sitting with them.
But Tasha didn't want to let Kim off her sight. She didn't want Kim to talk to anyone nor did she want her to eat anything. This would only be possible if she's close.
Since she couldn't let her sit on the floor and wouldn't let her sit beside them, Tasha made her stand right behind her.
A waiter walked towards Kim.
"A drink ma'am" he said.
Kim shook her head and smiled politely.
"I will pass," she said.
Tasha and her friend heard this and started to make fun of Kim because the waiter called her ma'am. This didn't even get to the Kim they were talking about. She just stood there like a statue.
The loud noise in the hall was suddenly quenched as the grand door was opened. Kim quickly peeped to see what was going on and then she saw Jefferson Devikings walked in with so much royal pride. The way he carried himself was so different from the others. He walked like he was the emperor of the nation.
He was really a very handsome man to behold. All ladies in the hall were already swooning and those not swooning were drooling. His physique and charisma was mouth watering.
Even Kim couldn't help but look at the guy who seemed like a demi-god. She wondered how someone could look so perfect. She has never for once seen someone with so much beauty. Although this guy always appears on TV, she doesn't have the opportunity to sit and watch TV.
The guy in question looked at her direction and her heart skipped. She didn't even know if the guy saw her but she knew she became scared and she tried to hide behind Tasha.
"Wow! He looked at me" Tasha almost shouted with so much happiness.
Kim snorted silently. She was surprised at the sound that came out of her because she didn't usually have the time to focus on anything Tasha said but she seemed to think the guy wasn't looking at her.
All through the party, Kim couldn't keep her eye off the guy. She tried not to focus on him but it seems her eyes was glued to him and made for his body