Crown prince's POV
I opened one eye as the other closed with my arms outstretched over my head I stared towards the window filled with glazed sunlight, and sleep interruption. The day was destined to be disorderly and I was prepared for it. The first day for the maidens always were. This time the existence of one maiden in particular was written within the lines of the clouds that she'd find way to bring forth disharmony.
After a few moments to myself I made sure to begin my demands for service. I got out of bed, finally though it was very much against my intentions. The stroll to my kitchen gave me amusement as I caught the eyes of the three maidens, catching a glimpse of me, then quickly turning away before I could return their stares.
" Where is that unusual one?" I asked once I sat down onto a seat placed out for me.
The maidens circled about and whispered amongst one another for a moment. One of them stepped out with her hair help up into a tight hold, leaving the rest to swing onto her shoulders she began to speak.
" She's still asleep, your greatness." She said. I inspected her, with my eyes as I roamed my eyes over her. My thoughts spoke out in my actions when I shrugged my shoulder to my thought of how average her looks were. She was both attractive and common. Her figure was petite, but she seemed worthy of teasing, it was clear she'd say anything to make herself look more attractive.
" Thank you." I simply said I gave a closed smile then began to lecture. " Well she isn't here and there is no desire for me to wait for her so let's begin."
" First and foremost, my clothing, I would prefer that you guys organize it well, place everything into the basket in front of my room, once I call on to you, only then you may come and organize them into their rightful areas, Only enter when you're called for, but in terms of emergency depending on whom I see worthy of being trusted I will give you a key, which shall only and ever be used in a case of emergency."
I lectured on as the eyes followed every move I made. One to the side, one back before me, occasionally I would smirk in order to emphasize my good sides. To capture their hearts were quiet simply, it allowed me entertainment.
All the instructions were delivered, then the maidens decided amongst one another to begin work, truthfully everything was tend to rather quickly, the food was prepared, the clothing was cleaned and all else seemed to be attended to, allowing me to grow more satisfied through out the day.
As lunch came and passed the unusual dark woman named so-yi had still not yet showed up, therefore I called into one of the guards to go wake her up.
Unsure what it was that took him so long, at last he brought the young woman. She had her gypsy-like cloth on as usual and she seemed as if she was about to collapse. I stared at her hand which my mother gracefully seemed to disfigure last they met.
" So-yi is it?" I asked her while she stood before me in my room. She nodded her head and bowed.
" do you think just because my sister convinced me to take you in that I'd be easy to handle? You were doing well up until today. If it wasn't for my kindness Mother would've devoured you, but I had not realize the wrong was my own, I could've just allowed the queen to take you in. Your other hand could match." I lectured.
She stared at me and turned to the side whispering something to herself before sighing and looking down.
" you always have something to say but no worthy response, explain yourself as to why you've been in bed all day." I commanded.
She stood silently, then gave a sigh as if she was overwhelmed by my lecture.
" The washing, the cleaning of plates then cooking in those same plates, the prepped ingredients, the countless chores to do on this side of the palace alone, I handled them last night sir by request of the maidens you've selected for yourself I was instructed to do so. So forgive me if I did my share and more." She sarcastically answered, no gestures just a still face and words that crawled out like snakes.
I was left rather uncomfortable by her answer, she blankly delivered it,there was no reaction that she displayed that didn't leave the feeling of punishing her awkward.
" So you're not only insecure but you're also an imbecile!" I chuckled and nodded my head displeased with my hands on my hips. " How did you manage to be commanded by those at your same level, clearly the attitude of disregarding my words that you give me is an act." I said to her.
" I didn't do it to be a fool I did it to give myself time alone. It is fair on both sides, we despise one another, I neither want to breath the same air as you, nor those of the maidens you chose to convince into your evening bedded silk. I am not sure if you're aware sir, but here some of the staff members are even more superficial than even you, are just as the powerful disagree amongst each other and create a cast system of levels, we poor souls do the same. They don't see me as one of their own, to them I'm beneath them, and yet frankly unknown to them, They to me, well... they don't reach my intelligence therefore out of sympathy I granted them the gift they demanded of me." She narrated.
Before I could speak she quickly interjected. " I now live in one room as they do. My method of survival is attached to this favor I did for them, since it was I that gave them the favor, it's to me they are indebted to." She finally ended.
I raised a brow and stared at her. " do you want to do shows by chance you seem to speak as if you're hosting some kind of play. Why do you have such dramatized methods of explaining things. " I asked her.
I could tell she was getting annoyed, she was clearly angry that her sleep got interrupted because she didn't seem to wince.
" You always answer with sarcasm when you're at a lost for words, crown prince. Seeing that you're the next future leader of this land, you should learn to hide your emotions when you get uncomfortable." She quickly said as she began to raise her voice.
I blinked quickly at a disbelief of her words, yet once more there was nothing I felt was right to handle the situation.
" Before I request for your transfer to work under the queen I suspect you will be out of my face before I count to one. " I responded.
" gladly" she mumbled as she bowed and then left out the door.
While she was making an exit, Yi-ae entered.
Yi-ae scanned her face, and softly pushed her out of the way with her shoulders.
" you should be careful when someone of importance enters a room, you did this last time too, you haven't forgotten I am family here do you?" Yi-ae asked as she stared So-yi down.
Because of So-yi reluctance to look away, Yi-ae gripped her chin then forced her faced downwards.
" don't glare, it is rude." She mumbled before walking away from So-yi. I stared and sighed as I watched the event occur.
I could've been silent in my current state of vomit building up at the sight of that maiden and her spitefulness but the one Yi-ae gave me was stronger. Her voice cause the bile to take root in my throat, where as So-yinonly gave the sensation of a possible episode of bile.
" Yi-ae, we aren't married yet, therefore until then don't discipline my staff, even after then just as I wouldn't come tell your staff what to do don't harass mine." I finished while I looked towards her direction.
She pouted then walked closer towards me.
" You haven't change still the stubborn prince." She mumbled as she reached to touch my hands leading me to the bed.
So-yi then bowed and left.
Later that night, as I was looking for something to eat, I heard the abundance of noises in the kitchen, thinking it was one of the palace cats, I walked out to stop the noise.
To my surprise, in the dark with only a candle light to her right, a woman was washing some rice.
" It couldn't be." I thought to myself as I stared at her. Her face was as small as her figure, with full lips and her darkened skin she stood out as the candle light's movement created shadows on her face. Her face was carved as if out of a bronzed medal how calmly it shined. her brows strutted as is just the right kiss, paired and fit perfectly. she depicted art in the silence by where she stood. As disgusted She appealed to me only a thief would lie and not credit her for the beauty she carried physically.
She was so focused on her cooking that she hadn't noticed me until I spoke. " So that's what you look like without that gypsy getup." I said out loud as I rolled up the sleeves of my hanbok.
She quickly came to notice me then covered the bottom half of her face.
" don't worry you're not that pretty with or without it, the difference isn't noticeable so you can place your hands down." I reminded her.
She looked at me as she slowly slid her hands down then began to cut up some vegetables.
She paused and then heavily began to cut with the knife, I assumed it was in order to say some kind of silent threats.
" why are you in here again this late." I asked trying to contain my chuckling.
" My hand, causes trouble to cut when I'm being rushed, it better that I start tonight to be ready tomorrow " she said as she wiggles her hand before me.
" I also must admit I love the silence of the palace at night." She finished.
I simply nodded my head, I looked at her face alittle closer, where it seemed that nails created scratches onto her, they were scarred lightly onto her cheeks.
" tsk tsk You repeat your actions against authority expecting a different result why don't you just avoid the troubles." I said.
" huh?" She asked turning towards me.
" wait here." I finally mumbled, I walked into my room then returned with an ointment.
I placed some at the end of my finger, and then softly placed it on her small scratch. After a moment she moved out of my reach and stuck out her hands. " I will do the rest. Crown prince." She said with a smile, she bowed and then continued on with her work, as she placed the ointment beside her.
I stayed there unsure why, in honesty it was rather out of amusement for watching her struggle being my primary approach of action.
" About today, Let's not repeat the disagreements. If I've managed to tolerate you for the sake of my sister, I expect the respect I deserve as your leader." I said, while standing.
She nodded her head and bowed, before opening her mouth the asked a question.
" clearly you care for your sister, If you care for your sister's feelings why do you act so distant to her?" She said while cleaning up the mess of vegetable skin and runaway rice pieces.
" As I said let's remember our statuses, this conversation seems to be railing off." I quickly answered her with a stern look. Even I was surprised at the instant shift of emotion I took, at her simply question.
Once again her curiosity has destroyed the mood of neutrality that I felt was beginning.