I haven’t slept well all night, after waking up 4 in the morning I couldn’t get back to sleep. I finally got out of bed around 6 and headed to kitchen to make a strong coffee for me. I decided to start my day early today.
My dorm is a mess right now, I have to get it back in shape although going to live here for just one more week.
Never gonna have another party at my place ever. Cleaning this mess alone will take me the whole day and I have to reach the airport before 2o’clock, I can’t miss the last chance to see George since I don’t know when I will see him next.
I called Jeanne to know when she will be here to help me or is she going to ditch me for her mysterious boyfriend. She told me he will be here to get us back and finally I will get to meet him.
She picked up the call on third ring with a groan, I assume I disturbed something since she is always awake by this time, with this thought I couldn’t hold back my giggle and she grunted, ”What do you want at this early, vampire?”. I had a full laugh this time. She was definitely in middle of something.
“Not sorry if I disturbed you, get out of your boy’s pants and bring your ass here. I have to clean this mess and then get ready to leave for airport and all this has to happen before 2o’clock”, I said while sipping my coffee and giving my head a massage.
My head is spinning like a wheel, first that alcohol and then those hot dreams with that hunk. Thinking this I grunted and heard a grunt from the other side as well. We both started laughing and she told me she will be here in an hour and will help with everything.
I smiled telling her she is the best and I am waiting so she should be here in an hour and dropped the call. I finished my coffee and went to take a long hot water bath, I am really in need of it and have to relax before moving and start working at Fieldson Construction Company.
I went in bathroom grabbing my creamy tank top and white shorts on the way. Filled the tub with hot water and got ready for it.
It relaxed me, hot water was working on my nerves and I got floated to my dream land soon again where I was dreaming of George in Cooperstown with our two kids playing around.
I really wish for that dream to come true but I know George will never move to that town. He always wished of having his own company and a villa with two amazing kids and a beautiful wife. He asked me to come with him but I refused since my plans are different from his. Sometimes, I wonder how we even got together.
We mutually decided to have this break up. About 1800 miles apart won't work fine with us. Him in Texas and me in Cooperstown, both get annoyed by distance and jealous of each other's friends, no it will never work with us. And adjusting for other’s plans won’t work good for us either, neither of us will be happy.
I got out of the bath and started drying my hair and I don’t like my wet hair, blonde wet hairs look worse. I was almost done when the doorbell rang. She is always on time when I need her.
I opened the door and she dragged her body in. She has heavy bags under her eyes, I got worried. She was happy when I saw her last night. She threw herself on the couch and asked for her tea. She kept her tea at my house too as she stayed over many times in these 3 years and I stayed over hers as well. FYI, her neighbor Sean is a creep.
I got in the kitchen and made her tea the way she taught me, I don’t know how she drinks it, it tastes so… different.
She sipped and gave out a scream, she screams when she is frustrated like hell. I started cleaning the mess around the hall and looked over when I heard that scream. I am worried about her.
I went over to her and started rubbing her back, she sobbed and got herself together soon. I sat beside her till she emptied her cup and placed it back on the table. I expected her to talk to me when she got up and started collecting the discarded cups around the room.
I got myself up and started cleaning quietly where I left, I am guessing how should I break the suffocation when she starts talking.
“Hell, I am never gonna let you have a party at your place. Or have it my place”. She said.
I laughed and gave her a nod.
“So, when will I get to meet him?” I asked, looking at her waiting for an answer this time. I am not letting her skip the topic this time. Soon I am moving with her to her hometown.
“He is not coming.” she replied. She has tears in her eyes.
I wanted her to continue but she stopped and went to throw the collected cups in the bin. She came back and continued cleaning. I gave her a stern look to continue.
She sighed and gathered her thoughts.
“I texted him, I thought he was coming. I wanted to have the whole week with him and clear out the things before we move there.” She was on her edge.
“But he sent my brother here, he came yesterday afternoon. I am happy that he is here but I expected Greg when I opened the damn door.” She took a breath before continuing, damn it is too hard for her.
“I guess he doesn’t want to get things better, so fine.” She shrugged and I dropped the things and went out to hug her. She hugs me back and pulled back immediately before standing straight and getting back to work.
Then she started teasing me if I am changing my mind and leaving her to move Texas with George. She knows me too well to know I am not going to change it.
We talked more. I told her about last night and the hunk. I know his name is Chris but calling him by his name makes me feel like I know him when I don’t and its not like we’re going to meet again anytime sooner or later. So, let’s just call him hunk or hottie as it suits him more. ;)
Cleaning the dorm got easy with Jeanne, cleaning all the mess and getting my dorm back took us 4 hours plus 1 hour break. We needed it in between to calm down after discussing the mess of our life and continue cleaning.
Its noon when I get started getting ready and Jeanne helps me in choosing the dress and putting on my makeup. She chose a red top with slightly deep neckline and black jeans which I covered with his white shirt. He left it last time he stayed over and I decided to keep it. She said this look will make him realize how big a mistake he is making and will decide to move with us. I laughed nervously.
She got a call from her brother who asked her to return home. He was angry that she left without telling him and he is really protective of her. She told me about how Christian thinks her of a little girl and made an issue when she decided to study here. He still hates the idea that she chose this university to complete her studies.
I got out of my house making sure its locked and get into my car. It was a gift from my parents for getting into NYU. They always compensate for their absence with such gifts. They are the reason I want to move to a secluded town like Cooperstown to have a less busy life.
I drove to the airport and reached on time. It was 2o’clock as I parked my car and headed to the departure gate. I hope he hasn’t boarded his flight. He doesn’t know if I am coming or not, although he is expecting me I know.
I was looking for him when I saw him at the entrance. He was fifth in the queue wearing a simple black collared t-shirt and khaki pants. I thanked god in my heart, it was a relief.
I ran to him and hugged him from behind. He always smells nice. I like his perfume. Damn, his muscles. I am going to miss him definitely.
He freed himself from my arms, turned around and hugged me.
“I knew it. I knew you will come.”, he whispered. He kissed me on my forehead and hugged me back. He sniffed my hair and tightened the hug.
We pulled apart and both fell silent. He checked out my look, his smile tells me he liked it. I got this all ready just for him with just a little make up as he likes.
It was weird, before coming here I was so nervous I didn’t think what I would say to him or if it would be okay or not. I just decided that I will be here and I came.
“So, you’re leaving.” I said. Shit, I am so dumb. Obviously, he is leaving. We’re not here at the airport to hangout vampire girl. I bit my lower lip.
“Yeah, perhaps”, he also nervous, its my fault I made him nervous. Coming here was a bad decision.
He came forward and kissed me with his both hands on either side of face. It took me a second to come out my thoughts and respond. It was filled with hunger and passion but it was soft enough to tell me he loves me. He traced my lower lip with his tongue and pulled it with his teeth slightly to ask for my permission. I opened my mouth and his tongue immediately attacked my mouth and savored it with lust. I couldn’t help but moan.
He grabbed my waist pulling me closer. I wrapped my hands around his head, messing his brown hair. This kiss reminded me of our first kiss at my dorm. Back then we were equally hungry and full of lust.
A sudden long horn made us both pull apart. It was ear aching. By the time, we pulled apart we were both out of breath. He put his forehead over mine and we both tried to get hold of our breath. He pecked my lips and said bye, picked his bag and passed through the gates without looking back. I couldn’t move till he got out my sight.
"Bye", I whispered.
I got back in my car, waited there and let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding all this time. Its true You never realize how much you love someone till you lose them.
Before starting, I decide to call Jeanne to check on her. She didn’t pick up. I just hope she is okay.
As I moved out of the airport I got a glimpse of the hunk, I pushed the brake and tried to look for him but couldn’t find him. I think I am thinking too much about his rejection. And started the car and headed towards the old age house. I already have their gifts in my car. I have to say them bye before I leave. I can’t just leave them without seeing them for the last time.