(Logan P.O.V, in the Ballroom)
“Logan, where are you?” His mother was looking for him everywhere. Blacked boy, on the other hand, was being mobbed by raging vampire females throwing themselves helplessly at him.
Logan then pulled aside with the help of Jay. He gave his friend a thankful look, and Jay only smiled.
“Geez, I don’t know what’s keeping you from finding a girl when there are hundreds of them falling at your feet.”
“I told you dobe, I have no time for that. Let’s just go and get this party over with.”
Logan wore a black suit, his hair in its usual style as always. He chatted here and there, though he mostly kept to himself. That is until a certain red-headed vampire spotted him.
“Logan-kun!“Logan muttered a curse. Why was she here?
“Logan-kun come to dance with me.” She pressed her body against his. He looked at what she was wearing. Alana wore a red dress that looked like a second skin. It was way too low cut showing too much cleavage. Her make-up was heavy and her hair was in a messy bun. She ran a pedicure finger across his arm and looked at him seductively.
“I promise to make it worth your while Logan.”
“Alana get off me, this is a party hosted by my family, don’t you dare embarrass me in front of my kin.” His eyes flashed red for a second and a low hiss was heard. Alana glared and walked off. Logan, on the other hand, was getting restless. He just wanted this night to end. His throat began to feel a little dry, but he ignored the feeling.
The rest of the evening went by. Logan would doge vampire princesses and their cries, while Jay laughed his butt off at his friend. The slaves that were to serve the guests had arrived. They fetched things and followed orders. By the end of the night, both males were bored out of their minds.
“Ugh, when is this gonna end? I wanna go home, I’m hungry!” Jay had been saying that for the past thirty minutes.
“Shut up it’s almost over.”
Just then, Ami went in front of the room and held a microphone.
“Welcome honoured guests, our masters thank you for showing up to honour Master Alex and his fiancee Lady Kumiko. As a thank you, Master Ellwood would like to show his gratitude by giving some of our best and most beautiful slaves up for auction.”
The whole room began to fill with murmurs and whispers. Logan looked as stoic as ever, that is until her scent filled his
One by one, each slave was given away to the highest amount, which wasn’t much. It seemed as though the women weren’t worth much, but the guests played along. Erika and Synthai were saved for girls who walked up and had their veils removed. Gasps and whispers were heard.
“These two girls are to be sold together. They are the most beautiful we have to offer. One takes care of animals, the other gardens, and cares for plants. Now, who would like to start the bid at 50,000 yen?” At that moment, the room exploded with numbers and ridiculous amounts of money.
Logan, on the other hand, was staring at the pink-headed girl. He could not believe this was the same girl from before. Her alabaster skin looked beautiful in the kimono. The hair framing her face gave her a look of sweetness and serenity. His eyes met hers, but she quickly looked away. For a moment he was lost in a pool of emeralds. All of a sudden, his throat burned and his body ached. He smelled her cherry blossom scent, and his instinct craved it. All his attention was now on that one girl. He has pulled away from peace when hundreds of numbers were called from males with lustful looks. This angered Logan and his inner vampire.
“Mine.” Logan’s eyes turned red.
Jay looked at the girl in purple. Her pale moon-like skin called out to him, her aura seemed to pulse towards his demon, calming it. Something inside told him that this slave was the one. She had raven hair, of only she, would look up. He needed to see her eyes!
As if on cue, Synthia looked at the crowd and spotted a boy with bright yellow hair. She smiled, but blushed and quickly looked away. The boy looked handsome, his bright blue eyes seemed to look through her, sending a shiver down her back. She looked at him once more, his eyes never leaving her small frame.
Jay had seen her lavender eyes look his way. He saw her smile at him, and the way she smiled warmed his heart. Then he realized it. This girl was the one he’d been searching for. This was the one for him, and she was about to belong to someone else! Knowing this, his inner demon grew restless and frustrated. His body was losing control.
Both males grew angrier at the men who called out numbers. Jay looked at Logan, and he seemed to understand. Logan went up to the girls and grabbed Erika. Jay did the same with Synthia. The room immediately got silent. The looks both males had frightened the bidders.
Erika and Synthai however, we're confused, and a bit frightened. Erika felt a low growl come from Logan’s chest. She wanted to say something, but couldn’t speak. l Ami’s glare could be felt behind her. Logan spoke after a while of silence.
“These girls are off-limits. They already have owners, so stay away,” he growls menacingly. Erika didn’t understand, but she felt herself faint and collapsed in Logan’s arms.
Logan looked down at the girl in his hold. His burning eased, and his instinct calmed at the touch of her skin in his hands. Her steady heartbeat put his senses at ease. His eyes flashed red once more at the crowd as if daring for another bidder to speak. Leaving with the pink-haired girl in his arms, he smirked as he saw her face.