Laura POV
I opened my eyes slowly as if I were in a kind of long and refreshing sleep.
I tried stretching my arms and legs like I always do when I wake up on my bed but couldn't; I darted my half-opened eyes to my body and could see those arms and legs were tied.
I couldn't move; scanning the room I was in, I realised it was a dark, ugly room; it looked like a warehouse or some kind of storage.
I tried to talk but couldn't, then I realised my mouth was gagged.
What the hell is happening here, am I in a dream?? But how could a dream feel so realistic?
I tried putting the puzzles together and then memories of yesterday's evening flooded in.
Gawd! I have been kidnapped! My current position says it all.
I've been kidnapped, I didn't know how long I had been here or what time exactly the world is, yet I haven't eaten anything.
Food should be the least of my problems right now! Those guys really did kidnapped me!!
I wondered if they were sent by my parents although I was convinced they weren't.
No! They couldn't have tried to take me back in an expensive limousine like the one that came to get me.
Those people who were chasing after me first were sent by my parents, they had sent people to come after me after realising that I had ran away from home.
Getting chased by another set of people was another disaster, I'm sure I blacked out only to wake up now.
Hmmmm.hmmm.!! I murmured when I couldn't talk, I was thirsty but there was no way to get through to anyone here.
I could see the shadow of someone outside, it's surely one of the hefty guys.
I rolled on the floor when I couldn't walk, I kicked anything that could make some noise with my body and then stopped when I heard footsteps approaching.
The door opened, and I braced myself up for whatever might be coming next; one hefty man then entered.
One I recognize to be one of the two that roughly got me into the car. The one that I kicked in his torso.
I kept on muffling, hoping the man would remove whatever it was they were using to obstruct me from talking.
Just then, someone else entered, it took some difficulty before I could look up to see the person.
"Holy fuck...," I wanted to mutter but couldn't; I marvelled at what I saw, a demi-god, probably! Striking handsome features and his blue eyes got me hooked.
The room was dark but I could see his face very clearly.
He stared at me for a while, his look not friendly like I had expected the face of such a handsome man to be.
"Is she the girl you got??" He asked, his deep voice appearing to my ears as sweet as a song.
Jeez! Am I thinking about him being handsome when it's obvious he ordered for me to be kidnapped when I don't even know him??
I tried talking but just couldn't.
Someone else appeared behind him as I turned to look, it was a lady, one who appeared to look younger than me.
I could tell in a glance that they were both rich people.
She looked at me with disdain before turning her dreadful glare back to the guard and then a calm one towards the man standing in front of her.
They both walked out, beckoning the guard to come with them with a glare, and he did instantly.
Did you really get kidnapped?? My subconscious asked me, we were both in trouble right now without a way to escape.
My mind drifted back to yesterday when I sneaked out of the house in an attempt to run away; I was done taking the ill-treatment I had been receiving and the abuses I had been putting up with.
I didn't have a place to go and knew nobody because I was always indoors doing one chore or the other, and the people I ever knew were the people in our small town, yet I still found my way to the city so my parents wouldn't find me.
But here I am, gagged, locked, and tied! I was running away from home only to end up in this situation. First was being chased by my parents and now being locked up by another rich man. Or could it be my parents who are behind this too??
If so, who is the demigod I just saw and the rich and beautiful lady behind him??
The gentle opening of the door made me snap out of my trance as I watched the hefty guard come in; he bent down in front of me and forcefully removed the tape, gagging my mouth; it hurt, but that didn't matter; what matters is the fact that my mouth is freed.
'Ha-ha." I made a sound to be sure that my voice was still there, confirming that; I heaved a sigh of relief as the hefty guard stared at me with hateful eyes.
"Who are you guys? And what are you doing to me??" I managed to ask. I wanted my voice to come out cold, but it came out as that of one little kitten who was scared at the moment.
"Don't say a word there, else I return that thing to your lips," The hefty guard said, and I gulped down nothing.
I would rather stay silent than have them gag my mouth again.
I didn't say a word and just watched him leave, I stared at my hands and legs. I wished he could undo those, too, but he didn't.
I was getting terrified, the man had a very cold glare on as well as the other two people that came in earlier.
What the hell are they doing or planning to do to me?!!
I wanted to yell but remembered what the man said, I just sighed in frustration.
I couldn't fathom, I couldn't process the whole situation.
Why was I here in the first place?? How am I related to these people?? I could find none of those answers in my tiny head.