Thus it came to pass that Katherine soon fell into a comfortable routine in her great ancestral home.
Every morning her faithful chambermaids, the naughty Marie and Celeste, attended to her personal needs. They woke her, bathed her, and dressed her—and, perhaps more importantly, considering the excitable and passionate nature of their young mistress, they pleasured her. Those sweet, shapely girls knew precisely the secret bliss which a girl of Katherine’s sensitive temperament might truly crave yet dare not request of another, and though they feigned coyness, they never hesitated to give Katherine’s supple body a morning workout whose intimate exertions left her sweaty and breathless and sated. And when they were done, they smiled most prettily, curtsied, and pretended that nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
After breakfast Katherine always took a long walk in the gardens. Sometimes, at a distance, she saw Gregor weeding, trimming, pruning. Sometimes she spotted only the odd shapes which she took to be his footprints. And sometimes she glimpsed Inge and Vaclav—and hid, masturbating fiercely, while the pair coupled wantonly.
She spent hours reading in the castle library—fiction, history, science, almost anything. At first Katherine was surprised to realize how much the books were beginning to teach her about fascinating subjects she had hardly ever considered exploring. Yet when her concentration slipped and she found her gaze straying to shelves filled with the arousing abundance of her late great-great uncle’s collection of deliciously dirty erotica, she soon found herself sunk into her favorite armchair with a shockingly explicit porno magazine on her naked lap and her skirt hiked up around her swelling hips…her fingers swirling again through wet auburn curls and soft, quivering pink flesh.
If that grew tiresome, she might descend the curving stairs to the hidden underground theater with its great oversized television and browse through the secret collection of sex films. There were as many amusements below the study as there were upon its shelves.
Sometimes she would happen to pass Karl’s room—and would stoop to peek through the keyhole, stroking herself wickedly as he and Gregor sucked passionately at the darkened flesh of each other’s turgid members until they coaxed the thick mouthfuls of salty ejaculate down their open throats. Occasionally Katherine chanced to catch Marie and Celeste peeking there. Whenever she did—as soon as the men were done, that is—she sternly took the shamefaced girls back to her room to discipline them, ordering the twins to bend humbly across their mistress’s bed while she exposed their delicious white round bottoms and spanked them red with her bare hands.
After dinner she often retired to the privacy of her room, sometimes writing letters—not home, really, but to that faraway land which once was her home—to her family and to friends whose faces she now could barely remember. And often in the cozy warmth of her fire lit chamber she would slide naked beneath the covers of her large canopied bed and writhe passionately, reveling in the heady sensations which her long-practiced fingertips might give her.
Sometimes she woke in the middle of the night with the moon shining silver down through the arched windows. Entranced, she might rise nude from her bed top open the tall mullioned glass, shivering faintly as the cool midnight air made her tingling nipples pucker up tight, hard and crinkly. Then, staring out at the beautiful moonlit forest stretching mysteriously beyond the bounds of her estate to the indistinct horizon, Katherine, standing silent and still half-asleep, might rest her tender young breasts upon the icy casement and masturbate herself dreamily.
And, uncounted blissful minutes later, she would slip back into her warm bed and sleep soundly until the next day.
Early one day, Katherine woke from the tranquil depths of one of the recurring erotic dreams which, to amazement and delight, persisted in pleasuring her morning after morning.
Yet this dawn she woke not slowly but suddenly, in the midst of a delirious climax. Groaning, Katherine pushed her eager fingertips down her sweating belly and into her matted pubic fur, reaching for the throbbing morsel of flesh whose stroking would give her bliss.
But Katherine could not reach it. She gasped as her fingers sank into rich warm tresses, and her eyes sprang suddenly open. Shocked, she saw her pretty chambermaids hunched between her thighs, glossy raven hair spilling about their shoulders, deft tongues lapping contentedly at the lubrication-slicked petals of her shamelessly open crotch.
Though Katherine’s body ached with unnamable desires, her mind still recoiled. No matter what forbidden intimacies she had impetuously permitted, she had never, never been able to see this most terrible of sights. In the bath and while dressing, she often looked away in embarrassment as they masturbated her. At the table her long flowing skirt had kept her from seeing such—such a revolting and unnatural act.
But she could not help herself. The desires of her nubile young body could not be denied. Katherine’s eyes slid closed as she threw back her head, spine arching at the exquisite pleasure which welled up so demandingly from the open pink blossom of her womanhood. She gasped as the knowing young pair pushed their beautiful faces between her helpless thighs, tongues touching as they sucked their mistress’s pussy together.
Resistance was useless, Katherine realized dizzily in the corner of her mind still capable of some semblance of thought. When confronted with such a proof of the existence of heaven on earth, even the defenses of the strongest inhibitions must crumble. And Katherine’s already were none too strong. Long used to regarding pleasure as merely one of the innocent delights of mortal life, she knew she could not deny her natural passions. Shuddering, she spread her naked thighs wider.
Emboldened by their fierce and unabashed oral lovemaking, Katherine reached up and made as if to grab at her high young breasts. She hesitated. The girls could not see, and suddenly she longed for this extra sensation, craved its stimulation. She began to palm the soft mounds coyly, toying with the crinkly peaks almost as if afraid of being caught. The sensitive peaks stiffened quickly under her fingertips, and it felt good. Surely these luscious young Frenchwomen would understand—
Katherine treated herself more roughly. She started tugging ruthlessly on her own nipples, pulling at the engorged flesh. The thickened pink-brown buds tingled as she fondled them, sending a current of pure erotic energy rippling straight to her crotch. Soon she found herself whimpering with delight. There were no pretenses now, only the ache of her deliciously shameful desires…and the forbidden sensations which strove to fulfill them. She let the imaginative wenches have their way with her.
Katherine writhed in an almost indescribable erotic agony. Her entire body quivered to the heady sensations the girls’ wanton caresses engendered. Eyes closed, she floated in a sea of pleasure whose waves lapped the length and breadth and depths of her body. Katherine rode those waves serenely toward a mental and physical culmination she scarcely needed to seek. She focused contentedly on the wet bundle of nerves whose stimulation seemed the only goal of her kittenish tormentors.
She thought fleetingly of those full sensuous lips and fluttering tongues, the raw sexual hunger of loving, submissive mouths. She felt powerful and womanly and loved. Her nipples burned.
Slowly, slowly, Katherine felt her pleasure mount higher. Yet those beautiful, wicked girls teased her. Their knowing touches tantalized. They brought her quaking body closer and closer to the shuddering brink of orgasm…and retreated, to start again. She whimpered with frustration, squirming against them, longing for the insistent suck of their tender mouths within the furry pink nest of her slick vulva.
But the dark-eyed beauties had come to know their mistress’s body all too well, and she was completely within their mercy. Though she begged silently for release, their lashing tongues knew the limits of her jangling, practiced nerves—and the hungry depths of her appetites. She fingered her thickened nipples in earnest, her hips bucking of their own accord toward the sweet feminine mouths which wallowed so familiarly within her secret places.
For an agonizing timelessness, the pretty chambermaids tortured their mistress, making her fevered body crave the forbidden joys which, even now, her mind still half-warred against. Yet those whispered doubts could never hope to triumph over her flourishing feminine sensuality. This joy was but a part of life itself, a necessary facet of some grand design. Katherine realized it suddenly, perhaps almost unconsciously. She knew only that she longed to embrace all that this lovemaking might bring.
Finally, as if sensing her final acceptance of their most unconditional love, the tormentors relented. The pressures building below her tremulous belly finally coalesced, making her scream with delight.
Katherine climaxed gloriously. Her hips churned, and she felt as if she were turning inside out, her tender clitoris swelling, pulsing between pleasuring lips and tongues which knew no shame. On and on she panted, filled with a slow-building bliss which grew to consume her whole body. Her breasts were aflame, areolas and nipples pinched between exquisitely torturing fingers. Her loins, spasming wildly against velvety mouths, throbbed with liquid fire. She cried out joyously as her shapely young limbs shook with the passion of the sumptuous lovemaking.
Through a boundless amount of unearthly delight she fell, joyous. A multicolored whirlpool of stars cascaded dreamily about her as she tumbled through the close-packed suns whirling at the galaxy’s beautiful, blinding heart. Exquisite tongues of flame from those burning climaxed seared her exulting skin. She fell and fell—
At length Katherine lay breathless and spent in her sweaty, tangled sheets. Slowly she let her eyes look up into the faces of those who had possessed her so intimately.
The girls stood, flushed and beautiful, by her bed. Their glossy raven tresses, done up in silky red bows, were slightly disheveled, and a few stray strands brushed across their faces. Their dark eyes regarded her slyly from behind thick lashes. Their full lips glistened.
Finally, Marie spoke. “Good morning, mademoiselle,” she said with a crooked smile. “I hope you slept well.”
“Yes,” Katherine murmured, her eyes half-lidded. “Thank you.” She sat up boldly, naked and sweaty, making no attempt to cover herself. The ravaged pink-brown nipples stood stiff and full on her high young breasts. Silently she reached forward, took the pretty faces one by one in her hands, and kissed each girl tenderly, chastely, on her wet, musky lips.
Almost daily Katherine grew more assertive in her sexuality. All pretenses were gone now, and almost all inhibition. The morning she realized that the lusty chambermaids had been the source of her shocking erotic dreams day after day—the way she had wallowed so deliriously in their unashamed oral lovemaking…she just knew she had to have those wanton wenches, any time she wanted them.
When Katherine masturbated in the library, sunk into her favorite chair with her skirt hiked up over her moist pussy and a deliciously dirty porno magazine on her naked, open thighs, she no longer shut the door. Often she even turned her chair to face the door. If one of the twins happened to walk past in the corridor—or if she had chanced to summon them by pulling one of the thick silken bell cords—she made no attempt to hide.
When the dark-eyed girls appeared, trim and alluring in old-fashioned maids’ attire with their short, flouncy black taffeta skirts and their deeply scooped tops trimmed with lace, they always smiled indulgently. Katherine no longer felt any compunction about ordering her wildly talented servants in to eat her pussy. She knew there was no shame in having her natural desires satisfied.
Katherine might slouch in her great chair of brass-studded leather, her eyes dreamy as she watched a pretty young Frenchwoman sink obediently to her knees and drop her full lips into the lubrication-slicked petals of her mistress’s fragrant crotch. She would look down and let her gaze roam the arousing scene, from glossy raven tresses spilling sensuously out of a silky red bow, to heavy-lidded and long-lashed eyes contentedly closed, down the straight narrow nose, cheeks flushed on a pale, beautiful face…to nimble lips and tongue prodding the oversensitive flesh between auburn-fringed folds pulled wide by dainty red-nailed fingertips.
The sight itself was almost enough to bring her to orgasm—but then the naughty girl might stop for a moment and coo adoringly to her mistress. It became a delight to hear “Oh, mademoiselle is a most delicious treat today,” or “To taste this wet pussy is heaven itself.” Katherine could think of little more arousing than such sweet affirmations of love and devotion, and the chambermaids soon realized it. While one girl praised the delights of her mistress’s naked cunt, the other sister, watching demurely, would always reply longingly, “Oh, I do wish it were my turn to drink up those sweet juices!”
The kneeling chambermaid might lick Katherine then, quickly, between her spread labia, before favoring her mistress with a shy smile. Trembling, Katherine would reach affectionately down and stroke the dear girl’s hair, her flushed cheek, and her pouting lips. She stared into those dark, worshipful eyes. And when that pretty face dropped back to her sodden cunt and Katherine felt the loving tongue swirling again through her soft pink velvety folds, she was sure to scream with delight.
Her newly acknowledged desires affected not only the demurely whorish chambermaids but the other servants as well. She gradually took to walking in on Karl and Gregor as they made love. They did not even need her to say a word. Unsurprised, they simply kept at their exertions while their mistress crept silently about the bed to stroke their straining flesh. It was a delight to touch their beautifully sinewy bodies.
She cupped their whisker-roughened cheeks as they bulged with mouthfuls of turgid cock sliding relentlessly in and out. She felt the rippling muscles of their hips and buttocks while they pumped into each other’s faces. And finally, when they ejaculated with a grateful shudder, she dragged her polished red fingernails through the wiry fur beneath their spasming scrotums, tugging roughly on their emptying testicles…and, sighing openly, fingering her own pink slit with innocent abandon.
Katherine even began joining Inge and Vaclav in their trysts—in the garden and in the castle. She ran her trembling hands across their hungrily coupling flesh. She grasped at the older man’s slippery organ as it slid repeatedly into the groaning buxom cook, making her moan. At first she was slow to realize that her attentions affected Vaclav just as much as they did Inge. Soon, however, she began to enjoy the expression on the big man’s face. While he buried his darkened rigidness within the spasming depths of his lover’s welcoming body, too often did his hungry gaze roam to his pretty young mistress. Yet though he ached with lustful desire, never once did he dare touch her.
Katherine smiled dirtily back at the man as she slipped shy fingertips across the sweating blonde curls which received him. Sometimes she even pushed her slim white digits inside those throbbing walls of swollen pink, feeling him as he rocked back and forth within the cook’s vagina. More than once she squatted over Inge’s heaving chest and maneuvered the woman’s great breasts slyly, pinching her thickened nipples until they dripped with sweet mother’s milk. Then, while Vaclav stared, gasping, she would push one right up into her own pounding labia and frenziedly rub herself off with the creamy pink-brown bud.
Sometimes, moreover, Katherine almost felt that she wanted to try a man herself. When one day she approached her chambermaids about it, they exchanged a silent glance. Finally, Marie spoke.
“Oh,” she said disarmingly, “if only mademoiselle were more patient—”
“Marie!” Katherine exclaimed. “I’m a woman. I want to try a man!”
“But, mademoiselle, the men of your household must refrain from partaking of their mistress.” She pursed her pretty lips.
“At least for the present,” Celeste interjected slyly.
“Why?” demanded Katherine.
Suddenly the pair looked frightened, as if they dared not say more. “Please, Mademoiselle Katherine,” Marie attempted, “it is not for girls such as Marie and Celeste to understand why. We only know it.”
“Then I need more,” Katherine whispered fiercely. But still she tried to think of what the girl could mean.
“I am most sorry, miss,” Marie said, “but it is not yet time.” She shrugged, making her pert young breasts rise and fall within her revealing top. “I do not know what more I can say than this.”
For a moment Katherine hesitated. She knew she should pursue the point further, but she had other concerns as well, more immediate concerns. She let her restless eyes measure the girl.
“You won’t help me?” Katherine demanded.
“But, mademoiselle, you know that we would do anything for our mistress, anything! But this Marie cannot do.” She looked apologetic. Yet her eyes were coy and enigmatic, her gaze averted. The girl’s attitude made her curious, tantalized her—and made her want to…do things.
“Very well,” whispered Katherine fiercely. “I see I will have to punish you.” Her face felt hot as she made the girl bend over her mistress’s bed. Katherine raised the flouncy black taffeta skirt from her disobedient servant’s swelling young hips to expose a beautiful bare bottom. She stared at the shapely round cheeks, the curly tuft of dense sable pubic hair protruding from between the girl’s soft white thighs. She ran her hand appreciatively across the firm, alluring flesh, down the lacy garters, along the tops of seamed black stockings.
“Kneel down, Celeste,” Katherine quietly commanded the girl who watched in silence, licking her lips uncertainly. “Eat me.”
Katherine waited until she felt the touch of hands beneath her flowing skirt, felt a warm breath against her bare thighs. Deft fingers plucked obediently at her moistening labia, baring her trembling center of desire. Then a knowing tongue tip began exploring her naked womanhood, nursing contentedly within the satiny wet folds.
Eyes half-closed, Katherine slowly drew back her hand and began spanking the beautiful bare bottom before her. Her palm cracked soundly against creamy buttocks. On and on she punished, hips grinding as her pleasure mounted. Marie whimpered as the stinging blows reddened her sensitive skin. Katherine spanked harder, smiling. Again and again she spanked. Finally, panting with the joy which welled up from her tongue-lashed crotch, she realized the girl could take no more.
“Marie,” she whispered huskily, “roll over and draw up your knees.”
Katherine continued to punish her, but the whimpering girl did as she was told. With knees pulled up and her soft thighs spread, Marie’s sex was fully exposed to her mistress’s stare. Within the dense nest of her sweaty black curls, the puffy lips of Marie’s womanhood were open and shamelessly wet. A man would give anything to bury himself there, Katherine knew.
“Marie,” Katherine breathed, “you may masturbate.” She fought to keep her heavy-lidded eyes open as the girl reached gratefully down her flat young stomach and sank her fingers into her lubrication-slicked cunt. Katherine continued spanking Marie as the girl frigged herself wantonly, frenzied digits working to relieve the terrible erotic pressure in her loins. Tapering white fingertips flew desperately through sweaty pink folds, faster and faster until, red-faced and gasping, she climaxed.
Katherine watched, entranced. The girl’s orgasm was the most beautiful sight she had ever witnessed. She stood trembling, blissful as she relished Marie’s expression of helpless rapture, the way the naughty girl’s fingers caressed her own flesh. Katherine knew that really it was she herself who had done that to the girl, she who had aroused her so much that she would masturbate helplessly before her stern, loving mistress. It seemed to go on forever.
Finished at last, Marie smiled, then rolled over demurely and buried her face in her mistress’s covers. Katherine felt Celeste’s soft mouth cup her pulsing clitoris as her own orgasm slowly subsided.
Katherine smoothed her hands over the girl’s delicious round bottom, letting her fingertips stray low enough to blush the slick pussy fur back up between her trembling thighs. She rustled the short black skirt back over the girl’s hips with a slow, caressing gesture.
“Thank you, mademoiselle,” Marie said breathlessly, her face flushed and beautiful. “I will try to be better.” Celeste gave Katherine’s fluttering belly a last kiss and then emerged silently to stand by the great bed.
“I hope you will,” Katherine replied quietly. She placed the fingertip slicked with Marie’s own lubrication between the girl’s full lips and watched her suck it off obediently. Katherine could not help noticing that her dark eyes never left her mistress’s face.
“You may leave now,” Katherine said.
“Thank you, mademoiselle,” they chorused and left.
A few days later, Katherine called the chambermaids to her snug fire lit bedroom.
“Marie,” she said huskily, “I want a man.”
“Oh, the mademoiselle’s drives are so strong!” the girl reproached her playfully. “Satisfaction how often, mademoiselle? Six, eight, ten times each day? And still a man is requested!” Her pretty lips were pursed, her dark eyes saucy.
“I want to try one!” Katherine insisted, watching the rise and fall of her servant’s pale, rounded bosom. “That’s only natural.”
“But of course, mademoiselle!” Marie assured her. “You must know that we, your humble servants, would do anything—anything—for our beloved mistress. But this?” Marie shrugged helplessly.
“Please, miss,” Celeste implored. “This is not yet within our power.”
Not yet within their power. For a moment, Katherine tried to puzzle it out. What could it mean? That was a strange thing to say—but her mind was too clouded with…other things. Her pulse beat heavily within her. She licked her lips.
“So you oppose me, too, Celeste?” Katherine said quietly.
“Oh, no, mademoiselle!” the girl exclaimed, her eyes wide.
“I see that I have no choice but to discipline you,” Katherine said imperiously. “Turn around.” While Marie watched silently, Celeste obeyed, and turned to face away from her mistress.
Katherine reached her faintly trembling hands up slowly to the warm, fragrant skin at the soft, fuzzy nape of Celeste’s smooth white neck. She drew her fingertips down lightly…from the thick mass of glossy sable tresses pulled up daintily beneath their silky red bow, past the satiny collar which encircled the girl’s tender throat, down her silky shoulder blades and spine…to the long set of hooks and eyes at the back of her old-fashioned maid’s costume.
Katherine glanced uncertainly at Marie. The girl’s lips were parted slightly, her cheeks flushed, but she said nothing. Katherine almost wondered if the girl wanted to see this. Did she envy Celeste—did she, too, long to feel the touch of her beloved mistress upon her quivering body? Or would she enjoy just as much by watching? The thought made Katherine shudder. She resumed her punishment slowly.
Hands fumbling, she clawed at the little black hooks, one by one, working down Celeste’s spine until all the fasteners were finally undone. The weight of the stiff costume gradually pulled the pieces open, baring the girl’s tapering white back from her rounded shoulders to the firm swellings of the top of her shapely buttocks. The sight was tantalizing, and Katherine’s breath caught in her throat. Suddenly she realized that she had wanted to do this for so long.
Katherine tugged at the short lacy sleeves, pulling them down the unresisting girl’s soft arms and off her slim wrists. She grasped the narrow waist of the short flouncy skirt and pulled it roughly over the girl’s full hips. The uniform slid quietly to the floor.
Her back turned to her mistress, Celeste stood naked, except for her bow and collar, her garter belt and stockings, her shoes. Katherine shuddered as she teased herself, letting her eyes slowly roam the girl’s sleek bare body. Though she had, of course, had to discipline the girls many times, never had she exposed their nakedness like this, and it was profoundly exciting. The girl was exquisite, perfectly formed, her ivory flesh well suited to receive those delights which it gave so freely.
Then, pulse pounding, Katherine stepped up close, so close that her nose pushed into the silky hair at the nape of her servant’s neck. Her nostrils dilated, and she breathed in the girl’s scent, an alluring womanly scent overlaid with a seductive hint of perfume. Katherine’s mouth watered. She felt hungry in the trembling pit of her belly.
She snaked her right hand along the trembling flesh above the naughty girl’s waist, let her palm slide across a softly rounded belly, slowly up the flat middle of her chest…to cup that hand beneath the chambermaid’s left breast, which stood out high and firm, ripe as some succulent sun-warmed fruit. It felt good in Katherine’s wandering palm.
Katherine let her hand wrap itself around the fleshy mound, let her fingers gently caress the smooth warm skin she had never dared touch before. She breathed deeply as her fingertips circled slyly around a nipple whose areola was tight and crinkled. She found the stiff nodule of sensitive erectile tissue, and soon she began to gather the flesh between her hungry digits, to stroke it, to pull it. Katherine glanced at Marie out of the corner of her eye, but the girl was silent, her dark eyes heavy-lidded, unreadable behind thick, beautiful lashes. Celeste shivered as her mistress manipulated her throbbing nipple.
Then Katherine pulled roughly, making Celeste squeal as she turned her around forcibly by the tortured pink-brown bud. She grabbed both flaming nubs—hard—and, still twisting, forced the whimpering girl backward against the big canopied bed. Katherine pushed the girl out of her shoes hurriedly and kicked them away. She snapped the stocking tops briskly from their garters and rolled both sheer black stockings clumsily down tender thighs, smoothly rounded calves, trim ankles and feet. Her cheeks blazed as her eyes beheld the lush tangle of thick black pubic hair beneath the chambermaid’s trembling belly.
Groaning, Katherine forced the girl’s wrists together over her head, and then she tied them to the frame of her bed’s canopy with the girl’s own stocking. While Marie watched in silence, she ripped the other stocking in two savagely and lashed Celeste’s spread ankles to the feet of the bed. Then, excitedly, Katherine began to torture her.
She could scarcely control herself as her hands and mouth roamed the Frenchwoman’s alluring young body. Spread-eagled and standing, the girl was naked and exposed, helpless. The body displayed so attractively was for Katherine alone, and the thought was tremendously arousing. She knew that she must do everything she craved to do—everything Celeste craved her to do.
She pinched the stiff nubs of the chambermaid’s pert young breasts, sucked them hard, bit them roughly, making Celeste cry out. Celeste felt different from Inge, and she even tasted different, too. This young wench, barely even out of her teens, was like some delectable treat to be savored, relished, devoured in delight—and Katherine made sure to pay special attention to her throbbing nipples. It felt good to do that to another girl.
She fondled Celeste desperately, kissing her fluttering throat, her jaw, tasting the faintly perfumed skin behind her ears. Katherine bent farther and ran her tongue across the girl’s belly and hips, feeling her shudder as she let her wanton tongue tip swirl lightly into a sensitive navel. She bit Celeste’s shapely buttocks and thighs, smelling musk dangerously close to her flushed face.
Finally, Katherine could restrain herself no more. “Suck me, Marie!” she moaned.
And as one woman obediently knelt down to lap at the swollen bud pulsing within the dewy velvet folds of the innermost petals of the open pink blossom of her mistress’s fragrant womanhood, Katherine kissed the other fiercely on her opening mouth. Her hungry lips pressed against Celeste’s willing ones, tongue dancing possessively into the hollow between the girl’s pretty cheeks.
It was deliciously erotic to be inside the wench, to probe and taste and stimulate her there, and to know deep within her soul that Celeste was powerless to resist their natural feminine passions. Katherine kissed Celeste hungrily, longing for more, and more. As her plaything’s identical twin tongued the tremulous core of her very sexuality, Katherine’s whole being trembled with urgent need.
Katherine’s tongue twined sensually with Celeste’s as her hand slid down the girl’s soft belly. She clawed mindlessly through dense wiry curls, reaching lower, and soon her questing fingertips found something hot and shamelessly moist. Celeste kissed her frenziedly, pleadingly, writhing against her bonds. Katherine shuddered longingly.
She almost raped the wench in her frantic haste to push her fingers right up into the chambermaid’s cunt, feeling it snug and soft and sodden and wonderfully right. Celeste’s wanton pink vagina wrapped itself lovingly around Katherine’s penetrating white digits, accepting them unreservedly. Hips bucking to meet her mistress’s demanding thrusts; the Frenchwoman’s body seemed to crave the possession. Her face was angelic.
As Marie, pressed between them, licked more insistently about her delighted clitoris, Katherine fought to keep her heavy-lidded eyes from sliding closed. Celeste sucked gratefully at her tongue, trying to transport her mistress, to bring her up to that ethereal plane of existence where she herself floated, the realm into which Katherine had lifted her. And Katherine strove dizzily to pleasure her even more. Katherine finger-fucked the helpless girl roughly, savagely—tenderly—as they climaxed deliriously together, moaning into each other’s innocent, joyous mouths.
What seemed like an eternity later, Katherine lay naked on her bed, flushed and sated, while her prim chambermaids—all stays fastened and every hair in place—crawled silently over her body and bathed their sweaty mistress lovingly with their catlike tongues, licking her softly from head to foot and back again. Finally, each kissed her tenderly upon her tired clitoris, her soft nipples, and her tingling lips. Then they stood quietly.
“Mademoiselle must be patient,” Marie murmured gently. “Perhaps Marie and Celeste may arrange a little diversion for her next week…”
“Thank you, girls,” Katherine whispered, her eyes closed. “That will be all. I’ll see you in the morning.”