Chapter 6: The Treasured Smiles
"And to us!"
At the same time, Cee and her friends sipped their glasses containing orange juice. Even though they are of legal age to drink alcohol, they are not interested in it. Supposedly, they did not type the taste of the wine so they just fit in drinking the juice while celebrating the award they will get at graduation.
Magna cum laude he while cum laude they. Their hardwork paid off. Not only is it obvious but they are hardworking and have a brain. They are not ‘straw’ to professors. Everything they reached, they worked hard.
He sips cereal while his friends eat popcorn and nuts.
"It's delicious peanuts, the slippery!" Jea exclaimed.
He was almost stunned when he heard what he said. Ava could no longer hold back and burst out laughing.
"Your problem, Ava? It's really slippery mani-oh my! You're so green, Ava!" Jea threw peanuts at Ava when she realized the reason for Ava's laughter.
A few more teasing and jokes were hurled at each other before the conversation turned to a relatively serious topic.
"I can't believe it. It's only a few weeks, graduation. I don't think I'm ready yet," Mai said depressingly.
"Me too, eh. Because you know that feeling, of course here at school as well as our OJT, we still have a guide. But once we get out of Brookeshire, it's gone. We just have our own with us," he said. Crea.
"I get your point, Crea. It's a real world, eh. It's hard to make mistakes. But if we are not ready now, when? If we do not start now, when will we start?" Snow said.
"You know my dilemma right now? It seemed like I choose the wrong career path." That's Ava.
He turned to his friend. "Why?"
"From the very beginning, I wish I had a course connected to writing. That's why ..." He shrugged instead of finishing what he had to say.
Cee heaved a sigh. He dropped the bowl of cereal and jokingly punched Ava. "We all make mistakes sometimes, eh. The road is not closed yet so you can go where you really want to go."
Jea suddenly placed the back of the palm on his forehead. "Are you sick, Cee ?! Why are you like that? You're not Cee! Who are you, cheater ?!"
He greeted the friend. "Heh! Stop it, Sanjea!"
"Sanjea's name is really flawed, isn't it?"
They laughed even more when Jea's forehead furrowed. He really doesn't want to be called by its full name.
"By the way, Cee ..."
"Who will hang you a medal?"
He stopped at the proper reach of the cereal bowl. He swallowed because it seemed like something suddenly stuck in his throat.
He smiled at Mai who asked. "Of course I am. Love yourself, you are. I am selfish, eh. I want that stage alone." He took the bowl of cereal and made the food one after another. "I really like these Froot Loops. I'll eat Reese's Puffs later."
"It's 'Tamo', don't take it seriously. Kidding aside, Cee, won't you even call-"
"It's cooler when I hang a medal myself, Snow. 'Don't be naughty," he said and smiled.
He heard their simultaneous sighs.
Cee almost lost her appetite. The wind just blew him away. The message alert tone of his cell phone rang exactly.
When the name was read on the screen he immediately stood up.
"Wait, guys. I'll just get Reese's Puffs below," he said goodbye.
He really has a bag of different brands and types of cereals. He plans to stay here with Jea first. It's embarrassing but necessary, eh. He is hiding something.
When Jea left the room, she immediately read the message on her cell phone.
Congratulations, 'Nak. We're so proud of you. I hope you can visit us so we can celebrate your award. I miss you, Cereal. Call me if you need anything. -Dad
He swallowed because there seemed to be a blockage in his throat again. He pressed the Delete button without replying to the father.
It hurts when someone kept on showing he cared when you knew all along it was just an act. When you knew all along you were just an obligation.
What hurts even more was when you really wanted to believe but you were scared to do so for believing those lies would only bring you another set of pain.
He got off and went to the kitchen. But the tightness of his chest was still there. Blurred vision he opened the refrigerator.
Despite the blurred vision due to the tears forming in his eyes — perhaps because it was in the dust, he was still in denial, 'don't be confused-he was trying to find his forever comfort food.
"No, no. Where is that?"
She was getting frustrated. Not because of her missing cereal but because of the text message and the feeling that was creeping in her system.
He should never feel this way again. He must be used to it. He must be immune. But still not.
He tried to look for his mask but he could not find it. Gradually he lost his composure. Gradually he lost his strength.
He is still very immature. He was still very shallow. This behavior of his is still annoying.
"Hey, you're here, peasant."
He did not look at Rake who spoke. She did not want it to see tears forming in her eyes. He was sure it would just tease him.
"Are you hungry again? Why, that's bad. I won't be surprised if you become as big as a whale, peasant-"
Her crying sounded for no apparent reason.
He immediately covered his palm with his mouth to prevent the sob from escaping but it still disappeared.
"H-hey! What's wrong? I'm just kidding you, Cereal."
He just felt Rake touch both of his arms. Rake turned Cee towards the man.
He bent down to hide the crying.
"Why are you crying? I'm just kidding you, Cereal. You won't be as big as a whale. Actually, you're sexy!"
Twice. He called her by her real name twice.
Why does my name sounds so sweet coming from him?
"I-I lost my cereal," he excused himself.
He felt Rake's finger on his chin. It raised her face so that the two of them could see each other.
For the first time, she saw something different in his eyes.
By the look on his eyes, she knew he didn't believe what she had said.
"My cereal is gone!"
She felt its gentle caress under her eyes.
"Yes. It's gone. All right, you just cry over that."
He was surprised when it pulled him closer to its body. It wrapped both arms around his waist. Her eyes widened as she sank into his arms.
"I'll let you stain my clothes. All right, just cry, peasant. I know it hurts to lose cereal."
He wasn't mocking her, that was for sure. She could almost hear the tenderness on his tone. But this was Rake for Pete's sake! You could not put the words Rake and tenderness together unless the word 'not' was in the sentence as well.
Surprise, surprise. She found herself crying her heart out inside his arms. She found herself burying her face on his hard chest. She didn't know why she was pouring her eyes out in front of her nemesis.
But maybe it was the warmth coming from his embrace. When was the last time someone had enclosed her in this kind of embrace? She could not remember.
Or maybe it was because he had seen through her lies. When was the last time someone had tried to look beyond what she'd been trying to portray?
She only has her friends right now.
But feeling Rake's arms around her body, she felt like ... she gained many. Many what? She could not point it out. It just felt like she was ... whole?
"You know, Cereal ..." Rake pushed him slightly away from his body and stared straight into his eyes. "I paid dearly for my hug."
Disgusted he slapped it on the chest.
The chest tightness he had been feeling before because of his daddy's message was gone. He felt relieved. And even if he doesn't admit it, he knows it's because of Rake.
"This shirt is Abercrombie & Fitch. But because of your tears, cold and saliva, I can no longer use it. But it's okay." Rake shook his head as if he regretted it. "My heart is really weak with whispering women like you."
Her eyes widened. "I won't be blown away!"
She pointed to the dress that was already wet with tears. "See this?"
"Those tears! Tears in English!"
He threw a disgusted look at the man. "I'm sexy, huh? Hah!"
He smirked before he flicked her forehead. "I just said that to calm you down. You believe it. Look at your eyelids, oh. It looks like the 3D t-shirt you are wearing because of the three layers of your eyelids."
"Siraulo! That's my boobs, not bilbil! And my stomach is flat!"
He sighed and stared at her in shock. But he knew it was just acting.
"Do you have a chest? Doesn't it look upside down? Your chest is flat and your stomach-"
Irritated he pulled Rake.
"You're annoying you're really porky!"
"Hey! Not my hair!"
He held both his arms with one hand to prevent him from covering it. Anyway, it's a pity. Because her hair is beautiful. More colors.
She realized that his hair was soft and smooth. Her hair still prevailed.
With his free hand, someone took it from the back pocket of his shorts. "Oh, it's up to you. It's a pity to be teased when you're squatting like that. Shake."
He was about to answer the man when he put a package of Reese's Puffs on his face. He almost squinted because of the closeness of his face.
"Thank you!" he said and quickly grabbed the food.
"'Hope you'll get better soon. I don't have a pet to tease."
Rake turned his back on him.
As he stood in the middle of the kitchen, he couldn't help but think of what Rake had done for him. Maybe for men, it just made it simple. But what he did meant a lot to her.
He brought back her smiles.
Because d'on, he will let go of its teasing of him.
He also lost sight of the missing Reese's Puffs in the refrigerator.
"HI, VITAMIN C. I found out that my boyfriend is a two-timer. Even if I want to leave him, I can't do it because I love him. What should I do?" Cee read the letter from 'AnonymousE.'
She was currently the in-house love doctor for the second part of their activity for the foundation week. Every morning, Interview with the Spiral is their theme. In the afternoon, they love doctors. You can ask for advices from them, send a letter or confessions, or request a song for their special someone. All confessions and advices were broadcasted all-over the university. Cool, no?
He immediately thought of an answer. "Ask him if there is a third. Because there are more, more fun, isn't it? That's probably his motto. Kidding aside, even if you love him, you should also think of yourself. You deserve to be someone else's number one. Only you in his heart, only you he will love. Even if you love your boyfriend, it doesn't seem right that you have a partner, is it? Maybe you are happy with him now. But until when? "
He shook his head when it hurt. That was the effect of her crying yesterday on Rake's arm.
Okay, Cereal. Need to mention Rake's arm?
"On with the next letter. The letter from RatedK is great. Vitamin C, it's embarrassing but I'll admit it. I'm having an affair with a married man. I didn't like it, eh. But I love him. I know It's forbidden, but what can I do? I just love. But I already have a conscience. Help me, please. "
It was as if someone had flicked his head when he read that.
He covered the microphone and rested deeply. Fortunately, he is the only person in the broadcasting office.
"RatedK, walk-away, that's all I can say to you. You know it's wrong, why did you insist? Yes you love but your family will be ruined by that love. 'Do not excuse love. You will not die. if you go away. You are both wrong. But in order to correct your mistake, you must step away from him. "
Instead of reading the next letter he turned off the mic and played a song first. He could not cope with the letters he was reading.
Is such a story really acute today? Mounting, scrambling, scraping and whatever else has 'an' at the end. It's just annoying.
He closed his eyes and covered his eyes with his arm.
When the song ended, he turned on the mic.
He read some more messages, requests and advices. Then he noticed that he had been here for only an hour. His duty is about to end.
"Because it's been an hour, I need to say goodbye. 'Don't worry, someone will follow me. I will leave a song for everyone there who found their strength to leave. the person they love because that's the right thing to do. Until tomorrow again. Thank you. "
She pressed the Play button then she turned off the microphone.
He stretched and then stood up. He picked up the equipment on the sofa. There he noticed a package of Trix there.
Cee picked up the Trix and looked at it. There is a sticky note attached to it. He did not know the handwriting.
To make you feel better, that is all that is written on the sticky note.
He looked at the expiration date. Not yet expired. Who did it come from?
Kay Rake?
Okay. Why was Rake immediately the first to enter his mind? He can be his friends, can't he? But why Rake ?!
He must have cleaned his brain.
Just as he came out of the broadcasting room he met Rake.
"Do you have cereal again?" that was its opening to him.
Ah, so it didn't come from him.
Wait! Why does he seem disappointed?
"For your information, my secret admirer gave it to me," he said and ordered it.
"Secret admirer?" It suddenly laughed as if it seemed unbelievable that he had a secret admirer.
He was suddenly bored. "I don't know about you."
He had already passed Rake. She was only a few steps away from the man when he stopped her in his arms.
"Peasant ..."
When he turned to Rake, he noticed that he looked serious. Her heartbeat suddenly quickened. He was almost deaf to the force of the beat.
Will he admit that the cereal he got from the office came from here?
"I ..."
He swallowed especially as his face slowly lowered towards his face.
"I ..."
The gap between their faces was just a blur.
Cee was sweating profusely especially as her fragrant breath hit her face.
He placed one of his palms on her cheek and gently stroked her. His hair grew on his neck and even on his arms because of the heat coming from his palm.
"I think you really need a push-up bra."
She blinked. Did he hear right?
"That's all. Bye."
When the man left then what he said finally sank into his mind.
"You're a real spit fire!" he shouted. He will bet that his shout will be heard throughout Manila.
His forehead furrowed when he realized that the cereal given to him by his secret admirer was no longer in his hand.
Where did that go ?!