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Chapter Six

A few more hours pass until we leave Toby's pack, we found a few more little bits of evidence such as, a gun that looks like the same one Richard likes to use in his attacks, a hand drawn map showing the layout of Toby's pack and a little photo of a newborn baby, Jordan suspects it's Lukas but we can't know for sure at the moment.

Once the car was packed, I wave goodbye to Jordan and the guard before starting to head back to the alliance. We told Morgan we found some huge evidence but that was it, before we could have a full conversation I heard Riley shouting. The phone was hung up before I had the chance to hear what it was about, this does make me nervous and scared that Toby or Morgan has told him about who I'm mated to.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Brandon asks snapping me out or my worried thoughts, I send him a confused look not knowing what he was thinking and hoping he wasn't thinking the same thing as me "Lukas has to be Richards son" he says which does make me start to think, why would he be smiling in a photo with Lukas's mum and then have a newborn baby photo of a baby, Jordan is convinced is Lukas.

"Yeah that does seem like a likely theory, but if they were mates how didn't anyone know? You heard Jordon, he was shocked to see that photo" I say trying to debunk the theory anyway I could, which was proving quite hard at the moment.

"Better question, if he is his father why hasn't Lukas told us?" Brandon asks me like I knew the answer, I don't hold all the answers!

"Maybe he doesn't know, maybe Lukas's mum and Richard had a thing and he left and she kept the baby" I suggest which does seem like it would be the most likely option, we've never found anything that would suggest Richard has a mate, maybe he found her but left.

"But she isn't marked, don't you have to get marked before you do you know what?" He asks which does confuse me for a second, than I remember Brandon was born a human so I don't suspect he would know.

"You don't have to be marked to have sex, yes it's the more traditional way of doing things but you don't have to" I tell him which I could see the surprise on his face, I wonder what way Toby would want to go around it?

"The more you know! I'll start looking into some family history to see if I find anything" Brandon says pulling his laptop out and immediately, typing away like a mad man.

After a few more hours in the car we arrive back, as soon as I pull the car up I just wanted to jump out. My body was telling me to run over to Toby immediately, I once again got out of the car before Brandon had and start to pick all the evidence up. I got the jacket and another box with the little photo in, which meant all Brandon would have to carry is the gun box. I was in the building before he had chance to walk to the boot, I didn't have time to wait for his slow butt. As I walk further into the building, the pull I was feeling got stronger and stronger until I was at the door. Okay Taylor, you can't let Riley know you're mated to Toby, so play it cool. I take a deep breath before walking in the door, immediately all eyes go to me, but my eyes land on Toby who was sat at one of the tables.

"There she is, my partner!" Riley exclaims angrily while Brandon walks in the door, who Riley immediately sends daggers to, I guess he isn't too happy to see us.

"And here he is, the guy that doesn't know how to wake up in a morning" I smile sweetly before walking passed him, I wasn't in the mood to play along with his childish game.

"You said you found some major evidence" Morgan says dismissing Riley, who just throws his hands in the air and dumps himself on a chair.

"Didn't we? We found his jacket with his ID in, his gun and something we need to discus with Lukas" I say looking up at him than down at the box which held the photo in, I was hoping he did know so this conversation would be so much easier.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" He asks rising from his chair but I look to Morgan, maybe now wasn't the time to have that conversation, thankfully Morgan caught onto my look.

"Let's process everything they've found and than we can have the talk, we all need to be on the same page" Morgan says walking over to the box I was staring at, once he peers in and discovers the photo and what was written on the evidence bag he looks at me "Riley, could you take Lukas and Toby to get some lunch, keep out of sight" Morgan tells them while he was still looking at me, I thought he'd ask Brandon to do that.

"Why all of a sudden am I being kept out of the loop on things, I am a vital member of this team!" Riley says angrily pointing down at the table as he went, once again there was so much more things we needed to think about than him!

"A member of this team who is never on time, that wasn't a request, that was an order now go!" Morgan shouts using his powerful voice, this causes me, Brandon and Riley to stand to attention for a second.

Riley has no other choice to nod and lead the two out, once the door closes Morgan stands down me and Brandon so we could stand normally. While Morgan calms himself down, I start to get all the evidence out and lay it on the counter, it still remaining in the evidence bag.

"We think Lukas's mum and Richard we're mates, something happened after Lukas was born that sent Richard off" I say as Morgan turns around to look at everything we found, it wasn't a lot in quantity but the type of stuff we had, it was lot.

"That would explain why we've never been able to track his mate down, that might also bring us closer to finding the reason for Richard going after Lukas" Morgan says placing his hand on his chin thinking, this was such a sudden turn of events.

"I did some digging into Lukas's family, it appears that he has a step father whose raised him from baby. I don't know too much about werewolf mates, but could it be possible that Richard rejected Lukas's mum after she had Lukas, the man that is his step father could be her second chance mate" Brandon said throwing another theory into the mix, this one actually was making sense.

"Which could possibly mean that Lukas does not know Richard is his father, maybe when they told him he has a step father his mother didn't want him mixing with the likes of Richard" Morgan said adding to the theory which we were all starting to believe, I mean it's the only one that's making sense.

"She could have told him it was a one night stand and she never saw the dude again" I say finishing the theory "are we going to ask Lukas?" I ask now turning my attention to Morgan, that's the only way we're gonna get answers.

"We will have to eventually, but I want to wait until we know for definite, we'll need a dna sample from Lukas to test with Richard. If it comes back that he is his father, than we'll tell him" Morgan says walking over to his desk, but this does make a question soon come to my mind.

"How are you gonna get a dna sample from Lukas without him knowing?" I ask looking up at Morgan confused, but he looks up sending me a smile "that's why you sent him and Toby for lunch, you can get some dna from his drinking cup" I smile looking at him, he nods clicking at me before typing away on his computer.

That's Morgan, being one step ahead as always.

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