Her mother never believed her when she told her one airy night about her father, instead she had locked her outside for three days and forced her to sleep on the streets for daring to accuse her father, the one who loved her the most in the world. And that was the problem, he loved her too much and with the most wrongest kind of love a man should have for his daughter.
So for three days, she was left to the dew of the mornings and the hands of the dark and cold nights. No food, no water, nothing but her cold skin and one dress to keep her warm.
It was on the third night, that third night, she knew she had to do anything to survive; so when he approached her with a few offers; a roof over her head for the night, something to fill her starving tummy and a decent shower. She had asked what he wanted in return for his generosity since she had no money. Her body, he had said.
She had a choice, stay here and die of starvation and cold. Be a prey for the lingering eyes and wondering hands, who are eager to rip her clothes off and take her body by force or...accept the offer.
She had a night to think about it. Live to die another day right?
When he came again, she took it. All she had to do is pretend as if she was sleeping, lie still and don't make a sound while he grunts like an animal like her father right?.
There was surely nothing more worse in life than this pain and sadly, she already had enough practice.
And so she did accept his offer. She had food, she had water and a hard bed to lay her head for the night.
Her mother and father gets her back home a day later, infact, he came looking for her to bring her back home.
He had found her sleeping under the hood of a trunk, where other homeless had suddenly made themselves a makeshift home in the cold.
He missed her; He said when her mother wasn't listening after he got her into the car and gave her a pie and water to drink.
''I hope you had learnt your lesson, never to lie about the ones who care for you. I hope you will learn to appreciate the love we have for you?'' Her mother had asked.
She didn't answer; she remained quiet during the ride home. He had whispered to her ears when they arrived home, while her mother went up the steps telling them to come wash up for dinner.
''I really did miss you my sweet Alexandra'' he had whispered again and grabbed her small tush and flicked her nipple with his other hand in a quick fashion.
She pauses and stares hard at him.
A night with a strange man from the streets was a lighter hell than returning to the life with the drunkard and a rapist who her father was.
She had had enough.
So when he began to walk ahead of her, singing his song ..''I would like to see you again."
She doesn't follow him up, she doesn't dare. Instead, she turns around and began walking away, not caring where.
When she heard her name ''ALEXANDRA BEKINGTON, COME BACK HERE RIGHT THIS MINUTE ELSE YOU WILL GET THE BELT!!! ALEXANDRA! ALEXANDRA!!!!!!'' his voice like hands clawing at her skin even from where he stood.
She covers her ears with both hands, increased her steps and soon she is running, and running and running.
And when she saw him running after her, screaming her name. She knew he wasn't worried about his daughter running away from home, she just knew the only reason he would never let her go was because he was going to be depressed about his sex slave who would never be there at night to ''play pretend'' and accept his ''Pain'' he pushes through her legs every night.
She knew...that was the reason he was chasing after her. ''Men were Pain'', and she wanted none of it. So she ran, crossing the road and jumping into a bus as it stopped to pick up passengers heading down town. She never looked back, No, and she never had any regrets.
She backed the door, going to seat at the back. She could hear him calling her name and hitting the bus's windowpanes..
The tears that flowed out of her eyes wasn't tears of sadness, of never seeing the man who raised her and the mother who cared for her in her limitation. No, it was tears of relief, of peace, of freedom, never to ever see them again.
Yes, they raised her, but they damaged her.
She risked a look, saw him standing there and reading her name from his lips . She knew that finally she was free from him, the man who had damaged her and taken her innocence from her.
And maybe, she wouldn't blame them, she should blame death who had stolen her real parents from her who had died too early too soon and left her in the care of social services, and then the Andersons had come to adopt her.. or rather she should say, the drunk rapist and the negligent mother came to make her their daughter because they couldn't have kids. Maybe God knew why he didn't want to bless them with one; maybe he couldn't bare to see the child being molested by her father on a daily.
And thus She, became the sacrificial lamp.
They had come for her, seen her, wanted her and had her. And he had had her in a different way, a perverted way.
And she wished they hadn't, she wished he hadn't but now, she was glad she was running away.
Her life here on out may not be smooth, may even be worse off. But it was way better than the life she was living right now.
Years later, She came to realize, that in reality, nothing was better ....as long as they were
men and as long as they all wanted something.. which all revolved around Sex? They were all the same. Men were Pain and pain was sex and they went hand in hand and the saddest reality was...''On the streets, you had only one option; that was to survive, and that meant, doing all it takes to survive, or die doing nothing.''
So she made a choice..afterall, she had practice from her foster father. ''When the push come to shove, she took them on their offers... just to survive.''
After years of being on the streets, it was easy to play pretend, lie still and act like they own you. She became a pro.
She felt nothing, she was like an empty shell.. men treated her the way they wanted. And she allowed them. She was just trying to survive. And maybe able to get by; they had her body, but she made them drool for it like starved dogs.
Yes, exactly ten years down the line, she had moved from being a girl who hawked on the streets, a bartender and waitress in the morning, and to a sexy stripper at night.
She owned the pole, and she was goddess of that table, swinging it and catching their eyes in place.
Yes, she didn't end up being a good girl.
Life was hard on the streets, harder if you didn't learn how to survive, and she did. She did.
She was a damaged girl. Fxxked up by her childhood and the saddest reality was that...sometimes it changes you from something bad to something worse and rarely to something good.
She wouldn't say she was bad, but she did all she had to do to survive, and on the streets, you either survive or you don't.
And she did, she survived.
She was a woman now, running a day job in the bar and at night, she graced the tables and made the men's mouth water.. and when more duty calls, she takes it.
She came to a conclusion, that there was something miserable about life; it fxxks you up real good, from the ass, and she had been banged up pretty bad.
And she hated it.
When she thinks about how messed up she had become, she thinks about where she was coming from and curses it. She hopes her foster father finds his waterloo one day, if he hadn't already.
And if she ever gets to see him again, maybe life would be kind to allow her delve him a blow to his death.
Until then, she waits.
But for today, she has to survive.
Present Day...
''Boss needs you in his office after your show Alexa" Tinny-B whispers into her ears as she helps her with her bra strap.
''What for?'' Alexandra wants to know. She is dressed in skimpy red matching lingerie, high bootleg heels and her curves were to die for.
''Bekky didn't show up''
''So... he wants you to cover for her for a client ''
''I have a show, as you can see a lot of horny ass men are waiting to see what moves I got swinging on that pole''
''Show off!!'' Tinny-B says rolling her eyes
Alexandra laughs ''Don't hate the player, hate the game''
''Oh I do hate the game, the competition is stiff!!''
''Not for me it isn't. When I go up there, the roof is literally on fire'' Alexandra smiles pushing her breast up. She stares at herself in the mirror; she knew she was looking hella-hot.
''With a body like yours, every other person pales in comparison. I am not jealous but damn girl, how the hell do you look this good? Hmm, if I were a guy I would definitely hit that'' she spanks her bottom, Alexa hits her hands away.
''Hey!! Don't even look at me like that Tinny-B. I ain't gay''
''And you aren't straight either''
''I am straight!!''
''Really, define how straight you are'' Tinny-B perches on the table
''Well, I like guys'' she rolls her eyes
''See that face you make when you say it tells me and you both that you are lying''
''I am not lying''
''You are too''
''Are not''
''Are too''
''Are not'' Alexandra defends
''Okay, if you believe that, so tell me, is there an actual boyfriend?'' Tinny-B folds her hands and raises an eyebrow
''You know the job doesn't give room for that'' Alexandra defends again
''The job doesn't give room for nothing but we do shits anyways. You didn't answer''
''I don't have time for those, but I like guys'' she bites her lips
''No darling, known you for a few years now. You do things in a passive state, no emotion, no joy, I mean we do the pretend stuff all the time with clients but you...you are just-''
''Like a robot'' Alexandra interrupts,
''Like a robot!!'' Tinny-B completes, she smiles ''Exactly!''
''You said this a million times, I am not I just don't...see men other than the kind of thing they are... sex starved animals and nothing else.''
''You don't like girls, you don't like guys even if you do stuffs with them, what are you into? Animal love?''
Alexandra laughs ''Eww''
''well, what did you want me to think?'' Tinny-B stares at her ''You will tell me if there is anything wrong with you right? I can help. I am your friend and I love and care for you. You will tell me right?''
''Yes I will. And I love you too. No homo'' Alexandra adds turning to her and pulling her nose ''Tell Boss I will be there and it had better be good.''
''Oh, you know Boss lets you have the good ones''
''You are up in 60 seconds Alexa'' a man enters the room ''The house is lit AF already chanting your name, go hoe that ass up there and give them a hard-on'' the tech manager says winking at her.
''Yessir!!'' she blows Tinny-B a kiss, grabs a robe and wears it, she walks outside the room..
Tinny-B could hear her being introduced and the crowd of men cheering for her. When the music comes on and their voices increased, Tinny-b knew Alexandra had begun working her magic.
She was the goddess of that stage; the stripper goddess and everyone knew it.
Tinny-B smiles.
''You wanted to see me Boss?'' Alexandra is seated opposite him after her show, dressed in bum shorts and a pink shirt.
''Yes, I need you to stand in for Bekky, not been able to, but i got a message from her saying that she is sick and wouldn't be back till next week. Her client already booked for tomorrow night and we can't cancel. I need you to stand in for her.''
''when you say stand in...what exactly am I standing in for''
He looks at her ''What else!''
''Call Girl?''
He smiles as he relaxes back on his chair, pen in his hand he plays with it, looking her over appreciatively, she is one of his pretty girls. She would do for the client. ''Wear something pretty, shave your legs if you have to and look sexy and maybe get a lubricant, the pay is worth it.'' He smiles
''I see. So, name of client?''
''Jaime Lockswire, he would be here by 9pm tomorrow, don't be late''
''I don't have a choice do i?'' she sighs
''Nope. Clients want girls, we supply, we love money Alexandra, and so do you.''
''Right,'' she gets up to leave
''And Alexandra, Jaime Lockswire is peculiar''
''How do you mean..''peculiar?'' she turns to him
''Nothing you cannot handle. Be at the club entrance, by 9 tomorrow, you will receive a call from him by then when he calls the bar service department, he would be waiting outside.'' he dismisses her.
The next evening, she is dressed in a red show back dress, waiting by the reception in the club when the waitress passes her the service phone..
''For you!'' she tells her and leaves.
Alexandra is wondering how she was being identified, but the girl is far off for her to ask any questions of such.
''Hello?'' she places the phone to her ears
''Alexandra Beckington?''
''Yes please, who is this?'' She speaks into the phone
''Step outside please'' the line dies
She drops the phone and makes her way outside, there is a black limousine stretched at the entrance of the building, someone who she figures is the driver opens the back door, and a man steps out of the car dressed in a black tux with a red lapel attached to his breast pocket, he adjusts his cufflinks at his wrists.
''Alexandra Beckington?'' He asks unbuttoning his tux at the navel, he raises his head to look at her slowly
Her heart catches in her chest as she stares at him.
''Dear lord!!'' She gasps.