Without taking her eyes off him, Avery walked backward steadily and slowly, stopping only to come to rest by my side. She took a slight inclination towards me to whisper.
She whispered, "Oh my God, Amelia... I think I see Andrew Baker. Do you see him as well?" I really couldn't help but glance at her, my brows furrowed at her odd question.
He looked back at me and said, "Yeah." again.
He continued, walking calmly forward and pausing only when he was directly in front of me. "We have lots and lots of issues." I squinted at him, not wanting to take my eyes off him. If he believed that abruptly appearing and being abrasive and condescending would make me tremble in terror or make him seem cool, then he was dead wrong. This man is unaware of Amelia Smith's identity. Andrew only broke our glaring contest when he slightly shifted his gaze to something by his side. His eyebrows raised just a little. I followed the path of his gaze because I was curious about the change in his expression, and that's when I noticed Avery's index finger lightly poking his arm. My eyes enlarge with embarrassment, then I look at Avery, who appears to be deeply focused on her work.
Avery turned to face me, her eyes bright with excitement. "Oh my God Amelia! He's real! He's not one of my weird imaginations! He's so real!" she exclaimed. She had a broad smile on her face. I was extremely embarrassed, especially when I looked at Andrew and realized that I was still unable to understand what his eyes were truly saying. Like they were making fun of something. Why does she always have to be more girlish when I need her to be? Oh no!
I took her hand off of him right away and snatched it down to her side. Very annoying. Lord, please, I need her to behave immediately. I need this girl's moral support more than anything else. She can't be acting like a teenager fulfilling her desire to be a celebrity right now.
I told him, gathering up some courage, but he did not live up to my expectations. "Listen, Andrew, up until this point in the day I've done what you asked but I have work to take care of, deadlines to meet. I need you to go so I can't upkeep my business." I saw him glance left and right, his eyes taking in the whole space before focusing back on me.
"You call this business?"
How come?
"Unknowing to my knowledge, I'm doing you more of a favor than I thought. You need help."
I asked, a little taken aback by his rudeness. "Excuse me?" Who in the world believes he is? I look at him, and I don't see any regret for the insults he just gave me. I understand that he's attempting to minimize me, but I won't give up without putting up a fierce fight.
I shot back, crossing my arms to look tough, but he didn't seem very encouraging. "Now you listen to me, Mr. High and Mighty, I have chosen a well-respected career choice and I don't appreciate you coming into my workplace only to insult it. This isn't your business and so you don't have a say in anything that goes on here. Therefore, I'll ask you nicely once again to please leave my building." He didn't appear to be threatened by me or pleased with my firmness. How, after all, could he? Not only was I too short to reach his chin, but my height also made things difficult. It resembled a wolf being threatened by a bunny. Yes, it's a true story of my life and not cool.
"No and for your information, I came here for a reason. It didn't please me one bit walking in here."
I quickly replied, "Really? Then I don't see why you're still standing here." I knew I had struck a nerve when he shot me an angry look right away.
Once again, Avery leaned in closer, whispering, "Amelia."
I had to turn to face her when she asked, "He's your fiance, right? Why are you speaking to him in such a rude manner?" Her confused expression immediately made me realize that she had no idea what was truly going on. I felt helpless as a result.
We immediately turn back to him and say, "She's right."
He asked again, his tone daring in some way: "Why are you speaking to me in such a rude manner?" If he believes that I won't respond, he is mistaken.
Seeing him check the time on his wristwatch, I said, "Well, if you want a reply to that question then so be it. You are..."
He abruptly cut me off, saying, "I'm wasting my time here. Let's go, Amelia." Before I could respond or even come up with another line of speech, he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the office.
I told him to stop pulling my arm, saying, "Let go of my arm this instant! You're hurting me," but he ignored me.
When we got to his car, he pushed me roughly inside the front door after opening it. Avery was leaving the office, and I could see the perplexed expression on her face. When the car started, I was unable to hear her call my name, but I could read her lips.
I shook my head in shock and said, "You're insane! So insane! I have never met a man like you in my entire life!" as he drove away.
He drove for a minute or two before abruptly pulling over. I pushed against the car window, attempting to get as far away from him as I could as he undid his seat belt and leaned in closer. All I could hear was the pounding of my heart inside my chest.
When his eyes met mine, all that was in them was rage.
"Listen to me very carefully Amelia, when I tell you to do something, you don't purposefully neglect them and simply walk out leaving Isabella to do the work all alone that I assigned the both of you."
"I don't enjoy you planning things for me without consulting me first. Not only do I have work that is pressing but I also didn't want to waste my time on something that was just for show, especially since you have shown no interest in planning this either." I replied in a wobbly voice. I found the tone to be unusually coarse. Give up being so sensitive about this.
"Well Amelia, whether this is purely for show or not is currently up to you. Eventually, you'll happily be my wife and then, you'll agree with me. Never forget any uncalled-for actions will be reprimanded, so keep your father in mind when deciding what kind of stunts, you're willing to try." He grumbled. I felt my cheeks getting hotter and harder to breathe as I swallowed. I said something about my dad and felt stuck. Andrew's seductive manner revealed to me just how sincere he was. Once again, he fastened his seat belt.
He looked up at me and asked a strange question that made my brows furrow slightly. "I have to start somewhere with your punishment, don't I?" There was a part of me that was eager to hear the foolishness he would say.
"You're not to return to that office you call workplace."
Before I could say anything more, he continued, "Failure to adhere to my instructions once again would warrant a greater punishment." I laughed lightly after staring at him for a few seconds.
"This must be a dream. This right here has to be a dream because I don't see what I, Amelia Smith would be doing sitting and about to get married to a male chauvinist such as yourself. This is a bad dream I truly have to wake up from."
"Choose whatever psychotic approach you prefer to this reality but it's not going to change my decision so you best not get on my bad side."
"Screw you, Andrew!" I yelled, getting angry at the way he kept talking. I'm over this insanity, and with that thought, I hurriedly pushed open the door, got out of the car, and slammed it shut. I started to move away from where his car was going.
I yelled in disgust, "Who does he think he is? Punishment!? Me!" Mr. High and Mighty can jump off a building if he doesn't like the idea of me going back to the office.