Gianna remained completely silent after giving Mr. Harrison's driver the address of what had been her home until now, struggling to hold back the tears that fought to slide freely down her cheeks.
—I know everything seems wrong right now—he said with a deep voice— for both of us, however, everything can get better; I ask you to have a little faith—she turned to him and looked at him through the curtain of tears, feeling unable to respond to his words and with a huge knot in her throat, she simply nodded and turned back to look out the window. As soon as they arrived at the indicated address, she sighed, went up to the apartment, followed by Alexander and one of the bodyguards, until she found herself in front of the door, trying to fight the tremor in her hands to insert the key into the lock. Alexander took her trembling hand and looked her straight in the crystalline eyes.
—Allow me to do it—she nodded, handing him the key; Alexander inserted the key, and soon the door was open.
—Please, go ahead—he stepped aside for the man to enter, followed by the bodyguard.
—It’s a beautiful place—he said, sweeping the area with his gaze, appreciating the delicate and beautiful decoration; without a doubt, the feminine touch was evident in the atmosphere.
—Thank you—she sighed— I won’t take long to pack my... bags; you can wait here if you want something to drink...
—No need, we’ll wait here—she nodded and headed towards the room she shared with Ethan. With her heart breaking more with every step she took, that had been her home for the last few years; she had felt very happy there, and now she felt so much sorrow and sadness. She had never expected such a betrayal from Ethan... Why? What had she done wrong? Where had she failed? In any case, she was the one betrayed; why should she question what she had done wrong or where she had failed? Why did she have to try to justify Ethan's actions? No, deep down in her heart, she knew she was not at fault, but she couldn’t stop delving, searching in her head trying to find some reason for that baseness. When she opened the door to the room, she had to cover her mouth to avoid letting out a sob, closing her eyes for a moment. There, in that room where so many times he had made love to her... or she had surrendered with love, she doubted Ethan had felt affection; had he felt so, he wouldn’t have betrayed her in such a vile manner. No one deserves such a low blow.
She headed to the closet from which she pulled out two large suitcases. She wouldn’t take more than what she could fit there; without any care, she began to stuff her things—clothes, sneakers, high heels, everything she could fit. She noticed on the dresser that little box containing the emerald necklace he had given her just a month ago to celebrate their anniversary... traitor, vile traitor. She didn’t know if she should accept the man’s proposal; saying yes would change everything in her life, she would lose her freedom for two years and leave far away... perhaps that was just what she needed at that precise moment.
She had nothing to lose and could gain a bit of peace during her grieving period; she needed it, she needed tranquility to recover from this.
Alexander walked slowly around the room, observing the warm details of that home, approaching a shelf that held several framed photos, in which he could see Miss Santos’s face accompanied by a young man... he looked quite familiar, but he couldn’t quite remember from where; however, she looked happy, really happy, the exact opposite of what she was at that precise moment. He didn’t know if it had been simple coincidence or a twist of fate that had brought them together on that day of misfortune, but the solution to his troubles had come to him as a kind of revelation when she had asked for his help to disappear... he hoped everything would turn out well. He knew Jane wouldn’t take long to look for him and try to fix things, but not this time; this time, she hadn’t set up a date, hadn’t canceled a last-minute trip, hadn’t ruined a weekend together—no, that wouldn’t have a solution anymore, and how magnificent it would be to enjoy a sweet revenge by introducing a lovely substitute who would take her place in his life.
Shortly after, the woman appeared with red eyes while rolling a suitcase in each hand and a large bag over her shoulder.
—I’m ready—her voice was trembling— I won’t take anything else.
—Alright... Shall we go?
—Yes, we can leave.—The bodyguard approached her and took both suitcases; they headed to the door. She turned, giving one last glance at the place that had been her home, pressing her eyes tightly to avoid crying, and turning back to Alexander, she tossed the key inside and exited, closing the door.
They were in a very clean and respectable area of the city; however, soon the driver veered off to head toward the most exclusive part of the place. Luxurious apartments were visible from the street, and soon they had arrived. Alexander helped her out of the vehicle; she remained silent.
—Welcome—she nodded silently and followed him, entering the building and then the elevator to the penthouse; it was a beautiful and spacious place, everything screamed luxury. For her, having grown up in an orphanage, this was truly impressive. Ethan had taken her to many beautiful and luxurious places; she had been very impressed when he took her to meet his parents at that luxurious mansion where they made her feel so inferior and miserable. She returned to reality when a mature woman approached them with a serious expression on her face.
—Good afternoon, welcome home, Mr. Harrison. Miss—she greeted, and Gianna gave her a shy smile.
—Good afternoon, Rosalind; she is Miss Gianna Santos and will be our guest. Miss Santos, this is Rosalind; she will help you with anything you need or desire.
—Nice to meet you—Gianna replied.
—Oliver—Alexander turned to the bodyguard—take Miss Santos’s suitcases to the room at the back; it will give her a lovely view of the city. The man nodded silently and left for the room.
—Would you like to eat or drink something?—Rosalind asked.
—Miss Santos?
—No—she looked at him, holding back a sigh— I would like to take a shower and perhaps rest a bit.
—Of course—she pointed the way— allow me to take you to your room—she walked in silence alongside him, and as they reached the room, the bodyguard was exiting.
—I’ve left your things in your room, Miss.
—Thank you very much—she gave him a shy smile.
—Excuse me—Alexander nodded, and the man left. Alexander encouraged her to enter, and she thanked him; the place was beautiful.
—I hope you can be comfortable; you have your own bathroom, a dressing room, that door—he pointed directly—leads to a cozy personal balcony; it will have an incredible view, especially at night; you’ll be able to see the city.
—It’s a beautiful place—she said—no matter what, I appreciate your hospitality.
—Think things through, Miss Santos; you’ll see it as clearly as I do—he assured her.
—I will, I promise—she assured him.
—Well, I’ll let you rest— and he left the room, heading to his own bedroom. On the nightstand was his bottle of cognac; he poured himself a drink and drank it all, preparing to undress and head to the shower. A cold shower was what he needed, to cool his head, to try to calm the thoughts that were eating away at him and tormenting him: the image of Adara after having slept with that man, the stupid way she tried to justify herself... he needed to calm down; everything would be fine. Adara now took a back seat; Regina and his mother were paramount, and without a doubt, Miss Santos could help him. Besides, she was beautiful; even beneath all that sadness, her beauty and immense charisma shone through. He hoped she truly accepted; he could show Adara that no matter how much he loved her, he wouldn’t just sit there crying because of her betrayal. No, he would handle this situation just as he handled his business—with a cool head. Marrying Miss Santos was a very dignified way out of his wounded pride; Adara would understand that it wasn’t wise to hurt a lovesick man.