"Would you stop stabbing those pancakes?" I asked my son who just looked at me then continued stabbing the pancakes, it was his own way of getting my attention when he wants something so I was not surprised.
"What do you want?" I asked sighing
"Cookies!" He said, I knew it!
"Just one, and on one condition, you are going to finish your pancake." I said and he made his thinking face.
"Extra syrup?" He asked
"yayyy cookies!" He yelled calling his sister's attention
"Cookies?" My daughter asked walking in.
"Did you wash your hands after using the restroom?" I asked and she nodded
"Yes mum, washed and dried, Micheal where are the cookies?." she asked settling down and he beamed at her
"Mum said we can have one each once we finish our pancakes, she said we could have extra syrup too!" He said
"We best eat fast so we can get that Cookie." She said grabbing her fork, I watched as my bundles of joy ate their food, and I couldn't help but wonder what my life would have been without them.
I remember six years ago when their Father left me and I found out I was with child, I was too shocked, then I found out I was carrying twin, I was broken at that point, I even contemplated suicide but then I decided against, deciding not to kill my two innocent children, they were not responsible for my mistake and I was not going to let them suffer for it.
When I was six months pregnant and the stress of being pregnant with no one to help was getting too much, I flew back home, with just my luggage leaving everything behind, I left the money and the card too, I left everything and went back home.
My parents and brothers were both happy and disappointed, tongues started wagging but that didn't matter because I made up my mind to keep my head up for my children, my parents convinced me to stay with them till I gave birth and I agreed, but then as soon as I gave birth and my children were old enough to stay with them for few hours, I got a job at the cafeteria where I used to work and I was able to rent a house for me and my children.
Whenever I was going to work I dropped them at my parent's, and I picked them when I'm done, that went on till they were old enough to go to school.
Now, looking at them, I'm happy about my decision, I'm happy I stayed strong for them.
"Mum can we have our cookies now?" Michelle asked and I smiled, no getting out of a deal with this two.
I handed them both a piece of extra large cookies
"Thank you." They chorused racing to go clear their plates off the table. They are not just charming children, they are also obedient and considerately, they are everything a mother could ever wish for and I wouldn't trade them for anything in this world, I made sure my off day falls on Saturdays so that I could be together with my children throughout on Saturdays and Sundays.
"Are we going to grandpa's?" Michelle asked
"No, your grandparents are not back from their vacation yet." I said and their face fell, my heart squeezed in my chest, I quickly searched my head for what we can do to take their mind off it and sure as dawn I came up with one.
"We can get ice cream tho." I said and they made the thinking face, then stared back at me with the puppy kind of eyes, I couldn't resist adding extra to the offer.
"Chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips." I said and a grin broke through on their identical face, they nodded and ran towards their room.
It was not until they left that I realized that I have just been indirectly blackmailed into getting them ice cream.
"Three cups of chocolate Ice cream please, with chocolate chips, to go." I said to the attendant, trying to hold on to my children who were restless, they make me feel like locking them in the car once in a while.
"Please, sit at the table while we prepare your order." He replied politely
The Sprinkles has been my children's favourite ice cream place since they know what an ice cream is, I don't blame them I've been a fan of The Sprinkler's ice cream since it came into town and now it has become a tradition for me and my children, we don't go a week without getting ice cream from the sprinkler.
"Thank you mum." They chorused and once again I couldn't resist their charm.
"You are welcome."
"I get to pick my ice cream first." Michelle said and Micheal scoffed
"No I get to pick mine first." he replied
"Why would you get to pick yours first?" Michelle asked
"Why would get to pick yours first?" Michael asked too
"Cos I'm older by 5 minutes, you can't top that."
"How about I give you something and you'd let me pick mine first." He asked flashing her a smile
"Sure, you pick yours first and I get one of your sausages whenever we are eating."
"Okay." He replied and they chattered away, I couldn't help but smile.
We waited for our order and when we eventually got it we stood up to go home, that was when I saw him again, someone that I always try to avoid whenever I happen to be in the same space with him, I didn't want him to meet us there, neither did I want him to talk to me about anything.
"Michael, Michelle the first person to get to the car gets a spoon of my own ice cream." I said and that got my children, they ran to the car and I ran after them, I was about to open the door when I realized he saw us and he was already coming towards us.