Don, who stood in front of her, had his hands around the waist of a girl she didn't know; his lips were wrapped around hers, and he kissed her slowly and passionately as he pulled her close to him.
The sound of Jane's phone hitting the tiled floor disturbed them, and Don stood there with his eyes wide open like a person who have just seen a ghost.
"Baby, your maid lacks manners! How can you barge into people's bedrooms without knocking? Huh, do you know the word privacy?"
Damn, she was as arrogant as Don; they deserved each other. Before she could even give Don's girlfriend a piece of her mind, Don barked at her.
"What are you doing here? And don't you have a phone to call me when you want something?"
"Uhm, Abbie," Don continued, "this is Jane, my ex-wife, and Jane, this is the woman I will marry soon."
"Your what, Don? The last time I checked, you and I were still married. How can you bring this thing into my house?" Jane's voice was filled with anger.
"Your house? Listen, Missy, this is my house, and you have no permission to just show up." Don corrected her arrogantly.
"How long have you been cheating on me, Don?" She couldn't control herself as her anger took the better part of her.
"Oh, you mean how long have I been cheating Abbie with you? Don't worry; she knows everything about you, and she was so understanding. You should actually thank her; you know, Jane, you stayed here because she allowed it." He made sure to rub it in her face.
"Tell me why you are here before I throw you out," he continued.
"I'm here to collect some stuff that I will need for work tomorrow." Jane tried to be calm.
"Make sure you leave my keys behind before you go; this is no longer your home."
Annoyed and angry as she was, she kept a calm head, took her belongings, and left. She felt so much hatred for her soon-to-be ex-husband.
As Jane turned the key in the lock, the familiar creak of the front door welcomed her home. The soft glow of the bright lamplight lit the hallway, casting a gentle golden colour over the room.
She kicked off her shoes and sank into the cosy embrace of the well-worn couch, feeling its familiar curves wrapped around her, providing shelter and offering a space for her to breathe and relax from the chaos of the outside world. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to breathe deeply and released the weight of the conversation that she had just had with Don.
Jane continued to sit in the living area, completely soaked in her sorrows. It was easy for her to accept that her husband wanted a divorce, but she couldn't bear the betrayal of her own husband having an affair and being disrespectful to her when she caught him. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she couldn't hear her father sitting next to her.
He saw that his daughter was crying, and he got really worried, but he was lost for words; instead, he sat there quietly.
The atmosphere got tense with unspoken words as Jane, her face streaked with tears, locked eyes with her father, Moses. Her trembling voice carried both pain and disbelief as she mustered the strength to tell him about her husband's betrayal.
Jane's voice trembled as she poured out her heart, her words laced with anger and heartbreak.
" could he do th..this to me, Dad? I gave him everything I had, and then he threw it all away." Her voice cracked with each syllable, and the pain etched across her face.
Moses, his own eyes brimming with tears, reached out and gently took her hands in his.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. None of this is your fault. You deserve so much better."
Moses drew Jane into a tender embrace, his voice filled with compassion.
"I can't take your pain away, my dear, but I can offer you my unwavering support. Remember, you are strong and resilient. You will find a way to heal and rebuild your life."
His words, though coated with his own sorrow, carried a glimmer of hope that began to soothe Jane's broken heart. She wiped away her tears, and there was a flicker of determination in her eyes. She squeezed her father's hand, grateful for his presence and the reassurance he provided.
"Thank you, Dad. I don't know how I will get through this, but I will find a way. I won't let this define me."
As they both comforted each other , they both knew that this was the beginning of Jane's journey towards healing, self-discovery, and the possibility of a brighter future.
After the heartwarming conversation she had with her father, Jane went straight to bed. She tried to be positive because a whole new life awaited her tomorrow as a secretary, a job she knew nothing about.
Before she realised it, it was the next morning, and she was getting ready for her new job. She was concerned about how people were going to treat her. Imagine going from being the boss's wife to being the boss's secretary.
She knew she was going to be a laughing stock in the eyes of the entire staff. She was definitely going to be the centre of gossip, and that bothered her a lot, but she had no control over the situation.
When she pulled over in the driveway, she noticed that her husband's car was already parked. She felt nervous. She quickly ran into the office through the main door, and to her surprise, as she opened the door, she saw everyone gathered around the reception desk. She came running, and Don was there in the middle of the crowd.
"Joyce, please make sure that you tell our new employee here, Jane, about the time to actually get to work." Don paraded through the crowd, walking towards her.
"Thank you for finally gracing us with your presence, Jane. Before I start, I would like to make things clear: no one, I mean absolutely no one, is allowed to be late for work," he gave Jane a satisfying look.
"Ladies and gentlemen I called you here today to introduce our new secretary, Jane Viola. She is going to be working hand in hand with Joyce.
Joyce, make sure you show her how things are done here. And I want to assure you that no one will be given the princess treatment; here at work, we are all equal. And another thing, I won't tolerate any gossip around here. That will be all for now. You can begin working."
That was the longest two minutes of her life. Jane noticed that people were giving her an unfamiliar look.
"Joyce, cancel all my appointments for today; I won't be able to attend to anyone." Before Joyce could say anything, he continued.
"No, just let her do it; just show her how it's done; no mistakes, Jane." Don made sure that her colleagues noticed the tension between them.
Out of anger, Jane followed Don upstairs to his office; she closed the door behind her.
"What are you aiming to achieve with this ruthless behaviour of yours?" Jane looked at Don with her eyes, cold as ice.
"What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be cancelling all my appointments as we speak?" Annoyed, Don removed his jacket and hung it on the chair.
"Just balance me here, Don. First, you treat me like trash, then you demand a divorce from me. I caught you cheating, and I realise that it's been happening for months. What did you do then? You embarrassed me in front of your workers.
Why can't you be civil about this whole thing? I'm not fighting you; the least you could do is treat me like anyone else." She was so sad and angry at the same time; she just wanted to work, that's all.
"Listen here, Jane. I suggest you go downstairs right now, or you will regret the consequences. I don't owe you good treatment; in fact, I don't owe you a damn thing." He threatened her, and Jane felt that he had no right to threaten her after everything he did to her. Instead, she became angry and refused to leave, and it made him very angry.
Don felt that he was being disrespected by Jane, and he was annoyed by her. In a moment, he reached out his hand and forcefully pulled her close, his grip tightening around her hand. Don was very angry, and his rage was seen in his entire body, especially his face.
His fingers were digging into her shoulders. But despite the intensity of his actions, she remained in place, her body refusing to surrender to his pulling force.
Jane saw that Don was extremely angry and that he was losing his temper, but her eyes were filled with determination that matched the strength within her, a strength that she didn't know she had.
Though he had attempted to physically defeat her, she stood fixed in one position, a symbol of unyielding resilience in the face of his anger.
As he held her tightly, the sound of a creaking door broke the tense atmosphere. Surprised, Don's eyes widened as he watched his girlfriend slowly push open the door, her gaze filled with surprise, confusion, and anger.
Everyone was shocked, as no one had expected such a thing to happen. The air was dense with the weight of betrayal and shattered trust.
Caught in the act, Don released his grip on Jane, his hands falling to his sides in guilt. Abbie's body language said a lot—a combination of shock and heartache were visible in her face.
The room seemed to stand still as the three figures stood locked, representing their emotions, each struggling to find the words to express the unbelievable mess of feelings that were all over their minds.
Don's girlfriend's eyes searched for answers; her trembling voice broke the silence.
"What...what is going on here? Aren't you two getting a divorce?"