He could hear his own breath coming from his lips. The silence was unreal. Her feet moved slowly and her body burned as she followed him. He led her by the hand to the back of the nightclub and they walked through a long hallway at the end of which was an elevator. He pressed the call button and when he turned around, she was watching him. She noticed his lips, wondering what they would taste like and what his kisses would be like. He looked serious and focused, but the agitation in his eyes betrayed his desire.
With just one word he had mesmerized her. -Follow me.
And he did. He led her without letting go of her hand to the back of the elevator, behind two women. He caressed her palm with his thumb, making her shiver with pleasure. The two women looked at each other as they spoke, but Teresa could not hear them. She began to sweat as she felt him squeeze her hand tighter. Caught in a delicious whirlwind of excitement and adrenaline, she turned to look at him and saw greed on his face. Her breathing quickened. She was excited and desperate at the prospect of what was to come.
After what seemed like an eternity, they stepped out of the elevator and he inserted a card into the opening device next to one of the doors. Then he let her pass, holding her hand. When the door closed behind them, reality resumed its normal speed. He leaned her against the wall, standing in front of it. He reached for her free hand, interlacing their fingers and raising both hands to head level.
Theresa's heart raced and she exhaled audibly. He pressed his lower body against her navel, and his lips paused agonizing inches from her gasping mouth....
-You smell wonderful,” he said breathlessly.
Teresa swallowed saliva and her body squirmed as she felt a hard nub rubbing against her. His member, already firm, throbbed due to the hot blood accumulated in the area, although he had not kissed her nor had he seen her naked yet. That mysterious, attractive and exciting man desired her. The thrill of the moment and his piercing eyes wiped away what few distractions and reservations she had left. She wanted it to happen. She needed a break. He deserved it.
-Kiss me...- He uttered the words spontaneously and blushed as he saw a playful smile on her lips.
He moved to her lips, but at the last minute pulled away. Her moan of protest turned to a gasp as she felt his mouth slide down her cheek to her neck. He nibbled at the soft skin and Teresa's moans echoed in his ears as his
echoed in his ears as his lips descended further and further down her burning skin, gripping her hands tighter and holding her precious body against the wall. He tasted her skin and his lips descended to her shirt, where her ample bust began.
Teresa arched her spine and the fabric of the shirt strained over her breasts. He groaned and pushed her away from the wall, freeing her hands. He grabbed her by the nape of her neck and kissed her passionately.
Teresa shuddered and moaned. His lips were soft and delicate, a stark contrast to the way he grabbed her nape, sinking his fingers into her skin. He devoured her mouth, taking control. He traced the outline of her lips, reveling in her taste, and she responded to his kisses.James breathed against her mouth as she tried to anticipate the movement of his lips. He caught Teresa's upper lip in his mouth, then her lower lip, hungrily. He devoured her lips mercilessly as he pushed her into the room, toward the bedroom. His erection, growing larger and larger, rubbed against his body as he felt Teresa's breasts crushed against his torso. He paused. -I need to possess you. Now.
He pushed her against the wall and removed her jacket. He promptly undid the buttons of her shirt with expert hands and held her gaze as he opened it. A cobalt blue bra cupped her ample bust. Carefully, he tugged at the cup and left her breasts in the air.
Teresa gasped as he cupped one of her breasts in his hand. She squeezed it and from her own lips escaped a sound that was a mixture of grunt and moan. He claimed her mouth again and this time the kiss was not so delicate. It consumed her, stealing her soul. He nibbled at her lips, blatantly displaying his desire as he pressed his body to hers, digging his erection into her navel.
The way he held her made Teresa surrender with a moan. She didn't have to be in control. He didn't have to prove anything or call the shots. He threw his arms around her neck, breathing her very air. When he grabbed both sides of her waist and lifted her up, he lost what little control he had left.
-Oh!” That sudden movement broke the kiss and she wrapped her legs around James' waist instantly. She was his and would surrender to his desires. She bit the soft skin at the nape of his neck as she moved deeper into the room. The bed was soft under her body and he deposited her there.
It was all happening too fast. He had always assumed her capacity for self-control, but this time he was unable to restrain himself. A feverish heat had taken over his body and he removed her shoes and pants with trembling hands, wanting to possess her.
-Fuck... -She wore no panties and he slid his hands down her legs until he reached the tops of her thighs.