"I was just surprised when a woman suddenly came here, and said that she could no longer take care of the child" Nana Celia's eyes showed sadness as she watched the boy who was now happily playing in the garden.
His name is Macky, short for Matthew Ckyric. I only met him now, but I was immediately relieved of him. To be honest, I didn't feel any anger or resentment after learning that he was the son of Matteo's uncle.
Matteo kept it a secret from me, he didn't say he had a child. He has so many chances to tell it to me, but nothing. He said nothing. I should be mad, right? I am his ... Wife. I'm his wife but he can't even be true to me.
... But, despite that, I chose to understand him. Maybe he had a reason why he didn’t tell me about Macky. I'll just wait until he's ready to tell me the reason. For now, I will focus on Macky first. He was a good boy so I still wanted to get to know him. After all, we are also blood relatives because apart from my husband, his father is also my uncle- the mess!
"Where's Macky?"
Nana and I turned to the door when we heard Matteo's voice. It was there, standing with a serious face.
I stared at the big bag next to it. If I'm not mistaken, Macky's clothes are the stuff.
Don't tell me ...
"Why is Macky's bag outside?" My immediate question after approaching him.
It became even more serious. "I'll send him back to Italy. He shouldn't be here, Camila."
Suddenly my eyebrows met.
"Why? Aren't you happy that your son is here?"
His jaw clenched. "Let's just talk when I get back. I still have to take Macky to the airport-"
"No. Macky is just here for us." I said firmly.
I could see in his eyes that he didn’t like Macky. Last night, when the boy came here, I noticed that he didn't like Macky.
"I am his father. I have the right to do whatever I want with my child. And when I say I will take him back to Italy-"
"I'm leaving here?"
Macky suddenly appeared in front of us. She smiled, but I knew the sadness in her eyes.
"All right daddy, I'm just leaving. I'm happy that I came here and met my new Mommy" then, he looked at me.
It was as if my heart had been pierced over and over after seeing the grain of tears that was now beginning to flow from his eyes.
God, this innocent child ...
I looked at Matteo and it was still the same. Its serious emotions did not change at all. Doesn’t he feel sorry for his son?
"Matteo ..."
I held his hand, causing him to look away from me.
"My decision is final, Camila." He firmly said. It was as if he already knew what I was going to say.
I bit my lip and then simply looked at Macky. "She's not here yet. Promise, I'll take care of her. I-i can be his mother ... Just please, allow Macky to stay here with us. Please? ..." I said pleadingly.
I don't know how to convince him, but I am willing to do everything he wants- in exchange for Macky living here. Like I said, I was immediately relieved for the child even though we only met for a while.
There's a part of me that wants to be part of Macky's life, of their father's life.
"All right, please? Promise, I'll do whatever you want. Do you want me to stand up for your homeowner? Do you want me to serve you? I-i can do that ... Just please, hu-don't bring Macky back in Italy. He's not here yet ... "
I smiled as I watched Macky busy designing the cupcakes we made.
He was so focused that he didn't realize I was staring at him. He looks so cute ...
"Look, I'm done, Tita!"
Excited Macky showed me a cupcake he had designed with a heart and small sprinkles.
"Wow! Good job, baby boy!"
I pinched her plump cheeks and then kissed them. He just giggled.
"Come on, let's try it with daddy!" He took care of it and came out of the kitchen with the cupcake he had made.
I just smiled and took the rest of the cupcakes and then went out to follow Macky.
"Look daddy, I made you a cupcake!" Macky's lively harvest.
I found them both in the living room. Matteo was busy with his laptop while Macky stood in front of him and had a big smile on his lips.
I didn’t come first because I wanted to see Matteo’s reaction. Maybe this time he will appreciate his son's effort.
I wish...
"Can't you see that I'm busy ?. Stop pestering me" Matteo said coldly. It didn't even look at the child.
From here I could see the sadness passing in Macky’s eyes, but still, he managed to put a smile on his face.
"So-sorry ..."
It would have been appropriate for Macky to leave- as soon as I approached.
And at this point I feel like I want to support Matteo. How dare him treating his own child like this ?! Annoying!
"Tita" Macky smiled at me.
I smiled back at him despite the annoyance I feel now with his father.
"Your daddy didn't eat?" My faint whisper to him.
"H-no. B-daddy is still busy" he sadly said.
I smiled and then slightly ruffled her hair.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of feeding it to your daddy" I re-assured.
I took the cupcake from him and then approached Matteo who was still busy.
"Matteo ..."
It immediately looked up. "Hm?"
I came closer and placed the cupcake in front of him.
I don't know how I can force him to eat that, even to taste it so that the child will somehow be happy with him. Macky is still making an effort to do this, then he won't even be able to appreciate it? Tss.
"Look, the icing is cute noh?" My smiling drone as I showed him the icing Macky had made.
He just frowned and then turned his attention back to the laptop.
Oh is that so.
Annoyed I bit into the cupcake and without hesitation touched and lifted Matteo's face. I could see he was surprised at what I did, but eventually his face became serious as well.
"I'm busy, Camila. Please, not-" I cut him off by claiming his lips.
It's up to him what his reaction will be.
I felt him stunned, but still, I still didn’t let our lips part. Instead I deepened it until he himself opened his mouth- and there I translated the cupcake in my mouth to him.
After that I immediately broke up with him and it seemed that it was only there that my brain processed what I did.
I felt my cheeks heated all of a sudden. Oh god ...
"Did you and daddy kiss?" Macky asked innocently.
I barely tasted it as I forced my eyes away from Matteo’s behavior. I still don't see his reaction after I did- and I don't have the courage to look at him anymore. It's so embarrassing!
"N-no, Macky. There's dirt on your daddy's lips so I just removed it" I lied. I can't think of any other way e. Gosh.
"Come on, just come with me, we'll watch cartoons" I said to him.
I walked quickly closer to her — but was also immediately startled when I felt the heavy arms now around my waist.
"And where do you think you're going, woman?" A deep baritone voice filled my ear.
I held my breath as I felt my body froze. The beating of my chest was so strong that it seemed like it was coming out of my ribcage. Oh lord ...
"Go to your room, Macky." He ordered the boy to obey immediately.
"N-no, you're not here Macky." I stopped.
I don't know but I was suddenly nervous about what Matteo could do once Macky left.
"Matthew Ckyric." Matteo's strong line. It is obvious that he uses his strictness to make the child obey
And I have nothing against that.
Macky immediately ran away while I was almost insane with the various feelings that were now building up in my chest.
"The cupcake was so good" he began.
I didn’t answer and just remained bent over while trying to calm my heart. Damn.
"I want to taste it again, Camila." He said teasingly.
And in just a snap, he sealed me by his lips.
I tasted the sweet icing and the soft cupcake he put in my mouth.
"Delicious, right?" He softly whispered right after our lips parted.
I nodded unconsciously ...