“Be the moon and inspire people even when you’re far from full.” - K.Tolnoe
Elsie POV
I wasn't felt comfortable sitting on the same table with the guy that just scolded me in the middle of the cafe. It was totally rude. I ignored him and put all my attention to the chatty girl that won’t stop talking to me. She was cute and I like to talk to her, might I add, with all kids since I am a kids’ lover. I adore their cuteness a lot.
“Sweet pie, I will be back later. I need to answer the call first,” the guy in dark blue shirt and black leather jacket that sat across us spoke and walk out from the cafe. I blew out a long breath, relieved that he was away.
“You don’t like my daddy?” The girl suddenly asked, I guess it was too obvious.
“No, not like that. It doesn't matter, as long as I like you,” I said which caused her to grin. She shoved a spoonful ice-cream into her mouth. Her face was a bit messy with ice-cream. That was the best part being a child, no need to care about their surroundings.
“Look at your face, all messy,” I chuckled. I took out a tissue from my bag and wiped her face especially near her lips. She giggled with my touch while her hand won’t stop digging into her ice-creams.
“You really love ice-cream, don’t you?”
“Yeah, this is nice. What is your favorite flavor?” She queried.
“Strawberry,” I said without hesitate.
“Same!” She clapped her hand out of joy.
“Give me five,” she said out of the blue.
“Give me five!” I accepted her little hand and pinched her cheeks. Too cute to resist.
“Hmm, I don’t see your mom. Are you coming alone with your dad?” She stayed quiet, the smile dropped from her face. Now I sensed something wrong and I regretted my question.
“Oh, I’m sorry, princess. I shouldn’t ask you about that,” I said and lowered my face to look at her.
“She was gone. I don’t have mommy.” All I heard was sadness in her voice. That was normal for me. I usually encountered this in the orphanage home, which I worked as a volunteer there. I pulled her into my embrace. I hugged her small figure and rubbed her back, sending her some comfort.
“I’m sorry about that. Don’t be sad. I’m sure your mommy is in heaven now. She can listens to you, see you and watches you from up there.” I pointed to the sky. That wasn't a lie, which was what I believed.
She returned my hug upon my words. “I missed her.” That three words always broke my heart, it happened every time the kids in the orphanage home said the same thing about their parents.
“I’m lonely. I don’t have friends and daddy Dexter always busy.” She confessed in my embrace.
“Daddy Dexter?” I asked out of confusion.
“Oh, he wasn't your real dad?”
“No,” she pulled away from the hug. “He is my uncle but I called him daddy. My dad was gone too,” she said looking at me. I noticed tears at the edge of her eyes.
“Do you want to be my friend?” I asked tried to divert her attention from the sad thing that I accidentally brought up.
My question made her gazed at me.
“Really?” Now, she smiled but there is no sparkle in her eyes, probably she still doubt about my offer.
“Yes, of course. Can I?” I asked and caressed her cheeks.
“Yes, I want.” She stood on the chair and jump to my body. Luckily I manage to grab her. She suddenly turned jumpy due to the excitement. She giggled and showered kisses to my cheeks. I laughed as it tickled me. I love it when kids treat me like this.
We continue to eat our ice-cream until it was nothing left on the bowl.
“I think it’s time to go. I need to go back to work,” I told her. I hold her in my arm and headed outside the cafe. I noticed the guy outside the cafe still busy with his phone.
“I wish we can talk longer,” she stared at me with her sad face.
“I want too, princess but I have work to do after this.” I patted her back gently. I placed her down to the floor near her dad. He immediately hung up the call and approached Andrea but didn’t utter any words.
“I guess it’s time to say goodbye now,” I lowered my body to meet her eyes but she looked away avoiding my gaze.
“Hey, don’t be sad. We will meet again, okay? Call me anytime if you want to talk to me,” I placed both of my palms on her chubby cheeks stroking her softly. I took out a name card from my purse and handed it to her.
“See, this is my name and my phone number. You can call me anytime.” I showed her the card and she looked at it with a smile. I noticed the guy keep observing our interaction but he didn’t bother to say anything and I ignored his gaze, pretended he wasn't there.
“I will miss you.” The little angel said and clutched onto me while I kneeled across her.
“I will miss you too, princess.” I hugged her in return. A moment later, I loosen our hold and kissed her both cheeks which she returned to me too.
We bid goodbye with promise that we will talk and meet again, my new little friend.
I like her but not her rude daddy.