The next day he again woke up at 1 PM.
He took a bath had the meal which she said was a break-lunch. But today he was not interested in reading session.
“This is foul, dear eating monster. Now, remember?”
“Sweet, bigger vulva. We can arrange it in near future. Today just let me feel your most bigger hard fatty vulva. I want to it completely.”
“No, if you’re breaking a promise then no.”
“Then fine, fatty woman. I’ve to obey everything for.”
“Just shut up, filthy young man. I also remember one thing.”
“What’s this, big fatty?”
“Last night you said that the last story was finest one. I also think like that but you said that it resembles to your story. What’s your story?”
“You don’t know or acting like a failed actress.”
“Just tell me what’s this? I’ve no idea about the resemblance.”
“Then listen first tell me did you give this story to Azra for reading?”
“I think yes because she regularly visits me. I’ve told you why visits me. Now in short tell the truth.”
“Azra has done the last part to me. She hired a prostitute and then I was seduced by her.”
“Hmm, please tell the whole story.”
He told the whole story in his words. When he finished it she cast a naughty smile at him while he was feeling much ashamed.
“Oh dear! Men are always prone to cunts even older much used holes. Naturally they just need a hole. What can I do with you?”
“Dear lady, what you think? Don’t you have a volcano, burning in you? Deep inside your bigger fatty hard skin?”
“Still I don’t walk around such loose women. Who’re doing it just because of as their livelihood with much hazardous of fatal diseases. Shame on you. It’s the prostitute also my sister who saved you from such things.”
“I am sorry for this.”
“Just leave it. Even you should take a lesson from such incident. Leave the topic now. Want to start the session?
“Yes, I think so. How many stories are left?”
“There are many but today you’ve to read four.
“Just bring the coffee and cookies.”
“Today I’ve prepared even more. Guess what?”
“What dear?”
“Nice fruit cake for you.”
“Hmm, just bring it now.”
She brought coffee also the afternoon dessert. Soon he started reading the first story of today’s reading session.
In the next two hours or so he read three stories. They talked about those stories the weak points, the bad or unnecessary characters and all what was required to remove from a good story.
“Now just finish the last story then you can have whatever pleases you.”
“I’ll not give you a second after reading this last story.”
“I agreed.”
He started reading the last story of today:
It was 1980.
The population of big city was growing ever. This slum like one of the oldest areas of city had occupants in thousands numbers, living in small houses. The suffocating and congested flat system was growing, filled with people like bees of a hive.
Tariq, a nineteen years old young man was among them. Even worse of them. Living with his fifty-five year old father who was a peon in a public sector office. His father never told Tariq about his mother. He could hardly remember that his mother was living with both of them when he was a kid but then one day when he was just eight she disappeared.
He never knew where and why she had gone?
As a child he wept for her for few days until he felt it was useless to weep for his mother or ask his father about her. Since then his father became a harsh man who never wanted to be asked by anyone about his wife. Every day Tariq was beaten for unknown reason as he could remember. Soon he became a street ruffian who never cared anyone even his father or his mother who was somewhere out of his sight now also, out of his mind.
He had few friends who had same disposition like him. They had to earn their livelihood by many slogging and toiling. Tariq even as a juvenile delinquent never wanted to earn money by unfair means. He was doing a work in a factory where his duty was to carry the heavy cartons from finishing department to trucks where daily labors would fill the truck. When they finished loading a truck his clothes usually soaked with sweats. Tariq really cared about his work because he was earning a handsome amount by it.
He was living like a prince with his chums. In the evenings also on holidays they watched movies. Movies were his most favorite thing for entertaining himself during the hard time of his life. He also liked the movie magazines and bought few of them just to see the pictures of his favorite actresses of those movies. He liked those aphrodisiac dance performers. When he watched it with any of his chum they usually whistled while the actress was seducing the hero in her performance. He felt like she was trying to seduce him not the hero. Many young and old men were also thinking like him watching the movie silently with their tongues running on their lips.
Now Tariq was standing in the courtroom accused of the murder of thirty-seven years old Aarifa: who was living in his neighbor in a small two room flat with her only child, her daughter.
How and why this happened?
Tariq never knew. He was telling the court that he was innocent. When he reached at his house after his work she was lying dead in their only room’s floor with her opened stone looking eyes, depicting pain with gore. Then he ran away.
Why he did it?
It all started nearly a month ago when he felt that she was taking interest in him. He only knew about her that she was living at just few houses away from his house in the same street on the second floor of a five storey congested suffocating flat building with her only child her eleven years old daughter who was studying in a nearby public school. He also knew that her husband was away working somewhere in Middle East as a labor still earning more money than those working here in this big city in public and private offices. She usually wore expensive clothing. Her house was often visited by her mother-in-law who was living with her younger son just few kilometers away. Her siblings occasionally visited her. She had a busy routine living more peacefully with her neighbors, who were somehow jealous of her good financial conditions. Mostly her female housewives: those who had but scanty money to spend on them comparing to Aarifa.
It was all told by her when he started talking with her after her advance towards him. She usually carried her daughter to her school then went towards the local market to buy groceries. She as an experience woman met with him on such trips.
‘Hey boy, don’t you feel something further?’
She said while he carried her grocery bag. They were walking eating ice cream in a bright morning of winter.
‘Feeling what, bold plump woman?’
‘Idiot, I am talking about erection, sensational feelings to hold woman in your arms.”
‘O, so you’re talking about it. I feel it when I watch the heroine of movies.’
‘Not in real life? You don’t want to fuck a woman?’
She said when they came into a far corner of this old road where hardly anyone could hear their talk.
‘What? You’re so vulgar? Dirty woman.’
He said making bad faces towards her.
‘Hmm a toddler. Still drinking the milk.’
It made him much agitated. She was not aware about his mother’s disappearance.
‘What happened, boy? You’ve to carry this until the bus comes. I just walked with you to tell you this.’
‘You want a fuck?’
‘Yes, dear boy!’
‘But people say that it hurts a woman when man fucks her.’
‘Bad filthy boy! I don’t want to talk to you.’
She said, grabbed the bag from him and walked quickly towards the bus stop to sit into the bus which was stopped just a moment before.
‘Just listen woman!’
He wanted to say something but she walked quickly. Soon she got into the bus. The bus was driven quickly then it faded away from his sight.
She was still in his memories.
The next week he followed her while she had bought the groceries.
‘Just give it to me. The bag is much heavy now.’
‘I’ll shout, gather men if.’
‘I know you’ll not.’ He took the bag from her.
She just cast a smile towards him. They walked silently until a less crowded corner came. She stopped looking into his naughty eyes.
‘What you said that day?’
‘I am sorry. You know I am just a boy. Forgive me for this.’
‘Little son of a bastard. If you say it once more I’ll gather men and then.’
‘I know darling but leave it now. Hey woman I am really dying for you. Just make love with me.’
‘Let see how long is it?’
She said and measured his penis feigned like she was examining the groceries in the bag. She did it with one hand in bag the other measuring his penis still hidden in his pants.
‘Such a vulgar woman! You should be ashamed of yourself. What are you doing in a public place?’
‘There’s no one near us. No one noticed it. Still I feel your weapon is enough.’
‘If I say anything further I know you’ll get angry.’
‘Ok say you’re allowed to utter for a short period of time.’
‘Will this weapon be enough for your bigger cunt?’
‘Again dirty man. Even bigger than this little prick.’
‘Then when you’re giving your bigger cunt?’
‘If you utter one more dirty thing about me then.’
‘Ok fine, much sensitive woman. So when tell me?’
‘What about your house your routine?’
‘You know about me. I’ve told you everything. Even you’ve measured my little weapon.’
‘Will you be spare at afternoons? This is the best time to make love otherwise the whore housewives of our surrounding are eager to stain my reputation.’
‘I usually come at five but I can do anything for you. I’ll take a half leave.’
‘What you’ll tell your boss?’
‘Don’t worry, it’s my tension. What about you? How I’ll inform you about it?’
‘Don’t worry, it’s my tension, poor little prick. When you‘ll come to your house I’ll see you.’
‘How? I think I should tell you in the morning.’
‘No, don’t take any risk. The whores can be alert by this. At afternoons the busted whores take nap so we can do it without any harm.’
‘Nice but still I think.’
‘Don’t think about such matters. When you’re taking half leave?’
‘Any day in the next week.’
‘Fine. I’ll keep eyes at your house. When your father comes from his work?’
‘Usually at five. Sometimes the bastard comes late after spending time with his group of bastards.’
‘Hmm. You hate your father?’
‘Yes I have told you this.’
‘It’s your personal matter. I’ve to leave now my paramour. Otherwise anyone can smell the rat. The whores of our street can listen about it. Bye!’
She left him in the corner and walked towards the bus stop.
Even her house was nearly a kilometer away from the bus stop she travelled by it just to avoid any fuss. She talked less with her prying neighbors, whores in her words. The other reason was the weight of groceries which usually filled her big clothed bag.
The next week he took the half leave.
Now in the afternoon of early summer they were making a warm lovemaking.
‘Oh! Ouch!’
He was thrusting up into her while she was jumping on his penis taking it entirely into her still moaning loudly uttering vulgar suggestions. She was guiding further for his first sexual intercourse with a woman. Still she was feeling him like an experienced boning tool.
‘Ooh! Ah! Dear!’
He was making her body jumping up and down while she was enjoying it the most. Her eyes were closed while she was holding him tightly from his back taking his penis deeper into her. Making deep sighs never wanted to stop him for such a joyful drive.
‘Ah! Ah!’
She moaned deeply and the thick saliva came out of her mouth. She encircled her legs around his back. He was holding her from her back thrusting up deeper into her giving her room to jump on his thick most stiff penis. She could not believe why his penis was still stiff even she had jumped took much deeper into her for more than ten minutes. She had rested her head on his shoulder while the saliva was coming out from her mouth dripping on his neck.
‘Like a ride on a young prick.’
‘Ah! My cunt is sensitive boy.’
‘What you think other cunts are not?’
He continued his thrusts up deeper into her. She was taking deep sighs while she could also feel his voice was going hoarse making grunt like sounds.
He never wanted to slow his pace. He was enjoying taking such pleasure for the first time feeling him in heavens. Her voice was going louder and louder still trying to overcome it a bit otherwise her voice could reach to ears of any neighboring woman. Who in her views were whores, prying, sniffing for such extra marital affair.
‘Ooh! Aaha!’
Her voice raised a little. He saw that heavy saliva was ejected by her mouth. He felt little concerned about her health now.
‘What happened dear cunt? Should I stop?’
‘No, but don’t thrust with such ruthless stiff weapon.’
She said then sat on his penis taking it entirely deeper inside her while it was still vibrating inside her vagina.
‘Ooh!! Now I can soothe my thirsty cunt.’
She was moving herself to feel his vibrating penis deep inside her weighing herself on his lap.
‘Oh! You’re crushing my balls you whore. Your big ass is crushing it.’
Now he was moaning with a pain he could feel when she put all her weight on his testicles pounding them ruthlessly.
‘Just shut up. Tolerate this for a while.’
‘Oh! You’ll make me a eunuch big ass whore. I’ll, oh!’
He wanted to say more but felt a surge of sensation and then exploded deep inside her with hot thick sperms.
‘Oh! Oh my!! Dear boy, this was amazing.’
She said while oozing with his ejaculation. She then hammered his penis into her which made him to feel little pain.
‘A woman won at last.’
She said with a smiling face then dropped herself on her back while the tip of his penis was still inside her.
‘Just let it lie there boy, for a moment.’
But he took his penis out. He then walked into the bathroom. When he came out of it he could see that she was still lying in the same pause.
‘So, who won dear thick stiff prick?’
‘I was just concerning your health otherwise I could tear your nasty thing. You almost crushed my balls making me a eunuch. Look at this bigger and older nasty cunt.’
He parted her legs wide. Her thighs were somehow thickly wet with his sperms.
‘Your sperms are thick like glue still much soothing. Drops of them inside me.’
She said while he was holding her parted legs.
‘Hey, don’t do it.’
She stopped him to play with her vagina. She stood quickly.
‘Just wait until I come out of the bathroom. Dirty man, I’ve to clean myself.’
She said and walked into the bathroom.
When she came out of the small attached bathroom of their one room house she cast a killing smile beckoning him with her right index finger.
‘What now big ass? Big nasty cunt!’
‘Just give me a farewell kiss. What you think, only fucking is love?’
‘Oh yes!’
He lifted her in his arms and gave her a long lingering kiss. She put her weight on him making him to fall on the bed. He fell on the bed trying to save his head by any concussion.
‘Oh you whore. You almost crushed my head.’
‘No, you’ve been save by myself.’
She kissed him for the last time looking into his eyes with a naughty smile. She then quickly put on her clothes.
‘First I’ll leave your house.’
She stood against the mirror prepared herself before her safe departure.
‘You can then do whatever you like. Ok my sweet beau?’
‘Just leave this house old whore, otherwise.’
‘So I am a whore?’
‘Hmm, I was just joking.’
She looked around and when found it much safer walked out of his house. Soon he could see she was taking quick steps towards her flat.
Since that day she never wanted to stop him by loving her. On the other hand he was much impatient for making love.
‘Hey fucking boy. Do you think only fucking is love? I’ve told you that.’
‘I know but I am a younger man. You also told me I want your bigger cunt all the time.’
He continued his lovemaking again in the afternoon inside his small bed while she was moaning holding the bedpost firmly during his quick thrusts deeper inside her which were making her to feel the utmost joy, also with her aging plumper and softer body she felt it little perspiring now with his hammer like much deeper thrusts by his most stiff phallus.
‘I told you that it’s much painful for a woman. All men say it.’
‘Filthy cur, son of a bitch! It’s not but much sensitive, somehow laboring now in mature age.’
She said and started beating him with gentle touches after he filled her.
‘Sorry dear older bigger cunt. I was just joking.’
Their love apart from most burning lovemaking was driving them crazy for each other. She was waiting for her husband for nearly four years while her husband even never cared to send her a letter. He sent letters to his mother, in which he just mentioned about his wife Aarifa in a sentence or two.
‘See this letter, Tariq. That son of bitch thinks I am his slave. He just wrote a sentence about me and our daughter.’
She showed him her husband’s last letter.
‘So, what you want now?’
‘I just want to be fucked by you as long as you can.’
She said with angry tone. He looked at her then a burst of laughter came from their mouths.
They were enjoying the holiday strolling in one of the far corner of city beach. There were less people around them. Most of them were pairs legally or illegally both. Still the policemen were just seeking looking around for their possible quick earning by framing any couple like Tariq and Aarifa. Then they could take a bribe from such act of infidelity.
‘Tariq, will you marry me? I’ve gathered much money. I also have expensive jewelry.’
‘Don’t try to impress me by your money.’
‘Stupid, I am serious. You cannot fuck other man’s wife much longer. I can get pregnant by your thick hot sperms. They’re big enough to make me pregnant for many times.’
He just smiled, looking at other couples around.
‘Dear kid, I am serious. I cannot live longer in that cage. He’s a castrated man. Son of that bitch. Until she’s alive she will not send him to me.’
‘So what can I do dear? My friends say that it’s a fun to fuck a woman but marrying woman is a much harder task. Then marrying an older woman who’s still wife of a man; hmm, not good at all.’
‘So you’re just playing with me?’
Her eyes were like burning now.
‘I am not playing with you, dear. Don’t you say that your cunt was thirsty for a thick stiff prick like mine, and then?’
He tried to agitate her little more.
‘Go to hell. I’ll take a revenge for this. I’ll gather people; will accuse you in public for harassment.’
She stood and walked quickly. He tried to catch her with quick steps.
‘Hey woman, just stop. We can settle this.’
She seemed much serious and agitated by his rude remarks. She stopped near a peddler who was selling ice creams then bought one from him and walked outside the beach.
‘Just listen.’
He wanted to say something but she crossed the road quickly. Soon she got into a bus.
It was their usual naughty love, teasing each other.
When they last met even they never knew, she said.
‘Tariq, now I am much serious. I am preparing to flee with you within few days. Are you brave to run with me or I should search other man?’
‘You shouldn’t say this. You know I’ve no one except you. What you’re going to do with your daughter?’
‘Don’t bother yourself about her. I’ll leave her near the doorstep of her grandmother’s house. I don’t want to harm anyone. She’ll be happy in that big house. Tell me, you’re ready to take this stance?’
‘What about the work? If I go with you I’ve to leave this work also.’
‘Don’t whine like a small kid! I’ve more money to feed you like my baby boy. You can find work at any city. You’re a hard working young man.’
‘Yes, I am! So when you’re leaving your house and fleeing with me?’
‘I’ll tell you in two days. Don’t let anyone know about it.’
‘I’ll never. Just be sure about everything and tell me further.’
‘I am a more experience woman, dear young prick. I’ve seen many like this tiny thing.’
He just smiled looking at her.
It was four days before her murder inside his house in their only room. Now he was standing in the courtroom as an accused of her murderer.
He strongly denied the prosecution.
‘Just tell us why you killed your married lover?’
‘I didn’t kill her. I’ve no idea who did it? I couldn’t even tolerate her sad looking dead face.’
‘Oh, dear merciful killer! Tell us that it isn’t true you both were engaged in an illegal shameless adultery? What you’ll say about it?’
He remained silent.
‘Even there’s a punishment for such man and woman who commit adultery but now she’s dead. This is useless to discuss it further. Still you’re the one who became the reason for her to commit adultery then you’re the person who killed her. Just for the sack of money. Just tell us about the money about her jewelry.’
He was also accused of stealing more than ten thousands rupees, also her expensive gold jewelry. He denied it too. The police was failed to trace those things from him even they tried third degree with him.
‘If you persist to remain silent then your punishment can be longer.’
‘I don’t know about the legal procedure but I am much upset with her murder. I really loved her still I love her.’
‘You son of a bitch!’
It was her husband who committed contempt of court. The judge was quick ordering his expulsion from the courtroom for good.
The case was taking much time. The defence lawyer had time to contemplate upon Tariq’s long talk with him in which the wise-guy asked every bit of their affair. Also every detail of Tariq’s life with his father. He even shared what he never wanted but the lawyer had heard about his mother’s disappearance and further asked about it.
‘Tariq, can you remember any day when your father arrived while you both were making love? Not aware about your father or anyone who could tell him or even anyone who could tell this to her in-laws? As she told you that her mother-in-law was not good with her?’
He thought for a while recalling all what she ever told him.
‘Sir I am a less educated man. I think people mostly elderly men and women enjoy talking about other people affairs. I think I’ve heard it from my father’s mouth when he usually talked with his chums. All the bunch of older bastards. I know that my father really hates me, because I hate him feel him the only reason of my mother’s disappearance. Perhaps he killed her and just spread the news of her disappearance. I thought it many times but now, I realized it after your talk that he could also kill Aarifa.’
The lawyer just took a long breath.
The wise-guy soon started working upon Tariq’s long established thoughts: which combined with his most recent recalling of his affair with Aarifa had added something so important: the ultimate conclusion of the case.
After a few days the defence lawyer made a short visit to Tariq’s house where he met with Tariq’s father.
‘Now for what, you came here?’
‘I’ve realized it little late. Still I arrived here to give you a chance.’
‘Chance what chance? You, crazy black and white lawyer. Fat, joker like man.’
‘Even if I am you can ask anyone who’s like me. A lawyer can give you the advice what I am giving you free. He must charge a heavy amount.’
‘Are you gone mad?’
‘No I think I should tell this all very straight.’
‘So then why you’re fucking yourself with such mincing words. Be straight.’
‘If you confess it in the court the punishment can be less. Otherwise you’re going to hang yourself.’
‘What, for what reason? You son of a bitch!’
The defence lawyer had much patience. He just came here to save the young man his client and for this he knew he should show such patience.
‘Now listen, old man. I know, I’ve proofs that you killed that woman Aarifa. Also robbed her money and her jewelry. Listen.’ He said while found the old man stood with his reddened eyes staring at him like a wounded cur. ‘I’ve collected this information. Let me show you.’
He drew a cash memo’s carbon copy in which name of the shop, few other details were scribbled.
‘This small paper says that you sold the jewelry to Karmani Jewellers. Situated at 264 Sarafa Bazaar Pritum Das Road Karachi. I met the owner also. You want to hear other details?’
‘You son of a bitch. I’ll kill you.’
The old man seemed overwhelmed with wild rage, now also with growing fear.
‘Who told you such things?’
‘I am a lawyer. Don’t argue with me. I know everything. Now just tell me if you confess in the court it can save your son. Also, it can convey the court that they should give you a short punishment. What kind of father are you?’
The old man just fell on the ground like a heavy stem. The lawyer felt that it could finish chances of saving his innocent client. He rushed to bring water. After drinking a glass of water the old man regained much senses.
‘Just save me lawyer.’
‘I can surely save you. You know I am his lawyer? I can make this possible.’
It seemed that the lawyer’s words had convinced the old man.
‘So I’ve to confess her murder in the court?’
‘Yes. Just tell me how and why you did it?’
‘I never wanted to do it but when she refused my offer.’
‘What offer? Just tell me in short.’
‘I just said to that old bitch first to sleep with me then give the money also jewelry. She can then flee with my son. But she, she was a whore, tried to shout. I had no way but, but.’
‘Just come to the court on this hearing. Tell this all straight. I am telling it true that the court will give you but short punishment otherwise if you don’t come I’ll tell everything first to the police and then to the court. You know what torture our police can give you?’
‘No, no. I’ll confess it in the court.’
The old man said with fading, most scary eyes. He knew about the local police, about their third degree torture process which they were still practicing for eliciting details after gore crimes done by ruthless criminals. No doubt the old man was among them yet with typical features of the case traced by the wise-guy at last.
The lawyer left him quickly after eliciting his desired details of the case without any corporeal but much mental torture.
In the next hearing now the old man was standing in the courtroom confessing his gore act.
‘Aftab Hameed, you’re sure you don’t have any pressure by any person to confess the murder?’
The judge asked before his detailed statement.
‘Yes, no one forced me for this but I am feeling like the ghost of that dead woman would kill me if I don’t come here to confess my crime.’
He later concluded his act of violence as:
‘I came early that afternoon without anything in my mind. Just that I was feeling not good. I am an old man who’s going to retire in few years. So when I reached at my house I found the door opened. I went into my house thinking that Tariq must have come early from his work but there I found her. That shameless woman about whom I’ve heard that she’s an affair with my son. Still I was not aware about the details. She was standing in our room with an attaché case and also a jewelry box. I guessed right even she was trying to hide it with her stole. I asked her about her presence in my house because my disobedient son was not there. I also told her that leave my house at once but she was so stubborn a shameless woman. She confessed without any shame that she was going to flee with my son and he was arriving at any time. I told her last time that do whatever you like but not in my house’s premises. This time she refused and ignored me again. It infuriated me while I was not feeling good. I then told her to give the jewelry box to me. I’ve no idea why her presence her shameless attitude drove me insane and then I just stifled her when she warmed me that she would shout and gather the neighbors, and will tell them that I tried to rape her. This blame made me so angry. I put my hands on her throat. I never wanted it. I never wanted it.’
He acted well upon advices of the wise-guy who was succeeded to save his client Tariq. The whole story was told by the defence lawyer to the old man who actually tried to rape her but she lost her life while trying to save her all precious belongings.
The court gave fourteen years imprisonment to the ruthless old man.
‘This son of a bitch told me that the court…’
‘Three years further more for the contempt of court.’
The old man with his scary dying eyes looked at the courtroom’s ceiling then fell on the ground.
Tariq walked outside with his lawyer with a sad look on his face even after proved innocent in the case still thinking about Aarifa. The lawyer could see that tears had fallen from his cheeks and faded quickly into his shirt.
This was the shirt she had given him as her first gift.