She handed me her gift wrapped box. It didn't rattle when I shook it which surprised me considering what I thought it was. Awfully light, too. I opened it up and it wasn't a strap-on. It was a gorgeous, soft filmy, negligee and robe set.
"Surprise!" Erin said.
I held it up, showing everyone. "Erin, this is beautiful, thank you."
"You're welcome. You have to try it on, remember."
"I will. I'll model all the clothes together after I've opened everything up. It's lovely."
Suki handed me her gift next. I shook this one and it rattled. "So you're the one who gave me the strap-on."
"Open it and see," Suki said.
Nope, it wasn't one either. There was a length of rope, a collar, a leash, some fur lined hand-cuffs, a mask or blindfold of some kind and a soft leather, multi-stranded whip. Something else which looked like two clamps with a chain between them. I held it up and showed everyone and they all started laughing again.
"Thank you, I think. What is this?"
"It's a bondage kit," Shizuko replied.
I must have had a confused look on my face. "Surely you know about bondage?" Sydney said.
"I don't think so," I replied.
"You never read 'Fifty Shades of Gray' or saw the movie?" Sydney asked.
"I've heard of it, obviously, but no, I never read or saw it. This is related to that?"
"Kind of," Suki said. "It's for being tied up so your partner can have their way with you."
I asked Suki, "Do you like to be tied up?"
"There is something very exciting about being totally under the control of another person," Suki said. "Confined, unable to see, not knowing what will happen next. My orgasms are very intense when Erin does this with me." She turned to Erin and kissed her deeply.
I held up the whip up. "And you let Erin hit you with this? Isn't this physical abuse?"
"I suppose it could be, if she were trying to hurt me. If I did not climax so hard. Erin is very skilled. There is some pain, certainly, but far more pleasure for me."
"What's this thing for?" I asked holding up the chain thing.
"Nipple clamps," Taylor said. "Nice ones, too. They look adjustable."
"I've got to ask. How many of you girls have tried this bondage stuff?"
Tiffany, Taylor, Yvonne, Sydney and Cheyenne all raised their hands in addition to Suki and Erin. Maria and Donna did not.
Maria said, "I'm not opposed to it, on philosophical grounds. It requires a great deal of trust in your partner. Since I'm not usually with anyone very long, it's hard to develop this trust."
"I'm not letting anyone tie me down," Donna said, "though I wouldn't mind going the other way."
Yvonne added, "I've not yet let anyone spank me or paddle me, but I do like being tied up and helpless."
"Once you're helpless, they could do anything they want to you," I said. "What's to stop someone from really hurting you."
"This is where the trust comes in," Suki said. "You have to really trust someone to enter this type of relationship. You must know they have your best interests at heart and would never do anything to harm you. You also have a safe word to use, which if you use it, will cause the other person to stop whatever they are doing."
"And you gave this to me so I could let Tanner use it on me?" I asked.
"Or perhaps for you to use on him," Suki answered. "It could go either way."
"Okay," I said. "I'm not sure about this, but thank you."
Yvonne handed me her gift. I opened it up and pulled out an article of clothing. It was white with lilac ribbons and lace in a few places. Again, my confusion must have shown on my face.
"It's a corset," Yvonne said. "It makes your assets look even better. You'll see when you try it on."
"Thanks, Yvonne."
Maria handed me her gift next. Opening it, I found several pair of lovely stockings and a garter belt. Some of the stockings were nude, some colored, some with little patterns on them. They were lovely and a far cry from the pantyhose I usually wore when dressing up to go out.
"These are lovely, Maria. I can see wearing these out on dates with Tanner. I'm sure he'll love them."
"You're welcome."
I accepted Donna's gift next. Inside were several pair of panties.
"Those babies are crotchless," Donna said. "Don't even have to take them off to let Tanner slip you his big dick."
I laughed. "I'm sure that will be quite convenient for him."
Taylor's gift was two of the most scandalously brief swimsuits I've ever seen. I held them up to show everyone.
"You are going to the Sandals Resort in Saint Lucia for your honeymoon, aren't you?" Taylor asked.
"Yes we are," I replied.
"These suits will be perfect for it. It's an adults only resort and a lot of women go topless, but if you want some covering, these will do the trick."
I pointed to the minuscule triangles of turquoise fabric for my breasts. "I'm not sure these are large enough to cover my areolae," I said.
"They will cover your nipples, though" Taylor laughed.
"And look at these bottoms," I said. "I'm not sure it's big enough to cover my vaginal slit. This other suit is thin and white, plunges down in the front past my belly button and has dental floss in the back. If it gets wet, I'm sure it will be clear. I might as well be naked."
"To be honest, I bought them more for Tanner than I did you. I'm sure he'll love them," Taylor said, smiling. Everyone else started laughing.
Cheyenne got me two fine mesh bodysuits, one red and one black. "Something more for Tanner to enjoy," I said, holding them up.
"Honey, if those things give Tanner a boner," Donna said, "you going to enjoy it too."
Everyone laughed again.
"Before I give you my gift," Taylor said, "does everyone need a refill?"
Everyone held up their glass. "That's four martinis, one red wine, two whites, two Black Jack's over ice, and a rum and coke." Tiffany brought the drinks in, adding ice from an ice bucket to the three mixed drinks, pouring the wines and martinis in the empty glasses. She finished, put the bottles back in the kitchen and folded herself back on the couch beside me. She handed me a fairly small package.
"This is for both you and Tanner."
"What do you mean?"
"Open it up and I'll explain."
I ripped off the wrapping paper and looked at the box. "What's a We/Vibe personal pleasure device?"
"Open the box."
I opened it and inside was a small plastic box and a USB cord, I pulled off the top of the box and there was a U shaped device sitting in depressions on the bottom. I pulled it out.
"It's a vibrator," Tiffany said. "You put this end inside of your vagina with this arm against your g-spot. The other side goes against your clitoris. You push this little knob on the front, and control it with this remote." She pulled another piece out of the base. "The base is a charging stand, charging both the vibrator and the remote, although you can also get an app that controls the device as well. You can charge it in any USB port, including a laptop or where you charge your phone. As you can see, it's not big and it won't break your hymen, so your virginity will still be safe for Tanner."
The other women gathered around closer and Taylor exclaimed, "I've heard about this thing and it's supposed to be to die for."
"I've got one and it is to die for," Sydney said. "I love mine."
"Hold on, Tiffany" I said. "You said this is for both me and Tanner. He doesn't have a vagina. How is it for him?"
"You'll notice how thin it is right here where it passes through your vagina. Tanner can put his cock in you while you're wearing it and it can vibrate both of you at once. It's also waterproof. You can wear it in the tub or shower. Tanner will enjoy it as much as you do, I promise. I charged it up so you can try it out later."
"My gift is coming later," Sydney said. "You have time to model your other gifts for us."
"I did promise, didn't I."
"Yes you did," Sydney said.