Chapter 9
The moment Lily cursed me dad’s countenance became red with rage. Without saying a word he took the phone out of his pocket with his staggering hands and called the security while she was blabbering her way out. In a matter of few seconds the security took over the charge and she was dragged out of the house. After her whole drama calmed down dad shambled himself to the stairs and reached his bedroom to drop on the bed.
I looked at the resting form of my dad standing at the entrance of his bedroom. This time I did not bate looking at him. I understood that he loved me and he is my dad, the only person in this world upon whom I can have my back. I didn’t like to see him helpless and immobile. I always saw him to be very strong, energetic and a powerful person. He is the superman of my life, just like the superman in the movie ‘Superman returns’ who can freeze the hell and make the impossible happen. I missed him so much during the time he wasn’t there with me.
A few minutes later, I went back to my room. I changed into a comfortable night wear and rested on the bed to have a good night’s sleep. I rolled inside the covers for a few more minutes but every time my eyes felt drowsy, I dreamt the defenceless picture of my dad struggle a midst of dangerous people. Never am I going to let my dad lose the battle. I will stand by his side to protect and save him. I am not always going to be small. My hands and legs will one day grow big and strong and I am going to save my dad from whichever threat that befalls on him.
I move out of the covers and go to my dad’s bedroom to doze. I sleep beside him and lay my head on his chest but couldn’t drowse because of the stench of alcohol oozing from his body. I try to get rid of the irritable feeling and snuggle deeper to him. He moves his hand to my back and kisses my head to mumble “my little princess.”
I raise my head from his chest and look at his profile to find out he was awake. Meeting his eyes I pout clutching my nose with my fingers “dad, you smell alcohol.” He freezes ones I call him endearingly and immediately takes care of my requirement. Dragging himself out of the bed the shower starts to work in the bathroom instantaneously. After a while I see him neatly dressed in a sweat shirt and pant. He lies down beside me to pull me closer and mutters “now sleep my little princess.”
I inhale deeply to smell his refreshing sandalwood scent and close my eyes with a satisfied smile on my face.
Rubbing my eyes I get rid of the sleep and squat on the bed to look at my dad fully dressed and all set to go to work. He was standing in front of the dressing table making his tie. “Good morning Princess.” He beams looking at me the moment I am awake. My dad had the best smile in the world. His eyes were forest green always covered with spectacles. His perfect black hair was invariably gelled and combed to perfection with a few strands of grey here and there. I could see the platinum wedding ring adorning his ring finger while he picked up his Rolex watch from the table nearby. Mom had a similar ring. In spite of living away both of them still held their wedding bands which was a symbol of their undying love for each other.
I greet my dad back and ask him the one question which kept bothering me all night. “Dad! who was the woman in our house behaving like a wife to you? Are you married to her after you and mom got separated? She looked bad and evil just like witch in the Cinderella movie.” I give him my distasteful face clearly showing him my repugnance. He turned back to look at me with guilt embracing his features. He sits beside me and cups my cheeks with his big warm hands. With an assurance in his voice he speaks to me “Princess that was the last time you saw her in our house. Daddy says sorry to you for everything that happened yesterday night.”
I hug him tight with my arms wrapped around him. “Daddy, why did you leave me and go all of a sudden? I am sorry. I behaved like a bad girl and hurt you so much. But mom says if I say sorry I will be forgiven.” I slowly raise my head to look at him with expectancy.He smiles looking at me. His large fingers gently wipe away my tears. “Daddy forgives you princess but on that day daddy felt very sad. I love both of you so much princess. I did not betray you and your mom like you thought. But your mom wanted to stay away from me and I desired to fulfil every wish of hers. That is why I stayed away from both of you which broke my heart into pieces every time I thought of you.”
I look into his eyes welling tears and my lips slowly turn downwards. “I don’t want to see you drunk anymore daddy. It scares me so much to see you talk and move in the house like a disabled.” I shake my head in affliction and burst into tears which couldn’t be controlled anymore. He quickly lifts me off the bed and places me on his lap. Hugging me tight he whispers “daddy will never drink and will behave well. It’s his promise to you.” I lift my head out of his chest. Looking into his eyes I lift my little finger “Pinky promise?” He smiles gazing lovingly at me and attaches his little finger to mine “Yes pinky promise.”