I am now walking to the Dorm, because I came from the Cafeteria and bought something to eat before I shower and prepare for the Event later.
When I entered the Dorm, two clowns greeted me.
"Omg Aure, aren't you ready, get ready because the event will start later" Thana said while putting blush-on on her cheeks.
"I'll follow, just wait for me there" I said and sat on the couch while enjoying the food I bought.
"Is my make-up okay, Aure??" Blyana asked.
I just nodded without looking at his face. They went back to his room and got dressed.
Suddenly my phone vibrated so I entered the room and looked... Its dad.
[It must be there Priscy..]
[There is an event later Dad, I don't know if the owner of the school will attend]
[Take care Priscy, Call me if you have a problem..]
[Yes Dad, Don't worry Dad we can also give Justice for the death of Mama and Hades. I will do everything]
[I know you can, You inherited from me. And Im proud to have you Son]
I smiled. Only Papa would always tell me that.
"Aureee?!!" Thana suddenly called so I left the room.
"Yes?!" I answered back.
Thana is wearing a long dress that is Blue in color and the texture of her dress is also beautiful. And also Blyana the Pink gown suits her. They Look like a Barbie and a Fairy.
"Omg you are so beautiful!!!" I smiled at them.
"Really???!! I don't have any pesos here yet" Blyana said and was still looking for pesos in her bag.
"Suss nice joke Ms. Mallory, we are the first to see you at M.E" Thana said and winked at me.
I just smiled and closed the door. I immediately took the towel to take a shower.
"Goodevening to all of us, Tonight we are going to start our Event, Our MCee for tonight May I call Ms. Thana Lifusha and also Zack Fuentes"
Thana and Zack went to the stage with a paper and a mic.
"Why isn't Aure here yet??" Xenus asked looking around.
Wait? I smell something ha...
"Yes, the event has already started and he's not here yet," said Haven.
"Maybe he won't go" Jairus said.
"Chill guys, maybe that's coming..." I just said so they wouldn't worry.
"Let's wait for him" Khill said and focused his attention on what Mcee was saying.
All the students here are beautifully dressed, some seem to be debuting in gown size, some seem to be going to the disco, everyone wears different styles.
I looked at Haven, He's so Handsome, His handsomeness is sky high. When can he crush me back? :<
"When I melt, you're dead to me" Haven.
I immediately removed my gaze from him. Suddenly my cheeks got hot, How can I stop the thrill?
"Ehee, I'm dead to you, even then Haven" I said and smiled.
He smiled and brought his face closer to mine. "You look pretty tonight.." He said and was about to kiss me when I suddenly browned out. 'What a waste of a moment!'
The other student screamed. 'Pegs are only oa' I noticed someone holding my waist.
"Don't go away" Haven whispered and pulled me to him.
Of course I was so excited I felt like I was going to explode, but we have to be cool. Let's stop first.
"What's happening?" A woman walked a few steps with a cell phone that she turned into a flash light and stopped.
She's Familiar... Everyone heard what she said because of the loudness of her tone.
The light came back on and we breathed a sigh of relief.. 'It's good'
My attention turned to the woman in the middle. 'WTF She's... She's Beautiful!'
"WOWWW" Everyone's reaction.
"Is that Aure?" Haven asked.
"She's beautiful Men, jaw dropping!" Jairus said.
"Blyana! Why was there no light earlier?" Aure asked us and came closer.
"I don't know, But anyways YOUR SO PRETTYYYYY!!!! OMG!!!!" I said shaking his hand.
"Can you mine Ms. Mallory?" Jairus asked.
"You are the main event here, Aure, by the way, can I flirt?" Haven asked and I immediately looked at him with a pout.
"I didn't come here to impress you guys, so shut up." Aure said.
I stuck out my tongue to Jairus, and He glared at me... 'Haha deserve!'