Richard Lance Montgomery, the handsome and famous owner and billionaire CEO of Triple M Productions, paced the hall as he waited for his fiancée.
He thought, Lindsay was taking too long. She was supposed to be at the events hall for their engagement party an hour ago. He sent her best friend Suzie to her room while he greeted some of their guests.
Growing impatient, he went up to the floor where she was staying. He opened the door to check on her. And that was when his world started to crumble down.
What he saw will forever haunt and taunt him.
He saw his girlfriend of six years and fiancée of six months, naked and in bed, kissing her best friend who never in his wildest dreams would he think to be a lesbian.
Lance was utterly stunned and so were the two girls doing orgy on the hotel bed.
Lindsay looked at him with pity.
“I’m sorry Lance, I have been fighting this for so long and now I cannot contain it. I love her. I’m sorry but the engagement is off.”
Suzie just stared and hugged the crying Lindsay.
As the shock dissipated, the fury and hurt surfaced.
“You know what?! Screw you! Fuck you both! No need to call off the engagement because I’m calling it off myself! How can you humiliate me like this?! After everything I have done for you? This is what I get!”
“Forget it! Take your filthy ass out of this hotel room! I paid for this! I paid for all of this! Get out now!”
He was fuming with rage as he left the room and went down to meet his head of security.
At the Hotel’s lobby, he ordered his security team.
“Max, escort Lindsay and Suzie out of this hotel. I also want all her things gone from my penthouse this instant! Don’t ask! Just do as I say!”
Still fuming with rage, Lance got out of the building and straight to his waiting car. The driver was quick to open the door but Lance went straight to the driver’s seat.
“I’ll drive. Tell Max to take care of this mess and call me once it’s done.”
“Yes sir.”
After an hour of driving and ignoring the ringing cellphone, he answered his best friend's call.
“Dude where the hell are you? What happened? Your securities dragged your fiancée out of the hotel!”
“She’s not my fiancée. She cheated on me with her friend! I don’t want to talk about this now. I’ll just go away for a while. Just take care of everything for me until I get back.”
“Of course. Don’t worry. You know I always got your back.”
“Thanks man!” And so, he turned the phone off so no one can trace where he would be going.