Nate was pretty late for the dinner date he had with his grandfather.
"Sorry gran, the last deal was hard to crush at the office" Nate apologized and sat down opposite to his grand dad
"So long as you crushed it, right?" Mr Ross nodded
"Of course" Nate replied
"That's great, because I also have great news for you" Mr Ross broke out
"What is it about?" Nate asked like he doesn't really care, his eyes seeming tired and stressed out, the calm blue lights in the floor made his appearance blur for his grandfather to see his expression
"Clare had accepted the plan to marry you" Mr Ross let out, he didn't know the reaction to expect from his grandson but he said it anyway
"Did I ever ask her hand in marriage?" Nate brows joined together in confusion
"I did" Mr Ross confirmed the question bobbling up in his grandson's head
Nate let out a dry laugh "and I'm just supposed to go with it?" He raised an arrogant brow
"Yes" Mr Ross replied straight forwardly with no excuses allowed in his tone
"Gran I think you are imagining things, I'm not going to marry anyone...yet" Nate replied sternly, he was going to get married some day but not anytime soon and definitely not to Clare.
"It's not a request child, it's a must" Mr Ross looked back at his grandson in the dim blue lights.
"And if I say no?" Nate dared to ask
"I'll disown you and cut off all my properties from your name, you'll be as good as nothing" Mr Ross threatened
"Are you for real" Nate couldn't believe his eyes
"We will know ones you disobey" his grandfather still had his proud smirk on, like daring Nate to impose him.
Nate looked at his grandfather, laughed shortly and turned to look at the old man again, he couldn't still comprehend what was happening, but it was on the line of taking everything away from him, he thought again about his father's so-called good news, marrying Clare will not be so much issue, he thought to console himself even if he knew that Clare is that very last on his list that he wish to date, damn! She's not even on his list at all. Well he would have nothing to lose anyway, why not just accept it.
"Okay gran, if that is what you want so be it" he concluded and got up, he haven't even started his meal but he have lost his appetite on a stupid matter. "I'll get going first" Nate said
"You're excused" Mr Ross didn't want to seem too evil to his grandson by telling him to respect him and seat back down, he knew he had drawn the wrong line tonight, so he let Nate's arrogance slide just this night.
Nate drove speedily back home like he was being chased by a dinosaur, before he could reach his house he got a call from a friend about a party and turned to the direction of the address sent to him. Once he arrived he pulled up like a gangster.
"Hey, didn't know you'll actually come" Alex, his friend said. They knew he didn't like parties but this night, he needed to clear his head.
"I need to clear my head" Nate said as they both walked into the building.
"Perfect place to do just that" Alex opened the door and they both walked in.
The party was going just fine until he got a call from Clare of all people, the bad thing was that he was already very drunk and wasn't in a good mood at all.
"Why the fuck are you calling me, Clare" he shouted at the top of his voice because of the loud music in the background.
"Where are you, the music is to loud I can't hear you dear" Clare said from the other end of the call.
Dear?, Did she just call me dear. Why the hell would she not love this, of course she is all about the publicity she would be getting. "Why did you call?" He asked again, trying to control himself
"Just checking up on you" Clare said "well I can see that now is not a good time, so maybe we'll make out a date and talk. good night darling" Clare said and ended the call
By now Nate could feel the irritation flow up his throat, he hated the way Clare sounded so comfortable with everything, he haven't even married her, she's already getting on his nerves.
He left the party without telling anyone and drove straight home, he needed to sleep to really forget about everything.
The next morning when he woke up and decided to use the whole day to consume himself in work to stop himself from getting pissed unnecessarily.
After working all through out the day, just as he was about leaving his office, someone walked in without knocking, and ofcourse, of all people it was Clare, "what do you want" he asked calmly. He couldn't shout even if he wanted to because of his hangover.
"It's not too hard to ask for a greeting first, after all I'm your fiancee now." Clare walked pass him and went to take a seat.
"I've not even given you a ring" Nate let out a dry laugh.
"I saved you the stress, I bought one myself." She shrugged "You can thank me later" Clare smiled confidently like she just won a trophy.
"What did you come here for, to tell me the news that I already know about?" Nate faced her and folded his arms over his chest
"Not exactly, just to inform you that we are starting the weeding plans as soon as possible and you must be involved in it, the public eyes are on us now" Clare stood up after her short speech "we can't afford for them to know that this whole thing is a..." Before she could finish bate cut in
"Business deal" he wanted to describe the situation as it is and not making it seem like something better.
"How do the public know about this all of a sudden" Nate asked
"Ask me" she smirked and then walked up to him suddenly "kiss me" she said and looked at Nate expecting him to react to how close she was to his big built body, but when he just looked back at her with empty eyes, she took it upon herself to make a move on him. Just as her lips touched his, he pulled her back roughly.
"Claribelle, I don't like you in that way, this whole marriage thing will remain business as usual, get that clear, and get the thought of anything happening between us out of your system with some other male prostitute" Nate didn't even give her a second look before waking out of the office
Clare's eyes stood wide open, she breathed out in shock, but still she had nothing to say. After gathering herself together she left the office, when she got home she couldn't wait to tell her mum exactly what happened but she thought of it again and decided to leave her mum out of this one, she would handle it.
"Hi mum" she greeted her mum as she dropped her keys on the cabinet
"How was your night with your fiancee?" Her mum asked
"Just normal, nothing special happened" Clare shrugged
"Hope you told him that he would be involved in the weeding planning, the public must not know that this is a business deal" her mum looked at her with serious eyes
"Yes, that was the first thing I made sure he remembers" Clare said
"okay, get some rest" Ellie said and left her daughter in the kitchen
"Good night" Clare said. She sat there a little to think of how she could make Nate fall for her, it irritated her that he took this as only as a business deal, he could at least be affectionate. What man couldn't possibly not fall for her? She was Americans sweetheart and if he doesn't fall for her, the marriage will be no fun at all. She smiled slyly as she sipped her win. She knew Nate could be really stubborn, but if she was up to it.
When Nate reached his home he scanned through social media after his warm shower and found a picture of Clare all over social media with a diamond ring on the middle of her hands, everyone was asking who the guy was but she was yet to tell them, saying they will find out themselves on her personal page, "she's so ridiculously childish" Nate rolled his eyes and turned off his phone then his light and went to bed.
Vine woke up and started her normal morning routine slowly as usual, after her cup of coffee she showered and dressed up in a navy blue pencil skirt and a matching crop jacket, with a cream white inner, she matched it up with her silver stud and silver heels, she looked herself in the mirror, scanning her reflection from her well combed hair to her bright face and well covered body, then stopped at her feet, she noticed her wrist was empty, so she quickly picked out one of her unisex silver wrist watch and a cream bracelets. a
After she concluded her dressing, she sat down on her reading table and opened her laptop to check her mail, she found a mail from ETE and opened it immediately.
"Dear Vine, your assignment from this month is to plan the wedding of Clare and Nathanial, which would be taking place in two or one month time"
"Who is Nathanial, and how come that witch is getting married all of a sudden, something is off and the marriage is too sudden" Vine thought abit "well that's none of my business, she could get married, I just hope when she's married, her stress on me will reduce and divert to her Nathanial guy" Vine sighed and stood up.
She called her office to enquire if the financial assistant is around, so she can send the bill of a weeding plan to them. "Yes she is at work" the secretary replied over the call
"Okay thanks, I'll be there soon" Vine ended the call
"They didn't even think if it's proper to ask me to plan a wedding instead of calling someone who's profession is to plan weddings, I could just fuck this put and laugh at them in the face" Vine laughed at her ridiculous plan
She stood up and left the room "hey Bambi" her brother greeted her as she came out of her room
"Just waking up?" She asked as she kissed him on his forehead
"Not really, was doing some homework" he replied
"How are you getting used to your new school" she asked as they walked together
"This is L.A, you can imagine what school will be like" the kid replied
"No I can't imagine, I schooled in a small town remember?" Vine rolled her as she prepared sandwich for her little brother and herself
"Thanks" he said and took a plate, Tony, Vine's younger brother walked to the fridge to get milkshake
"Tony no need to check, use the chocolate, the milkshake is finished" Vine took a seat and rushed her sandwich because she was getting late already "bring a cup of it for me too" she requested
"Here you go" Tony passed her a cup of the chocolate drink
"Thanks" she rumbled with the huge bite of bread in her mouth
"I'm thinking of going into the entertainment industry" Tony said
"Why?" Vine turned to her brother, she haven't heard that from him before.
"Well, that's like a trend for everyone here in LA, unlike back at our small town that everyone wants to be a doctor" Tony explained
"Oh dear, don't so anything because of the trend if it, do what you enjoy doing not what people enjoy you doing" Vine smiled at the young boy, he was still growing up "we'll talk when I get back. see you later" she kissed him and left for work.