"Cleo! This is Earth! Wake up!"
I was pulled out of my reverie when Lauren snapped a finger right in front of my face.
"Did you just call me here to watch you space out?" she asked sardonically.
I scrunched up my nose. "I'm sorry, I was just thinking of something."
She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her frappe. "Whatever. Just spill the beans and stop dilly-dallying."
We're currently at Heartstring Cafe, which is only a few minutes' walk from the apartment where I reside.
"Someone offered me a job almost a week ago," I stated.
"And I don't know if I should accept it or not."
"Why are you hesitating? What are the pros and cons?"
I breathed deeply before I told her about the conversation that I had with Xavier that had been bothering me for the past five days.
I honestly want to accept it because of the huge income that can be a great help for my mother's medication and Archeus' studies.
However, I can't just do it on a whim. I need to weigh my decisions. I have no experience of taking care of a child before, aside from my brother, so if I accept the job, that means another adjustment.
I can't call anyone for advice aside from Lauren, the only friend that I have. I met her a week after I arrived in Zurich, a district in Merrion.
She was the one who helped me adjust to city life. Perhaps if it wasn't for her, I would still be a lone flower until now. I kind of suck at socializing with people that I barely know.
"That's a freaking huge amount of money!" Lauren exclaimed when I told her about Xavier's proposed monthly income.
We have the same reaction of surprise.
"So... what should I do?"
She reclined in her seat. "You know what, I honestly don't understand why you're hesitating to accept the offer. Didn't you tell me last time that you need an extra income for Aunt Clementine?" she asked, referring to my mother.
I nod my head.
"This is it! The opportunity is already knocking on your door and you are still having second thoughts."
I heaved out a sigh. "I'm worried about the adjustments that I need to make again."
She crossed her arms in front of her chest and arched her brow at me. "Why are you acting as if adjustment is so foreign to you?"
I was taken aback by her question. Lauren's frisky personality had vanished; she now appears solemn.
"Living here in the city is already a major turning point in your life, and you managed to get through it, Cleo. Another adjustment to your work settings won't hurt, you know," she added.
I pursed my lips together. Her words silenced me.
She's right. I've come this far, why am I even hesitating to take a risk? By now, I should've known that the art of life is a series of constant adjustments and spontaneous changes.
The cold and gentle breeze of January kisses my skin as I cross the street. I'm on my way to Obsidian. However, this time, I won't go there for work purposes.
I breathed deeply before opening the door. Erick, who's busy wiping the tables, greeted me.
"Is Callie here?"
His brows snapped together. "She's in her office right now. Why are you so early, by the way?"
"I will tell you later." I responded and walked through Callie's office.
I knocked on the door. "This is Cleo."
"Come in."
The wind chimes emitted a white noise when I entered.
She looks at me. "Is there any problem?"
I handed her the envelope. "I'm resigning, Ms. Callie."
Her forehead creases as she reads my resignation letter. "Why? Please don't tell me that you feel mistreated. I will seriously feel bad."
I shook my head fervently. "N-No! That is not the case. You've been a really good boss to us."
"Then what's your reason why you want to resign?"
I puffed out a heavy breath. "I found a better opportunity, Ms. Callie, and I can't let that slide because I have people relying on me."
A fleeting moment of silence hovered in the room. I keep on playing with the hem of my shirt. The room is cold and yet I'm sweating profusely because of nervousness.
"To be honest with you, I don't want to approve your resignation. You're one of the most zealous people I've ever met, so you will be a big loss to us and the company."
My heart flutters with happiness. It's good to hear that there are people who appreciate you.
"But I understand your situation. So even if it's against my will, I have no choice."
She got a pen and signed the paper before giving it back to me.
"If your mind changes, please know that my door will always be open for you." She said those words with a slight smile on her face.
I smiled back. "Thank you, Ms. Callie. I will keep that in mind."
"Good luck on your journey, Cleo."
I jolted when Erick's face greeted me as soon as I exited Callie's office. He eavesdropped on our conversation, obviously.
"You're leaving?"
I nod somberly. "This is for my own sake, Erick."
I honestly feel bad. In the span of seven months that I worked here, I got attached to some of my colleagues, especially Erick.
He pats my shoulders. "You don't need to tell me why, but I trust your decisions."
I flashed a genuine smile. "Thank you, Erick. Don't worry, we can hangout during my free time if you want."
"I'll look forward to that."
I chuckled. "Sure thing."
After we bade our farewell, I went home right away.
I immediately searched for the calling card that Xavier gave me.
After a couple of hesitations, I finally found the courage to dial the number indicated on the card.
After several rings, someone answered my call. "Hello?"
I bite the skin of my lips. "Good afternoon. This is Cleo Remington."
I heard a rustle from the other line.
"Oh, Cleo! I thought you would not call because it's been five days."
I laughed awkwardly. "It took me several days to think about your offer, sorry."
"Don't sweat it. Anyway, what's your decision?"
I heaved out a sigh and closed my eyes for a moment before answering.
"I accept the offer."
There was a fleeting silence.
"That's good to hear! I will expect you tomorrow at the Montreal mansion so you can be oriented about your job."
I nodded. "I will be there."
We talked for a while and discussed some matters before he ended the call.
I couldn't function well for the remaining hours of the day, thinking of all the possibilities that might happen.
And the time has finally come...
My knees are shaking as I stand in front of the huge white gate, towering over me as if attempting to intimidate me. Uniquely twisted fencing kept the house enclosed, neatly trimmed hedges surrounding it.
But what really caught my attention was the marble fountain sitting on the right side of the lawn. It's an angel holding a flower pot that was perched on top, looking up towards the sky. The water is falling from it, gushing over the pebbles under the serenity pool.
Even from the outside, the mansion exudes elegance.
I pressed the door bell. It didn't take that long when someone sprinted towards my direction and opened the gate.
"Good afternoon." I bow my head as a sign of respect.
"May I know your name?"
"I'm Cleo Remington."
She smiled at me. "Oh, you're the one that Xavier was talking about. It's nice to finally meet you."
I smiled as a response.
"By the way, you can call me Aunt Esther. I’m the senior head maid of this house."
She beckoned me to follow her. We walked through the long aisle. There are several trees surrounding us. I can't help but be astonished by the huge mansion looming ahead of us.
Aunt Esther opened the huge door. It took me a lot of prudence to stop myself from gasping when I saw the interior of the house.
The glittering crystal chandelier spiraled down from the ceiling. The walls are beautifully painted in blue, gray, and spotless white, which exudes a cool ambiance.
"I assume that Xavier already told you that if you accept this job, you need to stay in this mansion in order to give the best care and guidance to Greyson."
I was snapped out of my trance when Aunt Esther spoke. I nod my head in response.
"I will further orient you. Greyson's father is always out of town because of his work, so he really needs someone who can take care of his son when he's not around. He's really strict, so make sure to do your job efficiently."
That sparked an anxious feeling inside me. I have no idea who Greyson's father is, which will soon be my boss. I should have made a research about their family.
I still managed to smile despite my apprehension. "I will do my best, aunt."
"Good. Now let's go on to the nature of your work. You need to work on weekdays and on Saturday. Sunday is your day off, but you can still stay on the mansion during that day if you want, or you can go out."
That former is what will most likely to happen because I barely go out unless it's necessary.
"Your job includes keeping his room neat and tidy, accompanying him to school, and other activities. You also need to supervise his meals and assist him with homework. "
I mentally took notes of the things she had said.
We continue touring around the mansion. I listen to Aunt Esther's prompting while also familiarizing myself with the roundabouts of this house.
She also introduced me to the other maids, but I was only able to remember Aunt Viviane and Aunt Cora. There are so many helper here that I failed to memorize all their names.
This place is enormous and spacious as hell, almost palatial. I'm pretty sure most of the hallways, stairs, and rooms that I've seen are unoccupied.
However, the grandeur of this house can't hide the melancholic and somber atmosphere surrounding it. It looks spacious but feels empty and gloomy. It's enormous but feels suffocating.
"You know what? All of us are really grateful that you helped Greyson. If something bad happened to that kid, his father would wreak havoc, and we would be dead by now."
My lips curved into a smile. "I'm happy to help, aunt. By the way, may I ask a question?"
"What is it?"
I cleared my throat. "Where's Greyson's mother? You and Xavier only mentioned his father but-"
"She's gone," she cuts me off. Her voice sounds stern.
Her revelation caught me by surprise. I wasn't expecting that at all.
"I-I'm sorry to hear that," I sincerely apologized.
Aunt Esther sighed. "Don't mention or talk about that woman ever again, not even with Greyson, Cleo. That's one of the most important rules that you should bear in mind. "
I nod my head. I don't know why Aunt Esther said that, but I'm certain that it's too personal and griveous for me to pry into.
Our conversation was disrupted by the continuous doorbell.
"I'm just going to attend to that. Wait for me here, Cleo."
I watched her as she sprinted outside. I looked around, once again admiring the paintings hanging on almost every corner.
My eyes caught a glimpse of the garden behind the house. Out of curiosity, I just found myself walking towards the backdoor.
However, before I could even turn the knob, someone opened the door from the other side.
I was supposed to apologize, but the words were left in my throat when I saw that the person standing in front of me is naked... and wet.
Water dripped from his damp hair and ran across his chiseled chest to his washboard abs. A flush crept up to my cheeks when I caught sight of his v-line... that is undeniably sexy.
"Who the fuck are you?!"
His voice trembled my system, causing a catastrophe of thoughts inside my head. I averted my gaze from his body and looked straight at his face."I-I'm sorry-"
For the second damn time around, I was rendered speechless.
His face... it's familiar.
My chest hitched when realization finally dawned on me.
He's the man that I saw kissing someone at the bar!