chapter 7
When he noticed my entry, he immediately put down the documents to be signed. He watched me for a few seconds.
"What's wrong, JC?"
I shook my head and tried to show him a smile. I walked closer to his bookshelves.
"I'm okay, Pa. I'll just read. Just continue with what you're doing." I picked up John Maxwell's thick book about doing business. I smiled to myself because I remembered that it was Papa's favorite book.
"Is this about your Mommy?" he asked gently.
the first time Mommy was mentioned I laughed softly. By the way, I was only having problems with Mommy.
"I'm fine, Papa," I reassured him. "I'm just really tired from school."
"Tired but you took Maxwell?" there was doubt in the tone of his speech.
"Well I guess I just like you." I smiled widely and shrugged my shoulders. I pointed to the sofa near the large sliding window. "I'm just going to read."
as I stepped towards it, I could not hear his deep sigh. He didn't even ask me what the problem was.
Both Papa and I didn't stay long in the study room because we also had to go out for dinner. while eating in the dining area, I glanced at the large vintage wall clock hanging on the wall. I would have remembered that dinner invitation from Sir Mendez. I smiled bitterly to myself.
"Are you going to see your therapist tomorrow, JC?" Dad suddenly asked in the middle of dinner.
"Personally, I really think that you're just wasting your time with that therapist, Jean," interrupted Mommy. "Your phobia of the dark still hasn't disappeared. It's been years that you've been seeing her!"
"I just want to overcome my phobia. And most importantly, I just want to find the reason why I have it in the first place."
He did not speak again and the dining room was silent again.
I was washing my hands at the sink when Manang suddenly approached me. he glanced at the door of the dining area before looking at me again.
"That teacher of yours who is our neighbor is outside," he said in a whisper. Maybe it's to avoid Mommy and Daddy hearing that dinner isn't over yet.
I quickly turned off the water out of panic and faced him.
"P-Po?! Why?"
"Looking for you. There is a tupperware with chicken curry inside. It's still outside the gate and waiting. I have already offered to give it to you, but he wants you to receive it yourself because he has something to say."
I bit my lower lip because I didn't know what to do.
Manang's eyes are now narrowing as he carefully observes every corner of my face.
"The tupperware he's carrying looks familiar. It's like... It's like our tupperware..." His lips twitched. "Don't tell me JC that your crush is your teacher?!"
I held his arm tightly. I feel like I'm going to pee at this hour.
"Manang... I-I can't face him! W-Just talk to you...just say that I'm already asleep," I made a confused excuse.
His eyebrows met.
"Huh? Why? You don't have a crush on him anymore?"
"Still a crush but I'll move on from now on!" I started pushing him out of the kitchen door. he didn't get stubborn anymore and just stood there.
Manang was whispering some things that I didn't understand because of inexplicable feelings. When he took the initiative to walk towards our gate, I secretly followed him. I hid in the garden.
I moved a little and moved to the back of the wall. Manang opened the gate door. I didn't even dare to look at Sir behind it.
I positioned my ear near the end of the wall to hear their conversation.
"I don't know about that boy and he's already asleep—he's been asleep for a while now, Ser," said Manang who slipped even more.
For a few seconds I did not hear Sir's response to what Manang said.
"I'm the only one who will give you your chicken curry, Sir," Manang introduced. he even tinged it with a regretful tone.
"Ah. Alright. It's okay... is he?" It was as if someone poked my heart because of the hesitant tone of Sir Mendez's voice.
"He'll be okay too. That boy is strong because of what he has been through," Manang gently answered him.
I was dumbfounded when Sir left. If Manang hadn't pulled me into the mansion, I would have stayed outside.
"Are you regretting not confronting him earlier?" Manang asked softly when we were inside.
I smiled sadly at him.
"I would only regret it more if I confronted him."
It's hard to move on especially if I always see the person I love. I forced myself to reassemble the emotion that had been released to hide it inside the box and keep it here. To do this, I never looked at him again.
I continued the days and focused only on studying. even then, before he came, my life was really going like this. So I know everything will be fine and I can forget about him too. God's mercy, my life is back to normal.
"We're going to the second semester! I can't believe we survived the first semester!"Hope screamed when I was invited to the mansion.
"Wow! Is this wine really limited edition, JC?" said Jok while looking at a bottle of wine.
"Yes. That's from Papa's supplier in Italy." I put the three wine glasses on the table. I invited the two to celebrate at home because Mommy and Daddy weren't there. We decided to celebrate on the portico, which is Mommy's favorite place.
Jok grinned widely as he opened the wine.
he poured the three wineglasses one by one then we raised them together.
"Cheers for our survival!" Hope said smiling.
We went with him and sipped our wineglasses together. I savored the warmth and delicious wine that flowed down my throat.
"I probably won't take the FA 2 subject first," said Hope.
"Why?" I asked and sat down next to him. We both looked down.
"Ma'am Ramones is still the handler of the subject. Pissed off! You know it's just a few points short and I'll lose to her. if you can give grades you think you can teach well!" he said annoyed.
"Just buy another handler. By the way, from another course who will be your classmate," Jok suggested to her.
"That's the plan."
"Aren't we classmates in all those subjects?" I turned to him. There was a sullen tone in the voice.
"That's okay, babe. It's just a subject."
"I won't take the FA subject this semester either. It's in the third year," I said.
Hope gently poked me in the side.
"Oh don't do that. I might think you're still jealous and haven't really moved on yet!"
"Of course I've moved on!" I stand. "He's not mentioned anymore, is he?"
He thought more. "True that."
"Can't relate. I'm here," said Jok, who was now spreading the hazelnuts. He took his cell phone from the table and handed it to me. "Wifi password. I'm just ML."
"It's still the same."
He nodded and turned his attention to the cellphone in his hand.
"Didn't he really try to talk to you again? I mean, Monday the following week when I went in, I explained to him. I admitted that I was the one who put the rat in Jana's locker!"
I admit that I felt his attempt to talk to me on Tuesday, a week after what happened. But I became a coward because of the fear that I might have to wait again and rely on his little attention. so I backed off and I myself gave distance between the two of us. I myself strengthened the wall that had always been between the two of us.
The opening of the second semester became easier. besides my class schedule being more relaxed, some subjects are also quite easy for me. Sir Mendez is no longer my teacher because he doesn't have a subject that is handled in the subjects I took.
I have been on the Dean's lister for the past semesters. I intend to continue studying hard to continue this. My life was only school and home. But sometimes I don't forget to enjoy with friends.
one day while in the covered court and busy making props to be used by the assigned booth for the upcoming foundation days of the university, Jok passed me by.
"Are you planning to accept my classmate Loyzaga's friend request from you? It's the first semester for that and maybe it's already moldy."
"I'm not ready to have a boyfriend yet." I passed the large skull with the paint dry to the org colleague.
"It's okay, Glai."
Instead of leaving, Jok sat next to me.
"You really need to think ahead. just a friend request, relationship immediately on your mind."
"Yes! I'll accept it tonight, okay? Go ahead and we're still busy. You're busy!" I pushed him away.
He saluted before turning away. Before walking far, he looked at me again.
"Maybe you'll forget tonight, ah. It's Ivy's birthday! It's your present," he added and then turned away.
I cursed at the thought. I think I forgot his girlfriend's birthday. I glanced at Glaiza who was busy continuing the inventory of the props to be used.
"Glai, do you know the nearest gift shop here at the university?"
"I think there is a few blocks away from Helen's café. On the side of the printing shop."
"Oh okay. Thank you." I took the cellphone from inside the bag and actually set the alarm so I wouldn't forget it this afternoon. while walking, I heard the sudden intake of breath from the person next to me, Glaiza.
"Good afternoon, Sir Mendez!" he suddenly greeted.
I stiffened in my seat and couldn't look up from the cellphone in my hand. before I could even think of a sensible thing to do to avoid it, my body took action first. I lifted the mobile phone in my hand and touched it to my ear.
"Yes, hello? Yes, I'm on my way there!" I quickly stood up and almost ran away from the table. I didn't go back to the covered court again and just hung out inside the cafeteria all day. Hope picked me up here.
"Oh, here's your bag," he said as he handed it to me. I texted him and begged him to pick up the bag I left at the covered court because I was afraid to go back.
I took the bag from him and stood up.
"You know if you act like a criminal, you're like a criminal. Besides, you were probably the obvious one earlier. Glaiza told me that you are like a goat being chased by a horse."
"Is he still there..."
He made me suffer.
"Of course it's gone! Just pass by. You're too obvious, babe."
I sighed tiredly and started walking out of the cafèteria. Hope followed behind me. We were already outside when I looked at him again. I raised an eyebrow.
"Where were you earlier? You didn't help with the props, huh!"
He grinned slyly and moved closer to my side.
"I just hung out in the library."
"Did you study?" I wonder what the question is.
"Why should I study there?" The confusion in his appearance was noticeable. "Anyways, Jerome and I just talked. The one from the College of Tourism."
Now I'm the one who cares about him.
"You've turned the library into a dating site again. and I thought you and Vince were from Nursing?"
"I don't want that. And then I answered Jerome just now."
We walked to the parking lot where Kuya Benj was waiting.
"You said on our high school graduation day that you wouldn't get a boyfriend in college so you could focus on your studies. What happened?"
"Even though I don't have a boyfriend, my grades are still low. So I realized that maybe I should have some inspiration. I think my grades will increase this second sem."
"I don't know about you, Hope."
I also accompanied Hope on her way home. He also accompanied me to buy a gift for Jok's girlfriend. When I asked him if he bought a gift, he just calmly shook his head. he said, he will only give a blessing to Jok and Ivy's relationship. Just looking for an excuse, eh.
We attended the party held at Ivy's house. I enjoyed it and also participated in Jok's trick games. everyone made the most of the party especially since there was no school the next day.
On Monday we had a meeting with the chairmen of various organizations and college departments. Talked about the finalization of the committees for the booths that will be made the next day due to some changes.
"For the Biz org which is horror booth, Ma'am Ramones and Ma'am Ochavez are your current coordinators, right?" the chairman of the Business department turned to me.
I nodded at him and he took it as a signal to continue.
"Unfortunately, Ma'am Ochavez backed out during the last minute. She said she had an urgent conference. But since Ma'am Ramones already requested the help of Sir Mendez, your booth coordinators are still intact. So..."
I didn't hear what he said next. it just stuck to the last name he said. With all my coordinating, why is Sir still involved?! I closed my eyes tightly and pushed away the negative feelings. I shouldn't let this be a reason to lose interest in our booth. All the beautiful props that the Business Department worked so hard to create are now ready! Especially the effort given by my organization.
Everyone was busy preparing their respective booths the next day. The Biz org also put in a lot of effort, the horror booth was just beautiful. I spent almost a whole day in the classroom assigned to make a booth with other members.
"Let's just put the coffin here," I ordered my male colleagues.
They agreed immediately.
"JC, I'll also put a skull here by the window, huh?" Hope, who is being carried in both hands, is being referred to.
I just showed him the approve sign in agreement.
I looked inside the booth again. The classroom we chose for the booth is quite large. it's even better because we got a chance to give the horror booth a whirl.
We also have a lot of props that have been placed. There are fake cobwebs, there are those hanging from the ceiling that look like they are exterminators. We also put fake human skeletons.
I knew the place would be scary especially when the assigned members were added to act as ghosts, capers, ghosts, and other scary creatures.
"On the actual day of the opening of this booth, we should turn up the air conditioner so it's really cold and terrifying," suggested Glaiza.
Everyone nodded.
"Let's also bring ice inside. Our ghosts must be holding this to touch the skin of those who enter," I added.
Because of what I said, everyone got more excited. We continued to polish the finishing touches.
"Ugh, I'm so hungry," complained our colleague Christine.
I glanced at the watch I was wearing. I was surprised to see that it was seven o'clock in the evening. Being so busy I didn't notice the time.
"Alright, you go home first to eat. We're in the finishing touches again so I'll take care of it," I said.
Christine stood up quickly and dropped her pumpkin props.
"Thanks so much, JC!"
The others followed him until finally only Hope and I were left. I noticed his repeated glances at his cellphone.
"Do you want to go home too?" I said that he is not turning because the attention is only on the pumpkins.
"Because Jerome was chatting..."
I fixed the light inside the pumpkin.
"Go ahead. You're still shy."
"It's not that I'm shy. I can't do anything, right. I don't want to leave you here alone."
I stood up because my leg was hurting.
"It's okay. I'm used to staying on campus especially when there are school events."
He was about to speak but stopped because we heard a knock from the door. after a while it also opened and Sir Mendez entered.
I straightened up automatically and glanced at Hope.
"Don't just leave me!" I whispered to him in confusion.
Sir looked around the room. He was wearing khaki pants. The sleeves of the navy blue button down shirt he was wearing were also rolled up to his elbows.
"Are you finishing?" he asked me casually.
My heart was pounding with trepidation. I congratulated myself and got ready.
"Yes, sir."
"Alright, JC! I'll go first. see you tomorrow!" suddenly let Hope stand up quickly. When he was at the door, he turned to Sir.
"Bye, Sir. Please talk to Miss Villarejas about the... booth." After he said this, he went out and left us.
for the first few minutes we were enveloped in silence. To avoid being anxious, I just bothered myself with fixing the used paint brushes that my colleagues just left behind. I put them on manila paper and stood up to take them outside. I hurried because I felt like I wanted to go home.
"Need some help with that?"
My grip on both ends of the manila paper weakened causing the paint brushes on top of each other to wobble. I clutched my chest in shock. I didn't notice him approaching me.
"N-Not anymore." I bent down again to pick up the ones that fell on the floor.
He helped me. "You've been avoiding me."
"No!" I immediately answer.
"That was not a question, Miss Villarejas."
I swallowed because it seemed like I had been caught in a crime. I struggled with what to say next and since I didn't have anything, I just distracted myself by picking up paint brushes.
Because of his help, we quickly picked up everything. We just stared for a few seconds. I'm the one thinking of an excuse. His eyes seem to be trying to make me confess.
I tied the manila paper in which the paint brushes were wrapped. It seemed to be a protection against him. I was about to open my mouth to say goodbye but couldn't because of the sudden darkness around me. I thought I had passed out. My God. In all cases, the light actually went out right now.