I called Austin awhile ago. I don't know how much longer I could keep telling my friends that I was over him and playing cool, when I was far from just that.
Something needed to happen between us and it needed to happen now. I was
through with being considerate to others when all they gave me in return, was a knife to the back.
He agreed to come to my apartment. Should be here any minute now actually.
I sat on my couch, nervously playing with the short, black satin robe I was wearing. This had woken me up so I'm sorry if you think it's not proper attire.
The doorbell rang. Cuddles started barking as I got up to answer the door. Austin stood, in a disheveled mess, right in front of me. It's been a really long time since I've seen him, and personally, I think the time away has made him even hotter.
We stood there, just staring at each other for what seemed like forever. I took in every little detail I've missed about him over those long six months. The slightly curly brown hair, those eyes as brown as a dark chocolate
bar, the perfectly chiseled body. God himself hand crafted Austin to make him what one could easily call a sex god.
It seemed like my dog was even eyeing him seductively.
The second the wanton moan escaped my lips, Austin was in the apartment and attached to me. I kicked the door shut just before I was backed into the wall, only to have those perfectly perfect lips come in contact with mine. I missed that feeling I would get whenever he touched me. I missed being touched. I hated the fact that I had to share with Silvia Stupid Starling. She had already won though, hadn't she?
I pushed him away from me and averted my gaze elsewhere. Whether I liked this feeling or not, I knew it was wrong.
"What's wrong?" Austin asked quietly,
his voice husky and confused. To be honest, that made me want to jump him. I had to fight every little bit desire to not attack him right now.
"You're married. You may not like it, but you are. I hate Silvia, but this still feels hella wrong, Austin! I even saw on the news that she's pregnant. So honestly, you can't hate her that much."
"You don't have to have sex with someone to get them pregnant, Vi. Think about it for a minute."
So I did. I thought about it long and hard and once I was about to give up, I finally realized how you could get pregnant without having sex, "Your kid is going to grow up and be able to say that he was a test tube baby?!" That was weird to think, but hey! My best friend was a test tuber himself...so it can't be that bad.
"I wasn't going to sleep with her. I'd rather kill myself," he moved to the
living room and sat on the edge of the sofa.
"Why get pregnant at all then?"
"Because, it had to be done?" He answered like a question and I wasn't sure why.
I moved over to sit next to him. Right next to him. I was starting to feel less like a terrible human being about this, "My stepmother is pregnant. With twins. I'm going to have little brothers in three months."
"Your dad's old though. How does that work?" He sounded disgusted which I found slightly offensive and yet slightly funny.
"I don't know. It just happened?" Now I answered like it was a question. What kind of an answer did he expect from me? It was just creepy to know that my dad was getting it on with a girl my age.
It was silent again. It was a comfortable silent though. I didn't feel like I had to break it. I could live the rest of my life in this one.
Austin turned to me, inching his face closer to mine, "I don't even sleep on the same side of the house as her, Violet," he whispered. This moment was getting more and more sensual.
Why are we bringing this back up again?!
"So? What are you saying?" I asked back in the same quiet tone, our noses now touching each other.
"I'm only attached to Silvia through paper. A paper that can be torn to shreds. I want you, Vi," he cupped my cheek with his left hand and slowly went in for the kill shot.
I surrendered myself to him completely.
"Holy fucking shit!" Reyna said as we strolled through the mall. It was bargain Sunday and being the poor adults we were, we decided to hit that shit up. "Tell me everything!" She screeched while grabbing my hand and pulling me into Victoria's Secret, her favorite store.
"I basically just told you everything," I said as Reyna scanned through the lingerie section.
"So, you called him. He came over. You had sex. That's it? You let him hit and run? Boo...you whore," leave it to Reyna to reference Mean Girls. The greatest movie for teenage girls everywhere.
"Who said he ran?" I raised an eyebrow suspiciously, "Who says he didn't stay the whole night and leave just seconds before you came over? I kicked him out thank you very much."
"So...that means you're his mistress now. That sounds kinda cool, the 'Millionaire's Mistress'. I bet I could write a book on your life and make millions. Then I'll get a mister, and I'll call him the millionaire's mister. It'll be a vicious cycle."
I guess what she said had some truth to it. Does one night really make me a mistress though? Isn't that a little too extreme? I must say, I don't know if I'd be happy with this only happening once.
"You're not writing a book about my life," I laughed. "Not even if half of it is fake and you change the names. You were never a writer anyway," I've known her since fourth grade.
Grammar and spelling were never her things.
"Hey look," Reyna smacked my arm and ducked slightly behind one of the clothing racks, "Isn't that Lacey?"
I looked over by the changing rooms where, you know it, Lacey was parading around in her mesh bra and underwear, her heavily pregnant twin belly out in the open. I wasn't focused on either of those things though. I was more worried about the younger guy that was with her, feeling her up.
Why is she allowed to wear that in the store?! Get in a changing room! "Yeah, that's her. I wanna know who that guy is though," I pulled Reyna away from the clothes and lead her over to Lacey.
As soon as she saw us, she made a quick effort to cover herself up, "Violet?! What are you doing here?!" She was panicked. Way too panicked for my liking.
"Hey Lacey," I greeted with fake kindness, "Who's the guy? Where's my dad? Does he know you're here?"
She gave me her signature bitchy look, "Just leave me alone, ya brat! Go back home and cry some more."
The guy standing next to her looked extremely confused, "W-who is this?" He asked Lacey in regards to me.
"I'm Violet," I introduced myself. "Lacey's step-daughter. She's married to my dad so I suggest you leave now. Oh, and I'm telling on you Lacey," I spun on my heel and exited the store, Reyna right behind me.
"Hey, we should have dinner with Austin tonight. You know, you, me, Howard and him. It'll be just like old times. We could go to Little Italy, that quaint restaurant on the edge of town. It's pretty remote."
to my dad so I suggest you leave now. Oh, and I'm telling on you Lacey," I spun on my heel and exited the store, Reyna right behind me.
"I don't know if that's a good idea," I paused to think, "He's famous. What if reporters follow us there? It's going to make me look bad. I'm the ex-girlfriend and everyone knows it!"
"Well, just think about it."